Ch 47

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"Captains and Commanders only, take care of them immediately," was broadcasted through the ships.

Sogeking trembled, "headquarter captains would be the same level as that smoker bastard!"

The marines lined up, there were probably about 200 of them. "It's proof that they're scared of us," Zoro said.

I noticed Sanji sneaking off, but I didn't question it. He'd never run from a good fight. And this is exactly what this was. I released my dragons and freed my arms to use my sword.

"Oh? I gotta see this," Zoro smirked.

"Don't be so smug, it worked pretty well earlier! Watch!" I tried blocking the first one who swung at me, but I panicked when it didn't stop the blades path. I quickly put my other hand on the hilt, adding the strength of my other arm. I turned to Zoro sheepishly, "I forgot we were fighting Captains."

"You dumbass!"

No matter! I still have my legs! And my dragons of course. But fighting 200 of them was a struggle for us, many of them had devil fruit abilities, and learning which ones caused many injuries.

But I felt pride, watching my crew. There were a fraction of us compared to the marines, but we easily had the upper hand.

I felt Luffy's energy drop, "Luffy!"

Zoro glanced up at our Captain, seeing him passing out in the building. "What are you dozing off for?!" Zoro shouted at him.

"Luffy!!!" Usopp shouted. He had taken off his mask, and I paused in my rescue. Surely seeing Usopp had come would get him back on his feet, right?

I'd need to get out of the thick of battle to use my dragons to teleport, making it more risky. I payed close attention and pushed my way to the edge as I fought, just incase.

Usopp continued to shout at him, and also baited Lucci to fighting him instead. I sighed in relief when I saw him wake up. But his energy hadn't come back to my body.

I was trying not to get upset at the fact that he didn't call me. I kept telling myself that it's not because he thought I couldn't win -although even I admit that I probably couldn't- it's because he knew he could. And I just had to believe in that.

We continued fighting off our attackers, but my strength had faded a bit from the loss of Luffy's energy.  I was on the defensive now, and most of my attacks were only successful because of the flames provided by my companions.

A large-scale attack was heard from Luffy's fight. The marines reported that Rob Lucci had been defeated! We all cheered, and also heard cheering coming from the broadcast as well. I felt relief upon hearing the Franky Family and Galley La confirming their safety.

"Pirate Strawhat Luffy is also fatally wounded! He doesn't seem to be moving!" A marine shouted.

I whistled long, and the crew cleared a path for me to reach the edge, allowing me to reach Luffy. "C'mon Lu, we gotta go!" I pulled him up, but he was totally limp.

"I can't move my body," he breathed out.

I heard cannon fire, and watched in horror as our escape ship went up in flames. "I have to teleport us down there. Shit, is that our only option?" I didn't want to give away too much. It was one thing to use the dragons to teleport me, it's an entirely different thing if others could to it too.

"Everyone..." I glanced around.

"Did you hear that?" I asked Luffy.


"Look below?" Luffy asked. I ran over to the edge, and tears immediately gathered in my eyes.

"Jump into the ocean!!!" Usopp shouted through his tears.

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