Ch 68 - Timeskip Adventures

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I looked on in wonder through the display case full of treats. Those donuts especially...I thought. "Mister!" I called the baker forth. "Can I have a few of those?"

He apologized profusely, "I'm so sorry, miss. We're actually closed for business today..." I noticed him glancing at a much taller male in the corner.

When I saw the desserts shop, I immediately ran in. But upon closer inspection, I realized it did indeed look closed. I flushed red in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry! I saw the case through the window and didn't even think to look!"

"It's quite alright, I hope you'll come again," he bowed.

I apologize again and made my way back out, only to find the door locked. I sweat dropped, did I really flash in here for a donut? I unlocked it myself and grinned at the baffled shopkeeper. The other male was looking at me with suspicion, but otherwise didn't really care.

I made my way down the street with a happy skip in my step. I had run into my mission objective on the way over here, so I decided I had time to play a little. Target located.

"Heeeeeey!!!" I shouted to the group of kids. "Can I play with you?!??"


I had a huge smile on my face. We were playing dodgeball, and by the end of it I had all of them teaming up against me! More and more had joined in the game, bringing even more friends. I finally let some of their attacks hit me as I felt exhaustion creeping up on me.

I finally bid them farewell as most of them were called home.

"That was a great show of observation haki." I glanced up at the tall male from the desserts shop. He was wearing long pants, his black vest was left open showing off a rather impressive torso, and most noticeable was his black and white scarf that pulled up over his nose.

"You could tell?" I asked with a grin. "It's a great way to practice."

"You're strong."

"And so are you," I smiled.

"You're not alone."

My eyebrows shot up, he's the first one to mention that since Skypiea. "Amazing..." I breathed out. "Your haki must be at a very high level."

"Are you here to cause trouble?" He asked with narrowed eyes. "This island is under the protection of the Big Mom pirates. I will eliminate everyone I think is a threat."

I waved my hands in a non-threatening manner, "sorry if I've caused you stress. I haven't caused any trouble on this island, and I don't plan too."

He stared at me with his arms crossed, then grunted in acceptance of my answer. "Leave immediately."

I felt a frown make its way onto my face. I want those donuts! "...okay." Sabo would kill me if I caused trouble with the Big Mom pirates. There will be other sweets shops, I'll just have to accept it.

I went to walk past him, but I was stopped by something in front of my face. My eyes watered as my eyes focused on the brightly colored donut from the display case. I turned my bright eyes filled with excitement to the large man. "Take it."

I eagerly grabbed onto the shining object in his hand. I turned to thank him, but I'm sure his eyes were as wide as mine were when I was able to look at him without straining my neck. "Ahahahaha! Don't mind me, thank you for the donut!" I turned to walk - well, run - away.

I felt him move in front of me, so instead I flashed around him. I wasn't expecting him to also be there, so I crashed right into him. Yikes...that was solid! I groaned as I rubbed at me nose. I flashed again, this time making sure I'd pass through him. He was able to predict the direction again, but he couldn't stop me.

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