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Chapter 41

Chris dropped you, Justin and Kenny off at Justin’s house and he went off to the recording studio… “thanks for all your help man” Justin thanked Chris as he helped you get out of the car… “don’t say that, you know I’m here whenever you need me”…. “Kenny can you Help Jess go in I just need to talk to Chris”… Kenny helped you walk to the door while Justin and Chris had a talk outside… “so Jess what happened? Chris didn’t explain everything to me in details” Kenny asked you as he closed the door behind him… “basically we were invited to Chris’ party, and that’s where things went wrong, we were havin a great time until Justi-”…. “until I got Drunk, and blurted out that she’s pregnant, and stupidly hurt her feelings” Justin cut you off as he came in and closed the door behind him…. “yeah he pretty much said everything, apart from accidently pushing me on to the stairs” you added…. “OMG Justin you’re not meant to even be getting drunk, what the hell happened to you, that’s what happens when I’m not around”… Kenny said looking disappointed at Justin. You didn’t want Justin to feel anymore guilty, so you just ended the conversation.

Kenny left you and Justin alone, and he went to meet up with some of his friends, Silence filled the room, you remembered you and Justin weren’t talking since last night, so you quietly made your way upstairs to get changed. You held your back as it was sore from the fall; you couldn’t balance as you went up the stair case and you suddenly collapsed on your legs and sat on one of the stairs holding on to the handles…. “omg Jess, are you ok, what’s wrong”…. Justin ran to you and helped you up…. “I don’t know my back is aching, I can’t stand up properly”…you said as a tear fell from your eyes, you felt so helpless and weak…. “awww baby, why didn’t you tell them in the hospital, come I’ll carry you upstairs”….Justin said as he picked you up and took you to the bedroom. He slowly laid you on the bed and sat next to you on the other side…. “I’ll go get you something warm to drink, don’t move” he kissed you on your forehead… “Justin can you also get me my bag from the living room, it had the tablets the doctor gave me” you asked…. He nodded, and rushed downstairs. You couldn’t stop thinking of how amazing he was, and how much he cared for you even when he was upset. Before you know it, he was at the door with a cup of warm hot chocolate…. “here you go, now I don’t want you to do anything, just rest ok?”…. “thanks, you’re not still upset from me are you?” … “Of course I’m not, why would I be?”…. “you know, cuz I got pissed of about Caitlin, I didn’t mean to upset u or anything”…. “naah, I know it was hard for you to hear what she said, but I just want you to know that no matter what feelings she has for me, she’s like my sister, she might not accept that, but to me she’s just a close friend, I’ll only be yours, and you should know that” you gave him a half hearted smile and he leaned over to kiss you.

Later that day, you felt much better after you had taken the tablets. You were sat on the couch laying on Justin’s knees watching the note book, all of a sudden your phone rang. “It’s Sophie” you said as you got your head of Justin’s lap and picked up the call…. “hey Jess, how are you feeling today? You’re home right?”…. “Sophiee, yeah I’m home, and feeling a lot better, what have u been up to?”…. “nothing much just packing my stuff out of my bag and like helping mum tidy the house and everything, so I can’t come to see you today, I’m so busy, but just waned to make sure you’re ok”…. “I’m great don’t worry about me, I have to see you during the week though”… “yes of course we’ll meet up again, I have to go now, mum’s calling, I’ll talk to you later babe, bye”…. You hung up, and went back to watching the film…. Justin had gotten a text from Chaz asking him if he’d go to the beach with them for a change… “Jess, Chaz just texted me and was asking if we wanna go to the beach with him and Ryan, are you feeling ok to go?”… you told Justin it was totally fine with you, since you were feeling much better and you wanted something to get you out of that mood. It was a really sunny day, perfect to go to the beach so you put on some shorts and a tank top, grabbed your bag and headed downstairs to go to the car where Justin was waiting for you.

Later that afternoon ~

You and Justin arrived at the beach, you got out of the car and Chaz and Ryan spotted you and walked up to you. The boys seemed happy to see each other, since it’s been a while…. “Jess, why do you have a bandage on your head?” Chaz looked at you awkwardly…. “err dude don’t you read the news papers? Justin answered for you…. “nah man, I didn’t read it this morning”…. as you guys walked along the beach, Justin explained everything from the what happened at the party to what happened when Caitlin came over to the hospital last night. Ryan and Chaz couldn’t believe what was happening to you and Justin, even though this time it was Justin’s fault. You all came across a Cliff and so you went there to chill for a bit, you talked about everything that you’ve missed out on and made jokes, the day was amazing so far, you needed that to get out of the mood until unexpectedly Ryan gets a call. He looks at Justin nervously, ”Dude, its Caitlin….’’ Justin’s smile quickly disappeared. ”I can’t even bother to think about that now Ryan, just answer it or whatever” he said kinda mad. Ryan hesitantly answers the phone, ”Hey Caitlin! ………….Ohh really?” and he looks at Justin in a weird way, you can tell it wasn’t something good. ”Yeah, how did you know? Oh right, I forgot about that…Yeah sure it’s cool………..see yaa” and he hangs up.

Ryan was silent for a while….. “yeah so what did she say?” Chaz asked….”Well, guess she’s joinin us today” Ryan says in a low voice. You’re heart sank, why was she after Justin when he’s with you, like he dated Selena after her, why wasn’t she annoyed at that time. Is it cuz we’re having a baby, you were scared things will go completely wrong when she comes… “HOW on earth does she know we are here? One of you told her right? Cuz you didn’t know what happened between me and her last night” Justin said, he practically screamed, he was so tempered. ”dude chill, no I didn’t tell her to come, when I called you, I said only me and Chaz so stop jumping to conclusions, I was on twitter, and apparently I have that -add your location- or whatever on, I probably clicked on it by accident so yeah, that’s how she knows we’re here.. I hope I don’t end up finding fans here as well, I better turn it off” Ryan said. ”Damn it, god I cannot do this right know…Wait, does she know that Jess is here?” Justin says in panic. ”Yeah, I tweeted that I’m meeting up with all of you” Ryan says. ”GREAT.” Justin said sarcastically….. “Justin, stop the sarcasm, jeez, how was I meant to know what happened, no-one told me” Ryan said in a moody tone…. “sorry man, it just irritates me, well at least she knows what she’s walking in too” Justin says looking at the ocean, and rubbing a piece of rock into the ground, then throws it into the water creating ripples. He looked up at you and can see your pissed off face, you attempted not to look pissed off cuz he will get annoyed and more upset especially that he wouldn’t be able to do anything because he doesn’t want to hurt Caitlin’s feelings; but you couldn’t help it, you wanted to get out of the bad mood and now you were put into an even worse mood… Justin held your hands and looked into your eyes… you put on your best effort to smile to make him feel that you didn’t care…. ”Baby, its gonna be alright, you just need to calm down, what can she possibly do? Nothing right?”…… “nothing? Oh you don’t know Caitlin, she’s got a big mouth” he said….. “She might try hurt my feelings a little, but don’t worry about it, lets not let her ruin our fun” you say to him, and kissed him on his neck.

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