Ch 15

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I woke up on my bed in the girls sleeping quarters. I could sleep in my Realm, but then Luffy would say it's unfair until I felt guilty enough to bring him with me. It was much easier to just sleep on the ship.

I usually started my mornings a lot earlier than the boys, the constant supply of energy in my body sort of negating the need for sleep. I didn't mind, it's not like I'm human.

I walked out and greeted Zoro who was on watch that night. I was happy to see that there was no awkwardness between us. Not that I expected any, we had a wonderful time yesterday.

He was a very sweet lover. And so willing to listen. We spent a few hours after just laying together, holding on as we spoke about anything and everything. We left as it was getting close to dinner time.

His energy after became just as strong as Luffy's, though not as consistent. Luffy had more practice with that though. I felt so powerful, I felt so loved.

"You can rest for now, Zoro. I'll keep watch," he simply closed his eyes in reply, but felt grateful.

I leaned on the rails of the deck, and watched for any changes. I knew it wouldn't be long until everyone woke up.

I did warn Zoro about the effects of sex with me, just incase that was a deal breaker for him. I told him that I'd feel him emotionally just as well as physically. He was a little worried about that because of how nervous he was. But we took our time, gaining confidence as we explored.

Zoro did explain a bit better about "feeling weak", like Luffy mentioned. He said he didn't feel weak, he felt light. Like I've taken the weight of the world off of his shoulders, and he knew I'd carry it for him so he could rest.

I could understand why Luffy would mistake that for weakness. It also made sense that he would say it's something he needs. It made me smile, knowing that they felt that way. Like I could be their strength too.

I heard the crew moving around now. I met Sanji in the kitchen for breakfast, "Morning Sanji," he flared as he saw me.

"Good morning Hana-chan! Is there anything you'd like me to make for you today?" He twirled.

"No thank you, whatever you make is fine with me," I giggled. "Need anything from my storage?"

"Hmm I believe I saw some apples, would you mind letting me use those?"

"Not at all," I pulled out a few. "Whatever you're making sounds delicious!"

"Of course, m'lady!" I left him to help with getting the ship moving again.

I felt arms wind around me as soon as I left the kitchen. "Hana!" Luffy smiled.

"Good morning Luffy!" It wouldn't be a good morning until I saw my rubber man!

"Let's release the sails!" I rolled my eyes, knowing what he wanted.

I jumped into the air, flying past the sails. He held onto me screaming in joy as I looped around above the ship. We were still smiling as I set him down on top of the sails.

The ship was moving in the right direction as Sanji called us in for breakfast.

"Meat! Meat! Meat!" Luffy shouted, as he was the first to sit at the table.

I sat next to Nami, laughing at Luffy's excitement. "I don't know where he gets that appetite," she said.

"His stomach is made of rubber," I reminded her.

"Yeah, but where does it all go??"

"Who knows? It's better to not think on it too much, you'll get a headache."

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