Ch 36

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"Luffy, can I grab the gold?"

"Yeah, I'll be done soon," he said confidently, making Bellamy laugh.

I didn't stay to hear the rest. I hopped off the building and into the tavern Bellamy came out from. "Excuse me, where can I find the gold?" I asked politely.

"Huh?!" Someone on his crew asked. I could see him guarding a bag, bingo! "You think we're gonna just give it to you?"

"Oi Oi, hang on," someone in the bar spoke. "Her captain is worth 100 million berries you know? She's probably strong too! Remember what happened earlier?"

"Shut up about that! I probably just missed! Who cares about bounty? Bellamy will destroy them, like he always does!"

I was already walking out with the gold. "Thanks guys!"

"What the hell?! When did she-" crash!!

They all scrambled outside. Bellamys higher crew members were outside standing in shock at their captain knocked out cold. "No way..." I heard him say. "Just one punch?!"

"Oh Hana, got the gold?"

"Yup!" I shook it in front of me.

"Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Someone shouted.

Luffy started raising his fist, causing everyone to back away in fear, but he only pointed up. "To the sky," he replied.

"Let's go!" We ran off without anyone following us.

"How much time do we have?" Luffy asked.

I looked up, "I'd say...maybe 1 1/2 hours?"

"Yosh! Let's look for more beetles!"

My eyes sparkled, "think we can find a hercules?! Let's go!"

We made it just before the 3 hours were up.

"Hey everyone! Look at this!" Luffy held out the beetle we finally caught. "It's a hercules!"

"What the hell were you doing?!" Nami and Usopp shouted.

"Wow!!" I said as I saw the ship.

"It looks like a turkey!" Luffy shouted, waving his arms in the air.

Sanji yelled out, "we ready to go?! We don't have time!"

"Thank you, Cricket!" I gave him back his gold. I helped everyone get the ship ready to sail as Luffy said his parting words to Cricket. The two monkey brothers were gonna help us reach the knock up stream.

Very soon, we were moving on the waters once again. I let out a shrill whistle into the sky, calling back my companions.

"Hey Creeper," I said to the dragon on my shoulder. "Make sure everyone is here, okay? They won't be able to follow us into the sky if they're not."

I watched as some of the flock flew towards the ship from the island. The brothers said it'd take about 4 hours to get there, so I wasn't too worried about them not making it in time. They gathered around the ship, some of them going back into the realm.

We sailed further south, using the bird as our guide. I felt kinda sorry for him as Luffy kept making trouble. I gave him a few apples to make him feel better.

"Captain! There's a problem!" I heard one of the others say. "Night is approaching from southwest!"

This means that the rumored sky island is most likely upon us! An hour earlier than expected. "We haven't located the knock up stream yet!"

"Hurry, divers! Find the current! Don't back out now!" They ordered their crew.

"Whirlpool found in the 10 o clock direction!" Someone reported.

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