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Blood flooded from your head, Justin still half drunk but aware of what just happened dropped his glass of vodka and ran down the stairs… “no Jess, Jess answer me, omg what have I done, Jess you’re awake right? You’re acting right? You just did not fall down the stairs”… “Justin are u fuckin blind? She just tripped and fell” Chris yelled as he called the ambulance… Justin wasn’t stupid he knew you tripped and it was his fault but he didn’t want to believe that this just happened…. “I FUCKIN KNOW OK” he shouted out as he held your head up on his lap and blood was all over his shirt as if he was dragged from a paint cupboard… Everyone was surrounding Justin, staring at you like it was some show, Sophie came over and dropped on her knees to the ground… “what the hell happened… w-what’s wrong with Jess?… j-jess speak to me please, Justin fuckin tell me what happened”… Justin didn’t say a word and was just sat there looking down at you as tears fell from his eyes on to your cheeks… Chris got everyone out of the house and Sophie was trying to stop the bleeding by covering the cut with towels but it didn’t seem to be working. Justin was sitting there hitting his hands against the wall…. “WHY AM I A FUCKIN IDIOT, IT’S ALL MY FAULT, I could have just went home with her, I don’t even remember what exactly happened, I HATE MYSELF” He was yelling at himself like a hooligan and Sophie partially knew what happened from what he said. In About 10 minutes time the ambulance arrived.

Chris went to open the door and Sophie went after him urging him to tell her what happened… “please Chris what the hell happened? Why is Justin blaming himself?”… “I’ll tell you everything as soon as we just get her to the hospital”…. They carried you into the ambulance car and Justin, Chris and Sophie went after you in Chris’s car… “can someone explain to me what happened?” sophie yelled… “Justin here, stupidly embarrassed Jess in front of everyone, and when she urged him to go home, he accidently pushed her down the stairs”… “I didn’t push her, what the hell are u on about”…. “well you pulled her fuckin hands of you which made her trip… that made a big difference right? It’s still ur fault”… chris said sarcastically….. “and What did I even say so she can get angry, I don’t remember anything”…. Justin asked now that he’s totally aware of what’s happening…. Chris sarcastically laughed…. “urmm you said she’s pregnant…. You said that she’s been trouble the entire time and now she’s finally brought y…” Justin cut off Chris…. “ok ok don’t finish, I’ve heard enough, how can I fuckin say that” Justin hit his hands on the window, so tempered that he bruised his hands…. “you tell me, why did you say that?”… Chris said as he looked at Justin with a disappointed look and then looked back at the road as he drove after the ambulance… “I don’t know man, maybe part of it was because I was excited that I’m gonna be a dad, and I dunno why I said she’s been trouble, maybe cuz she’s been always complaining to me that she’s the reason for all this trouble, she got it in to my head, but I swear to God I didn’t mean to hurt her, im such a douche bag”….. “Well I really hope she’s ok, I can’t believe what u did, after all she told me about you” Sophie said so disappointed…. “ok Sophie please that’s enough, I don’t wanna hear anymore about this”…. Justin said as he put his hands over his forehead looking so worried.

At the hospital ~

They arrived at the hospital right after you did. Justin ran to the doctor and asked where they had taken you… “we’ve rushed her to the operation room, don’t worry the injury isn’t major, she’s just lost a lot of blood and we need to replace it” the doctor replied… “oh thank God, so she’ll be fine?” Justin asked in relief …. “yes hopefully she will”…. “what about the baby?” he asked hoping to hear that he was ok…. “the baby is fine, she didn’t hit her back or stomach, the injury was just in the head”….. “omg thank God” Justin said in relief as he leaned against the wall…. Justin, Chris and Sophie waited in the waiting room for you to come out… “don’t worry man, she’ll be fine” Chris comforted Justin… “you know what I’m afraid off?… she’ll never wanna know me again after what I said”….. “don’t say that, I’m sure she’ll understand you were drunk” Chris reassured him…. “SHE CAME OUT”… Sophie yelled as she ran to inform Justin and Chris… Justin looked up and his eyes widened he ran to the operation room and he can see them taking you on the wheeled bed… “how is she doctor?” Justin said as he nervously intertwined his fingers together… “she’s totally fine, she’ll be awake in the next half hour or so, you can go see her now”… Justin hurried to your room, he saw you lying on the bed with a bandage wrapped around your head… “aye man, am glad she’s ok, I’m sure she won’t leave you, I have to go now, gotta be at the studio tomorrow early to record the new song, if you need anything just gimme a call”… “ok man, thanks for the help, good luck tomorrow”….

Chris left and only Justin and Sophie were beside you… about 10 minutes later you slowly opened your eyes…. “j-justin?” you said as you tried opening your eyes avoiding the bright light that beamed into your eyes…. “heey baby, I’m here right beside you” justin said as he picked your hand up and kissed them….. “Jess, you’re awake how are you feeling, you friggin scared me?” Sophie asked as she leaned over to you… “a bit dizzy, i lost the baby didn’t i?”… “no no you didn’t, your head only got hurt, I’m so glad you’re ok”…. “oh are you? Well dunno cuz it didn’t look like you cared back at the party”…. *cough* “ok guys I’m gonna goo, my mum is probably so worried about me, I got 10 missed calls from her, so I’ll come check on you tomorrow” Sophie tried to escape as she saw you two were gonna start arguing and maybe u need some alone time… you looked up at Sophie and nodded and smiled at her… “ok hun see you tomorrow” you said as she gave you a hug… “he friggin loves you ok? … and he’s a douche bag, just forgive him, be the clever one”… Sophie whispered in your ears and you giggled…. “what did she tell you? Something about me right?” Justin curiously asked… “nothing you need to know” you laughed… “oh justin, you’ll thank me later” Sophie winked as she left and closed the door behind her….

You both looked in each other’s eyes as soon as Sophie left, even though you were attempting not to, but you couldn’t help looking at his beautiful face and those heavenly eyes…. “I know you probably wanna like kill me righ-”…. “shhhhh, Justin forget about it ok? I’m not mad at you, you were drunk, and I know u can be a total douche bag, so don’t worry about it, I know you were excited about the baby, I know it was the only good thing that happened to us so far, but I’m not gonna lie and say that you didn’t hurt my feeling when you said that I’ve been trouble, an-”… “no no, I swear I don’t mean it Jess, baby you’re everything to me, I dunno why I said that, this baby isn’t the only thing good that happened to me, YOU are everything good that has happened to me, maybe I said that cuz the past few days you’ve been blaming yourself that you’ve been trouble, so you got it into my head, but I didn’t mean anything to hurt you I swear, fuck being drunk, I shouldn’t have drank that much”…… “aww Justin well it’s too late now anyways, the entire world probably know about the baby by now, well we learn from mistakes don’t we?”…. “Jess you are the most amazing person I have ever known, you have a big heart, I love you so much, and would never want to hurt your feelings ever again”….. “baby I love you too, can I get out of here now, honestly I spend more time here than in my own house” you said …. “the doctor said you can tomorrow but advises you to say here until morning, plus it’s 4 am now so not too long left”…. Justin leaned over and gave you a kiss…. “oh God you look like you’ve been dragged from a red paint cupboard” you laughed…. “oh yeah, you don’t how much I was panicking trying to stop you from bleeding, Sophie helped a lot too, she’s such a great friend I can tell”…… “yeah I love her, Chris is awesome too”…. “yeah he is, but don’t ever think he can take you away from me”…. “yeah why not, sure he can” you said sarcastically…. “no he can’t, you know no one can love you as much as I do baby”…. He leaned over to give you another passionate kiss as he held one of your hands tight and the other hand over your head….. Suddenly your kiss was interrupted by someone opening the door…. Justin’s eyes widened as he looked up and you gasped…

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now