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Chapter 54:

You couldn’t believe your eyes, you held the phone as your hands were shaking. Justin noticed the look on your face and he got worried… “Jess baby are you ok? Is there anything wrong with Sophie?”…. you turned your head around and shook it a little… “It’s not even Sophie” you mumbled and gave Justin to read the message for himself… “hi Jess, missed me? I’m finally out of jail, can’t wait to see you in school tomorrow, I heard you’re coming back. Love Jaden”….. “Justin, this can’t be good, we are gonna face so much problems in school, how can he know everything about me, where did he even find out that I’m going back”….. “don’t say that Jess, he’s trying to scare you, I told you he can’t do anything, now can we have dinner cuz I’m starving.” Justin said as he took of his Jacket and you went to the kitchen to prepare dinner, trying your best not to look worried because you know that Justin gets upset. After you both had dinner, you got up to clear the table. Justin had noticed that you were still not in the best mood. He came up from behind you and wrapped his arms around you… “listen Jess, I really don’t want you to get worried or upset because of someone so worthless, just know that I Love you and I won’t let anyone ever come near us, ok?”….. you turned your head around to look up at him, nodded your head and gave him a kiss.

It was finally the next day, and you were excited about going to high school with Justin. You sill couldn’t believe he was going with you, you felt a bit stressed and tried to forget the fact that Jaden was gonna be there, he was the popular guy in school and now that Justin is gonna be the popular guy, you were afraid it will all go wrong since Jaden always liked to be in the picture and the one who’s good at everything… You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock which you were about to have a fight with, you quickly closed it and attempted to pull your eye lids apart but the sun was in your way, you looked at the time it was 7 am, great you had an hour to get ready…you turned around to wake justin up as you slowly lifted his hands from over your stomach…. “Justin, justin baby wake up its 7 am, we have to be ready by 8”…. He mumbled for a bit and finally got up… “Jess you know I haven’t been in school for ages, is it like how it is in movies and stuff” …. “oh Justin, well it is kinda, but movies exaggerate a little, are you nervous?” you giggled… “urm no, why would I be?” he said in a low voice, you can tell he was kinda nervous…. You both got dressed and ready, you put on some skinny jeans and a jumper and he put on his hoodie and slim-fits. Kenny waited outside in the car to pick you up… “are you guys ready?”  he said as you both came outside… “yes I guess, but Kenny can we also pick up Sophie, I promised I’d pick her up in the morning” you asked…. “yeah sure” he said as he opened the door for you. You both passed by Sophie’s house to pick her up, the closer you got to your school the more nervous you were, you were never like that since you were always used to moving schools, but maybe this time you were nervous about everyone’s reaction.

The moment that you were waiting for came. Kenny stopped in front of the school and you can see all the kids going in and parents dropping them off and school buses arriving. Sophie had already gotten out of the car but you and Justin just sat there refusing to get out…. “urm Jess… Justin like when are you guys planning to get out” Sophie said…. “urm yeah yeah Sophie we’re getting out now, lets just wait until everyone goes in” you replied her, thank God no-one noticed Justin in the car it would cause chaos… You recognized some of your friends from last semester, you wondered what their reactions would be. Finally there wasn’t a lot of people outside so you and Justin finally decided to make a move… “Kenny don’t forget to pick us up at 3 pm cuz we have to go to the doctors at 4”…. “don’t worry Jess I remember.” Kenny said as he sped off with the car…. All 3 of you took a deep breath and entered through the gates of the school… “kay Justin now don’t get confused by the staircases, they’re set up kind of weirdly…our school is separated into “wings” and if you go up one staircase you’d be in, say, lower B-wing, but if you go up another staircase, you’d be in upper C-wing! Then you go up another staircase, and you’d be in upper B-wing…in any case”….. “Yeah that totally made sense Jess”…. “stop with the sarcasm, anyways we’ll have an assembly now where they will explain everything”…. “oh you guys are just hilarious” Sophie giggled, you went into the school and there were some people in the corridor, no-one even noticed Justin which was quite surprising… “urm Jess no-one is noticing that I’m in da house” Justin said looking a bit confused… “Justin that’s because it’s unbelievable plus everyone is in their own world trying to get to their classes”…. Suddenly you heard the school announcement… “can all students make their way to the main hall please, I repeat can all students make their way to the main hall”… Justin had his hat on so no-one will notice him and Sophie just kept giggling, suddenly you saw a girl come up to you and you had a small panic attack… “shit she’s gonna cause chaos” you thought… “urm hii, im Gabi and I noticed you from over there, I just wanted to say that you look weirdly like Justin Bieber, I mean its ridiculous how much you look like him” the girl said as she had her eyes fixed on Justin and looking at him from head to toe. Justin cleared his throat to answer her… “ha really? Oh I get that A LOT, u don’t understand, it got to the point where some people assumed I was his twin” Sophie still couldn’t stop laughing… “why are you laughing?” gabi asked Sophie…. “because you have no clue who that is” Sophie said and you nudged her in the arm… “whaat was that for, everyone’s gonna know soon” she whispered… “yes but not now, the head master said he’ll tell everyone in assembly so that they know not to go crazy” you explained… “ooooh I see, well you never told me that”… “do I have to tell you everything, gosh Sophie use your brain for once”… The girl finally left looking quite astonished by the fact the Justin Bieber apparently looks like Justin Bieber.

Finally you were seated in the hall with all the other students. The head master started his usual speech, and you waited until the part he introduced Justin… after like half an hour of his speech which you nearly slept in, he finally decided to introduce Justin… “… and students there is someone I’d like to introduce to you, who has just joined us this year, now don’t go all crazy and remain seated.. but this semester we have someone who you all know…”…. “omg get to the point” you whispered… “… this someone is Justin Bieber, Justin can you come to the front please” the headmaster asked. Justin got up and you can see everyone’s jaw dropping, eyes widening and even some people nearly fainting. “I KNEW IT WAS HIM” Gabi shouted out… “the bitch knew nothing, she thought he was a look alike” Sophie whispered and you giggled. Surprisingly no one screamed but all you can hear is “omg it’s Justin bieber” maybe they have respect for the head master you thought… “well everyone I’d like you to welcome Justin Bieber at Milford high school, now he’s coming here to enjoy himself and not to be annoyed by any crazy fans, just treat him as any of us… would you like to say anything Justin?”…. “well, I think you’ve said everything, but I wanna say I’m really excited to be here and I would appreciate it if you treat me like any of you guys, it’s a different experience for me but I’m sure I will love it.” Justin went back to his seat and as he walked through, all eyes trailed him, he must have felt uncomfortable but I guess he’s used to it you thought. By that time everyone had recognized that you’re his girlfriend.

After the assembly, as you expected everyone surrounded Justin trying to get to know him better and asking him questions and chatting with him, but thank God there wasn’t anyone going crazy about him being in school. As you sat next to Justin on the bench with everyone surrounding you, your eyes laid on someone wearing some shades standing beside the tree holding a cigarette in his hands… you immediately knew who he was, it was Jaden but you tried not to look directly at him. About a week has passed since you started school and everyone was getting used to Justin being around, half of your classes were with him which was a good thing, but you weren’t allowed to sit next to him since the teachers know you both get distracted together, but they did have a point, you never did any work if you were both sat next to each other, so maybe it was the best thing that they moved you from next to each other or you would have failed every class. On a Wednesday morning, you opened your locker to get your books for your next class and a piece of paper fell out, It wasn’t yours but you opened it anyways, It was some kind of love letter from anonymous but it said “Dear Jess”, who the hell could that be from you thought…

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