Ch 17

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We left the twin capes, waving goodbye to Crocus and Laboon. Crocus's words were heavy on my mind.

Am I truly the only succubus in the world? How did I get here? How do I go back? I'm not meant to be here.

It started snowing all of a sudden, fast enough to stick to the ship. Everyone bundled up, confused at the change of weather. Zoro was still sleeping.

"Hana!!" Luffy wrapped his arms and legs around me. "Help me with my snowman!"

I laughed, forgetting my previous insecurities, "sure Luffy! Let's build the best one there ever was!"

We built a huge snowman, really sturdy too! Luffy was pretty proud of it, and with the imagination of the child that he is, he created a back story for our creation. He said he was a snowman warrior who fell from the sky, fully equipped with some kind of blaster weapon.

Usopp had joined in our snow building, and I must admit that Usopps skills are pretty good! Luffy, being petty, decided to shoot a wooden beam from our mans weapon.

I laughed at Usopps face as he processed the state of his now headless snow woman. "What the hell was that for?!" He shouted as he kicked our snowman over.

I was cracking up as the two ran around the ship exchanging snow related attacks. I lost it when I saw Usopp chasing Luffy with a giant snowball that had an Usopp imprint in it. Oh man, I love this crew!

As I watched everyone, I realized that I love being here. It doesn't matter how I got here, or why. This is my home, and this is where I belong. I won't bother searching for where I come from because I don't ever want to leave this world. I'm here for a reason, and I know that this crew is a big part of that reason.

Zoro was still napping, Luffy and Usopp were still playing around, and Sanji was still shoveling snow from the deck. He was told not to stop until it stopped snowing. Poor Sanji, maybe I'll help him.

I could feel Nami's irritation as she spoke to the two we were escorting. The three of them were bundled up under many blankets inside the ship. Suddenly, I felt her panic right before she screamed. She ran out of the cabin and told us we were off course. It changed in just the short time she was inside hiding from the cold.

We all started running around at her orders. In the Grand Line, the weather can change the ships direction as quickly as the next second. This is our first hand experience of that.

Waves crashed into the hull, sharp gusts of wind cut into the sail, an iceberg all of a sudden appeared, among other things. This sea is freakin insane!

We ran around the ship dealing with problem after problem. The two strangers even helped us. Eventually, the skies cleared as quickly as the storm came.

We finished patching up the hull before we all collapsed on deck. This is the Grand Line, huh? I smiled.

I felt Zoro wake up before I heard him walk over. "I know the weathers nice and all, but you shouldn't be lazing around like that. We better be on the right track." Everyone's emotions matched my own as our eyes darkened. "And what are you two doing here?" He was referring to the strangers.

Luffy, the only one not irritated at the swordsman, smiled as he explained why.

"We're taking them back? We don't owe them anything," Zoro responded. Luffy only agreed. "Well, doesn't matter to me." He crouched in front of the two, smirking, "oh? The look on your faces say your thinking bad thoughts. What are your names again?"

They began to panic a little, but responded. "I'm Mr. 9," the male said.

"Mrs. Wednesday," she said shakily.

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