Ch 38

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Zoro was currently trying to swim from the pedestal we were placed on. There was water surrounding us, and the land of Upper yard was beyond that.

I had to laugh as the swordsman punched a sky shark in frustration. He climbed back on board, "looks like there's no swimming across. Just where the hell are we?" He asked as his removed his swimming goggles.

"All we know for sure, is that this is a lake somewhere in Upper Yard," Robin said.

"This looks like a sacrificial alter..."

I had to agree with Nami, "being that this is God's land, your probably right."

"There's more sky sharks!" Chopper panicked.

"Looks like we've been taken to a dangerous place. By that damn sky shrimp," Zoro said as he took off his shirt to ring out the water. I watched in appreciation as his muscles rippled with the motion.

I turned to Robin in amusement as she did the same. She turned away in embarrassment when she saw me smirking at her. "I wonder if our punishment is to starve to death," she pondered.

"Do you think something that normal would be done by God?" He asked her.

"I don't know, I've never met him," she answered simply.

He put on a shirt thrown to him by Nami, "with the ships bottom like this, we can't put it in the water. Please try to repair it somehow, Chopper."

"Eh? Me? Understood!" He shouted, determined.

"I'm going to get to land somehow, I want to meet this 'God'." Zoro smirked.

I sighed at his arrogance, but I won't try to stop him. I'm positive he'd call me if he needed me.

"Do you mind if I join you? This alter looks to be centuries old. Seeing such historical makes me excited," Robin smiled. "Besides, if we find any gems or treasures, we could use it to repair the ship."

I felt Nami's excitement jump at the key word, "treasure". "I'm going too!" She shouted.

I chewed on my lips, "I'm gonna stay on the ship." I kept my voice low, "his eyes keep coming back."

"Maybe you should go home," Zoro suggested.

"No, I'll help with the repairs. We shouldn't be targets as long as we stay put, right Chopper?"

"Probably..." he said.

"Luffy and the others will come looking for us for sure," I said. "We'll use this as our gathering point, since he'll be able to find me easier."

The others agreed, and got ready to depart. Zoro spotted a vine that they could use to swing across, and Robin used her abilities to bring it down. He grabbed on the vine and gave it a good tug, testing its durability.

He cleared his throat before swinging down, giving a weird call as he did. "What was that? A shout of resolve?" Nami sweat dropped.

"Maybe it's a mating call," we both laughed. She caught the vine as it swung back up.

I could feel her nervousness, so I reminded her of the treasures that's likely here on the island. Her eyes turned into the beri sign and she was quickly on her way!

"We're leaving the ship to you two!" Zoro called up.

"Stay safe!" Robin said.

"We'll be back soon!" Nami added.

"Okay! Come back safely! Don't worry about me!" Chopper called out. The three disappeared into the forest.

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