Ch 2

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"Luffy, we're about to be swallowed by a whirlpool. Want me to get us away?"

"Awesome! Hana! I want to try something. But if we're about to die, I'm counting on you!"

"The amount of faith you have in me is astounding, Lu." And so, we jumped into the barrel to ride the water attraction from hell.


We were brought onto a ship, still in the barrel. I could hear talking outside so I knew we were surrounded. I hope we don't find ourselves on a pirate ship.

Luffy stirred as he woke up from his nap. I was about to warn him about the potential danger when he sprouted straight up from the barrel, breaking open the top. I'm pretty sure I heard the sound of flesh hitting flesh.

"I SLEPT AMAZING!" He shouted, arms stretched wide.

My face twitched. Of course he slept great, he used me as a pillow. I made sure my coat covered everything before leaving the barrel myself.

I braced myself for the impact of emotions. Relief flooded through me when I realized there was no attraction from the other men. Perfect! Disguise is very effective!


Nothing exciting happened. We pissed off a pirate named Alvida. She was trying to plunder the cruise ship we found ourselves on. Luffy called her an ugly old bag, and as someone who prides herself on her good looks, she took it very badly! Luffy sent her flying though, I just sat back and watched. I love watching Luffy fight, he's very amusing!

We also met a new friend named Coby. He seems nice, but he radiates fear and nervousness. He's been sailing with Alvida, because he accidentally walked himself onto her ship. He just might be as dumb as Luffy.

His dream is to join the marines. That left a really bad taste in my mouth because the marines are the ones who had me when I was a child.

But I won't try to influence him. I know there are good and bad people no matter what title you wear. There are good pirates, just as there are bad marines.

We're now on our way to see Zoro the Pirate Hunter, thanks to some intel from Coby. Luffy thinks he sounds interesting and wants to see if he's worthy of joining our crew.

We docked our ship at the shores and started walking through the town. It was a nice little town, though a cloud of fear seemed to constantly hang around the townsfolk. "I heard he's being held at the marine base on this island," Coby said.

"Huh? So he's a weakling then," Luffy stated bluntly. I had to smile at that. So simple minded, Luffy.

"How can you say that? You can't just call him a weakling! He's Zoro the Pirate Hunter!"

"Gasp!!" Everyone within earshot collectively went rigid. The amount of fear in the air from the townsfolk heightened.

"Haha! That's funny!"

"I guess we can't mention that name in this town," Coby said. "But you can't just go to see him! He's probably being held deep inside the building. I heard this marine building is being run by Marine Captain Axe-Hand Morgan!"

"GASP!!!!" Once again, synchronized panic.

"Hahahahaha! These guys are interesting!" Luffy laughed.

Coby was confused, but I understood perfectly well. This captain is probably one of the bad eggs.

We made it to the outer wall. "You can't just walk right in there! He's probably deep in the building in a secret room! It's impossible!"

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