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Dann was laying on top of Camilla. Touching and kissing her all over, running his hands through her hair. Your heart just sank. You couldn’t carry on watching this, so you just slammed your lap top cover and sat on your bed staring at the ground. Sophie was right after all, she really did care about you. The people you saw in the car this morning WERE Dann and Camilla. You wanted to just break down into tears, but you were too shocked that you just sat there in despair. “What did I do to deserve this, a fuckin sex video of him and that bitch? I thought he really loved me, that night we had together was amazing he really showed his love to me, or was he just using me? But why? Shall I call him? Or shall I just pretend this didn’t happen?” you had a gazillion questions and thoughts flood your mind. Your thoughts were interrupted by text message on your phone… “hey gorgeous, did ya like the video? I guess u understand that it’s over between us. Love Dann x” that heart sinking feeling just filled your chest. You broke down into tears. He didn’t love you, in fact the way he broke up with you just showed that he hated you.

The doorbell rang, your mum opened… “Oh hi Sophie come in, Jess is upstairs in her room,” you hear footsteps coming up the stairs… you lift your head up and see Sophie slowly opening the door, you didn’t know what to say to her, whether you were sorry, or that you were ashamed of what u did to your best friend. You quickly dried your eyes with your sleeves. “hey jess, I’m meant to be angry at you, but I know it was a shock, but I just came to say tha-“ you cut Sophie off … “Sophie I know you were right, I’m the one who’s sorry” you said breaking into tears again. You explained everything to Sophie. “This fucking arsehole, how can he do this to you” she shouted. She gives you a warm hug… “you know what Jess he wasn’t even worth it luv, you deserve a better guy, he’s not worth your tears” she said giving a half smile…“Sophie you’re the only person I’m ever gonna miss” you said crying… “I’m gonna miss you even more, but I also have good news for you” Sophie said in an excited voice… “what news?” you said looking quite confused… “I might be moving to Canada next year, my dad got a job offer there”… you suddenly forgot what has just happened with you and Dann and you put the biggest smile on your face… “omgosh REALLY?”…“YESS, well its 85% that we’re going” she nodded her head with excitement… “omgosh Sophie, I can’t wait, you just made my day, we’ll go to the same school, and we’ll go to college together, and omg we have so much to plan for” you said excitedly…“ I knowww, omg im so excited but, I have to leave now, its getting late, I’ll see you tomorrow. Take care sweetie, don’t let anything upset you” she said while grabbing her bag and gave you a hug.

It was 10 pm and you wanted to get some rest. You went to brush your teeth and had a quick shower, dried your long wavy hair and tucked yourself in bed. You wanted to forget about Dann and what he did to you, but it was hard, it hurt you, it was as if a knife was stabbed in your heart, but you were leaving to go to Canada anyway, this would have been just a bad experience in your life and you will soon forget about it, you thought to yourself while looking up at the ceiling. You remembered what Sophie had told you, he’s not worth your tears, he doesn’t deserve you. The fact that Sophie is moving to Canada next year, eased your pain a little.

A week has passed and the day you were moving to Canada came. As usual, you said goodbye to all you friends at school; you knew you will never see them again, just like the friends you made in the previous 6 schools you’ve been too. You hoped Canada will be the place you will stay in for good; you hoped your mum will finally find the right guy and the right job to fuckin stay with. You left school early and headed home to finish packing your things. You picked up a picture of you and Dann; you looked at it in disgust and ripped it so violently, still wondering why he hated you so much. You finished packing and headed downstairs. Your mum had sold the house and a car was waiting for both of you to pick you up to the air port.

After a 3 hours and a half flight journey, you finally arrived to Canada. You went through the normal passport check procedure, and went to pick up your luggage. “Mum, where are we going now? Who’s gonna pick us up? Where are we staying?” you asked your mum curiously… “What’s with all the questions, I told you that Jake is going to pick us up and we’re staying over at his house, it seems that u never hear what I tell you anymore” … You had to admit that you never listen to what your mum says, you didn’t have the best relationship with her. You wondered what this Jake guy was gonna be like, probably a jerk just like all the other men she’s dated.

You got all your luggage and headed outside with your mum, there stood a tall, not bad or good looking guy waving at you and your mum, you sighed “this is him?” you asked your mum… “yes that’s him, what do you think” your mum replied .. “errm, he isn’t that bad” you thought he might actually be different, you decided to give him a chance, after all Canada might be the place you’ll stay In for good. “hi Jake” your mum said with the biggest grin on her face, as she kissed him, all you could do is role your eyes. “this is my daughter Jessica, but u can call her Jess” … “hey Jess, I’m Jake, you’re mum must have told you a lot about me” … “ermm yes I know your Jake duuh, clearly mum just said that, but actually my mum didn’t tell me anything about y-“ your mum interrupted you with a cough… “err Jess honey please be a bit nicer “ your mum said with gritted teeth” you rolled your eyes again, you didn’t want Jake to get used to you straight away, you wanted to see how he was first.

You all headed to his car, and you sat in the back and put your ipod earphones in your ears and turned up the volume. All you can see is your mum and Jake’s mouth just moving, you didn’t even wanna hear what they were saying. After 30 minutes you arrived at quite a big house, you thought Canada might actually be the beginning of something good, maybe you’ll finally live a normal life. You entered the house, there was a living room on the side and the stairs were in front of you and the kitchen was on the other side, you can see the doors to the huge back garden in the living room, you thought the bedrooms must be upstairs… “Jess you can go choose your room upstairs, pick anyone” said Jake flicking his head towards the stairs, urging you to go pick your room, you ran upstairs and chose a room “I like this one” you said with a smile on your face putting your entire luggage in there.

Weeks have passed, you called Sophie nearly every single day, but you didn’t like school that much, Florida was so much better you thought to yourself. Your mum seemed happy; she settled in her new job, she finally found a guy who she can actually stay with for more than a month at least. You couldn’t wait until Sophie came to stay with you as well. You haven’t spoken to her for about 2 weeks; you were both really busy with school and stuff. Everything was going quite well, until you get a call from Sophie that evening, you picked up the phone… “omg Sophieee, I miss you, when are you coming? How’s school? Why haven’t you called for a whole 2 weeks, you got me worried” …its like you vomited a whole lot of questions, you didn’t even give her a chance to speak…. “J-Jess …” then all you can hear is crying… “omg what’s wrong Sophie? Why are you crying?” you said in a worried tone… “m-my dad passed away last week, I’m not coming to Cana-“ then all you hear is *beeeeeep* the line cut off, you tried calling back but no-one answered. You were so worried, suddenly your life went all black again. That’s it your not gonna see Sophie again. You wanted to go to Florida to be with her, you knew she needed you at that time, but going back to Florida was just impossible.

Weeks have passed since you spoke to Sophie, school was boring, you just went to school and went back home, nothing was interesting about your life in Canada. That day you went home at about 6 pm and only Jake was at home, normally you’ll find your mum home and not Jake… “errmm Jake where’s mum?” you say curiously… “Oh she’s gonna stay at work until 12 am” he replied… “Oh, well that’s kinda weird, she never does” you said while taking you jacket off and placing it on the hanger. You head upstairs and take your clothes off; you went to the have a nice warm shower. As you stepped out of the shower, you rapped yourself in a towel and went to your bedroom… surprisingly you found Jake just standing there looking at you from head to toe and biting his lips.

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