Ch 19

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"Oh! Zoro! Hana! Look!" He was leaning over Nami's shoulder at the newspaper she bought.

"Isn't that Coby?" Zoro asked, as he looked.

I leaned closer, "it is Coby!!"

"Coby? The friend you mentioned before?" Nami asked.

"Yeah! He's here in the Grand Line!" Luffy was beaming in excitement!

"Navy headquarters, huh? Not bad," Zoro smirked as Nami read it out loud.

"Of course! He's gonna be a marine admiral you know?!" I'm so happy for him, and if he's under Garp's care, he'll be strong in no time!

"Maybe we'll be seeing him sooner than we expected."

I just grinned, hopefully!


The next day, the weather was really nice. We were on deck, sipping Sanji's special drink. Karoo especially loved it!

I felt Vivi's frustration as she watched us, not understanding how we were so care free. Nami and I joined her, giving her a glass as well.

"Is this really okay?" Vivi asked, as she furrowed her brows in frustration.

"We can't go any faster than this," I pointed out. "Isn't it okay? It's not like worrying would make the ship go faster."

"I think it's okay," Nami grinned. "They'll work hard if it storms, since they don't wanna die."

"But they make me feel like I'm stressed out for nothing!"

"Doesn't this ship make you feel like you have nothing to worry about?" Nami asked, still smiling. I nodded in agreement.

Vivi looked at the boys, laughing at Karoo who drank too many glasses of juice. She smiled, "yeah, it's better this way."

She understood immediately after, why we could afford to be so carefree. We immediately set to work to save the ship from capsizing due to a huuuuuge dolphin jumping around. She was in awe as we ran around the ship with smiles on our faces, preparing to surf the wave created by the dolphin to get away.

We made it away safely, and very soon after, the next island was in sight. Little Garden!

The excitement in the air could barely be felt over my own. I saw a LOT of green, this island has really good soil! I can make my orchard!

Usopp started to feel terror, probably recalling Mrs. All Sunday's warning from before. "What if a monster appears?!" He trembled as he spoke, "let's just go to the next island!"

"The log doesn't store that quickly!" Nami reminded him.

"We'll be fine," Sanji said as he puffed his cigarette. "We should stock up on food while we're here, we didn't get anything from the last island."

We entered the island through a convenient river mouth.

"But maybe we shouldn't go too far in," Nami said as she glanced around. "Just look at these plants, I've never seen anything like them!" Just as she finished speaking, a loud squawking pierced our eardrums. "Kyaaa!" She screamed as she covered her ears.

Sanji watched Nami with a weird look on his face, "so cute!"

Usopp, who was in the exact same position as Nami, turned with wide eyes and a smile on his face, "you mean me?"

"Obviously I meant Nami-san!" I was rolling around on deck laughing! I had no idea if Usopp was serious or not and that made it soooo much better!

Zoro stopped my rolling by sticking his foot out. I let him pick me up off the floor, "idiot," he said to me.

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