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I opened my eyes as something was placed over me. Mrs. All Sunday, I realized. I could feel Zoro's energy again, I must've been out for a few minutes already.

"Did you save me?" She dropped the blanket she was using to cover my wings. I looked at Luffy, who was still unconscious.

"I told you to leave," she said. "But I guess that's your nature."

"And what do you know? About my nature." I asked, getting up. "You're scared, but not of me. You're scared for me."

"Enough talking," she said, getting up.

I felt another human getting closer so I quickly pulled on another coat. I really needed to get more coats. I've been losing a lot of them.

"Thank you," I said. "For worrying about me."

"It's you!" I turned to see the falcon that protected Vivi before. I'm really glad to see him alive. "Now that I know how your power works, I can fight."

"This is good timing," Mrs. All Sunday said as she threw Luffy's hat onto him. "Take care of that boy. He's the brave knight who delivered your princess back home." She got onto her giant turtle thing and rode off. I stared after her, I really wish she would stay. I don't think she deserves to serve someone like Crocodile.

"Meat!" I heard Luffy shout. I turned to see him gripping onto the falcons coat.

I learned the falcons name is Pell, and he's one of the kings most trusted men. Though that I already knew, seeing how much Vivi cared for him.

He tried to take Luffy to the doctor, but Luffy and I both knew it wasn't necessary. He just needed to eat, as ridiculous as that sounded.

Pell had taken us somewhere to eat and Luffy sure didn't hold back. He was probably preparing for the final battle against Crocodile.

"I can definitely kick his ass this time," Luffy said around a mouthful of food. "The water from the dried up old man covered his arm when he stabbed me. He couldn't turn it into sand."

"Ohh that makes sense!" I shouted.

"Could that be why he caused this drought?" Pell pondered.

"Hana! I need water! A whole barrel of it!"

I nodded at Luffy's demand. "I'll be heading to the capitol right after, okay Luffy?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you there!"

"I can get us all there faster, you should wait," Pell said.

"Don't worry about me," I grinned. I walked out of the room and took out the largest barrel of water that I had. I left the building and entered the Demon Realm. I have to get there quickly, I thought as I saw the sun peeking over.

I took off my coat and took to the skies with it in my hands. I alternated between using my speed when I could, and just flying normally. The sun was much higher in the air by the time I reached the cliffs of Alubarna.

I felt a familiar presence just on the outside of the walls. I put on my coat before exiting the realm to check on Usopp. Chopper had him totally wrapped in bandages, but he was still working on him.

"Chopper, wanna take him to my house?" I asked.

"Hana! You're back!" He seemed overjoyed. "Does that mean Luffy isn't dead?!"

What?! "Of course not!"

"Damn that mole-woman! I knew Luffy wouldn't kick the bucket for someone like Crocodile!" Usopp shouted, throwing his hands in the air.

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