Ch 34

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"Is that rain?" Zoro asked as he was lifting his weights.

Sanji stuck his hand out, "it's not rain."

"Hail?" Usopp suggested.

"Somethings falling..." my eyes widened. "A ship?!"

"Falling from the sky?!" I heard Luffy.

"A galleon!" Nami shouted.

It crashed into the sea, sending waves that tossed us around the ship.

"Grab onto something!"

"What the hell is going on? It must be a nightmare!" Usopp shouted.

Sanji looked up, "there's still stuff falling! Everyone be on guard!"

"I got it!" I shouted just before disappearing into the Demon Realm. I felt the surge of power as my boys gave me their strength. Using my speed, I flashed to all the biggest pieces and kicked them far away from the ship. I shouted in horror as a skeleton fell past me. I was NOT about to touch that!

I felt the power draining quickly, but I was still very happy with how much I was able to use it. I smiled as I was pushed out of the realm. That was fun!

I fell towards the ship, and Zoro caught me before I could crash.

"Nice job, Hana!" I heard Nami.

I simply gave her a thumbs up as I panted.

"Why did a ship fall from there?" Luffy asked, looking up.

"Ahh!" Nami shouted. "The log pose is broken! It's pointing up!"

"There's another magnetic field," Robin said. "It must've locked onto a sky island."

I could see Luffy's excitement from here, even though I couldn't feel it yet. "Huh?! Can an island really float?"

"Oi! Did that ship and skeleton really fall from there?!" Usopps eyes bulged out.

"No..." Robin started. "It's more like, a floating sea."

"That's amazing!" I shouted. "A whole ocean in the sky?" I slapped Zoro's arm, "I'm starting to think that exploding boogers are just around the corner!"

His eyebrow twitched as he remembered our conversation on Whiskey Peak.

"Exploding boogers?" Usopp asked. "Like that Baroque Works guy?"

"Hmm? Baroque Works?" I asked.

"Yeah, that guy kept flicking his exploding boogers at us!"

"I believe he was Mr. 5," Robin piped up.

"No, that's impossible!" I said. "I mean, Zoro," I turned to him, "you would've told me, right?"

His face twitched.

"You would have shown me, right?" My eyes watered.

"...I forgot." He said simply.

I fell face forward on deck. I missed the exploding boogers?! "I've been betrayed!" I cried dramatically. I popped straight up as I felt his immense guilt. "Oh, my powers are back."

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