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Rayleigh had given everyone on the crew his vivre card, and told them to follow it in 3 days. I followed Rayleigh back to the ship in silence, just waiting for him to tell me why I'm here.

I walked stiffly and awkwardly, I really didn't want to be here.

"Don't blame yourself," he finally started.

I grimaced, "yeah yeah. Can't help what I feel and all that jazz." Remembering exactly what I felt back then, had my stomach turning again.

"Back then, when I released my Haki, the last thing that should've happened was for someone to get closer, but you did." I grimaced at the reminder. He grinned when he saw my expression, "don't worry, Hana. You weren't aroused by this old man," he laughed. "It was my power you wanted, probably."

I shook my head, denying the accusation. "I only want my crews strength. No one else, even if the energy is stronger."

"That may be true, but what you want and what you need may not always coincide. Do you know about Conquerers Haki?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Conquerors Haki, or Haoshoku Haki, is a skill given only to those who have the quality to rise above all others. It would make sense that you would want the power of one who uses it."

"That doesn't sound right," I denied. "I don't want that! Not at all! I choose who's power I use, and it has nothing to do with their strength!"

"That may be true, but your body naturally craves power. That much was proven when you came up to me with your fangs already extended."

"My fangs?" I questioned. My eyes widened in horror, "you mean...I was trying to claim you?!"

He waved his hand in shocked dismissal, "not at all. You can't do that without proper consent. You don't know about your fangs?"

I blinked in shock, "proper consent?" Meaning...I didn't have to worry about forcing a claim?

He stared at me in shock, "you really don't know much, do you?"

"Why would I?! And why do YOU?!"

He laughed, and I could feel he was thoroughly amused. "Your friend, Robin, would've been able to tell you too, eventually. It's written in the stones, the ones that speak about the ancient weapons and the void century."

"I've heard of them, but what does that have to do with me?"

"She hasn't told you?"

I assumed he was still talking about Robin. "I never really asked." I thought back to when she found out what I am, she did everything in her power to make sure Crocodile didn't discover me. Crocodile, who was after the ancient weapons. Crocodile, who would have killed off an entire country to get them. Crocodile, who would've done everything in his power to capture me, had he found me...Eh...I'm sure it's unrelated.

Rayleigh stared at me, " do you know?"

I shrugged, "just what the marines told me. They want me to mate with as many high ranking marines as possible, since it'd make them stronger."

He grinned, "I see..." I narrowed my eyes when I detected the amusement coloring his heart.

"What do you know?"

"Well...who knows," he sighed. "I'm sure you will learn in time. I just wanted to warn you. Haoshoku Haki may be rare, but most of those that have been blessed with the color of the supreme king, are in the New World."

"Which means..."

"You must be cautious. You're drawn to those that can offer you more power. There are more than just the government that want you, and many of them are more powerful than you can imagine."

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