Ch 40

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"What did you my friends?!" I heard Luffy shout.

"Isn't this that other piece of trash?" Eneru sneered down at him.

I couldn't hear what was said between them, I could only watch as Eneru brought his hand up, "God's Judgement!"

My eyes widened as the cave lit bright white at the amount of electricity in the air. Nami screamed, and I could only assume the worst.

"N-Nami..." I struggled. "Wha-"

"Thunder Dragon!" Eneru called. The cave lit up again. "Shock release!"

He raised his hands again, but I was relieved to hear Luffy shouting and full of energy. "Stop it! You're annoying!"

Eneru was knocked onto the deck, and Luffy soon followed. "Luffy..." I called weakly.

"I'll get you out, Hana! Trust me!"

I smiled through the pain, "I know."

They exchanged blows, and it was then that I learned lightning can't travel through rubber. I wanted to laugh. Luffy really was loved by the Gods. Not this one though, of course.

"Witness by my side, the annihilation of this country!" Eneru walked in between two golden conductors and placed his hands on them. "Shock release!"

My eyes rolled back as the electricity overpowered my body once again. Damn this lightning, I thought just before it all faded again.


Luffy was able to over power Eneru long enough to get Hana's binds undone. He hurried her over to Nami, but it was too late to get her on the ground. The ship rose higher into the sky.


"Will you please...stop knocking me the fuck out?!" I cursed at Eneru as I gained consciousness again. He had me gripped by the arm. Much better than the pole, I'll admit. At least I can speak a little more clearly. "Nami...where's Luffy?"

"I threw him off of the ship. It's pretty impressive that you both have survived this long, doesn't it give you high hopes for the future?" Eneru smirked.

"High hopes? Sure." Nami clenched her fist. "But not with you. What good is treasure if I'm alone? After sacrificing them and going with you, I'd rather have nothing at all!"

I smiled at Nami's resolve.

"How up the lifeline you've been holding onto. Unless you hope to rely on the two rats that just snuck on board?"

My eyes widened as I realized what that meant. Who could it be?!

"But no one will rescue you, because I will take care of you now," Eneru sent a beam of electricity at Nami, who stumbled as she dodged it at the last moment.

She brought out her Clima Takt, and tried to fight lightning with lightning. It worked, but not for long. I sighed in relief as his attack was interrupted by Usopps fire star.

I seriously need to get away from this guy.

He dragged me around easily as he sent attacks to Nami and Usopp. I glanced around looking for anything and everything to help me escape.

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