Ch 42

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After Luffy and Robin woke up, we took them to the sleeping quarters. Nami decided that we shouldn't sail out until they were in better condition. Chopper estimated that we may be here for a few days.

That was fine, this section of island was uninhabited. And they had very interesting fruits!

My dragons had taken many of the elongated fruits home. They asked if I could take some of these trees home, but I told them that they were way too tall. They'd probably outgrow the realm!

I was currently relaxing on the beach next to the ship, I had just finished swimming, and now I was trying not to fall asleep on the sands. But it was hard...the sun feels sooo nice, I sighed. I could understand why my companions had taken in so much sand. I felt like I could waste a day or two here.

I opened my eyes as the sun disappeared from them. I saw Sanji sticking an umbrella into the ground. I must have dozed off, I didn't even sense him coming near.

"I thought you might want a refreshing snack, Hana-chan!" He held out a tray of cold appetizers, and a glass of fresh squeezed juice.

"Oh! Thank you, Sanji!" I helped him place the tray down on the sands. "Join me?" I asked him.

"Of course," he gave me a smile.

I protected the food as a dragon landed nearby by, stirring up the loose grains of sand. He offered Sanji something green.

"Oh! We could use that! Good find!" The dragon squawked excitedly and flew back onto the ship.

I laughed, "is that where all those herbs came from?"

"I didn't ask them too, I swear!" he held up his hands.

"I know, they're just happy to help!" They were amazing little dragons.

Another one flew down, and held out his hands. Sanji inspected the clump with a smile, "this is just grass, but good try!"

The dragon flew off, chittering mischievously. "Seems they like testing you as well," I laughed.

He stared at the clump of grass in his hands, before annoyance sparked as he thought over my words. "Is that what they're doing?! Half the time it's grass! Damn lizards!" He shouted into the air.

I held my belly as I laughed, I love my little friends!

As Sanji watched me laughing I could feel his joy bubbling up as well. He smiled and lit up his cigarette, leaning back on his hands.

I finally calmed down, "sorry."

"Don't be, I like hearing you laugh, even if it's at my expense," he grinned.

I smiled back and took a bite of my fruit tart, "this is delicious!"

"Made with fresh fruits from the island!" He boasted. "The dragons helped me pick them."

"Oh? The long ones?" He nodded. "And did they try to give you some rocks as well?"

"Yeah, a few. I don't blame them, they were all really long."

I stared at him, and when he made eye contact his eyes widened.

"Damn lizards!!!"

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