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After 1 hour of chatting with Pattie who couldn’t believe that all happened to you and Justin, The doctor came in holding Justin by his arm and supporting him to walk inside; you and Pattie both looked up and went to help Justin sit on the bed… “doctor how is he now?” Pattie asked looking worried… “he’s perfectly fine, in fact he can go home from tomorrow if he’d like” … the smile grew on your face…. “REALLY?” you said excitedly… “yes Jess, but make sure he gets some rest, he needs it”… “yes of course, I’m not gonna make him do anything” you said as you looked up at him and gave him a half hearted smile … “not even have fun tonight?” Justin whispered in your ear, you blushed and Pattie and the doctor looked at each other awkwardly… “no justin u need rest” you laughed…. “oh gosh, Justin”… Pattie rolled her eyes as she clocked on what he whispered.

The doctor felt awkward in the room so she plugged the tubes back into Justin and left… “so what did you guys talk about while I was outside?” Justin asked raising one eye brow… “Jess told me everything from the point you met, and I couldn’t believe my ears, Justin I can’t believe you didn’t tell me anything”… Pattie said looking disappointed… “well mum I didn’t wanna worry you, and I’m sure I’m old enough to solve my own problems” Justin answered… you just sat there listening to their argument thinking you were the reason for all his problems… “I’m the reason for all the problems happening aren’t I?” you said feeling guilty… “Jess what the hell are you saying of course you’re not, in fact I think its me, maybe if you weren’t with a famous guy like me, you won’t be in this much trouble” Now Pattie was sat there listening to you and Justin argue, you had no idea where this conversation was going to lead to… “Justin you’re right, if it wasn’t for you I won’t even be living now” you answered… “ah I feel so dizzy” Justin said as he put his hands over his head and leaned on the bed… you got up from your seat and ran to sit next to him… “omg how are you feeling?” you said worried as you held his hands tight… “nothing, Just slightly dizzy”… Pattie felt awkward in the room, she knew he was playing games to get you to shut up and get your attention, so she got up and made an excuse to get Justin a drink… “Justin stop scaring me about you” you said as you took his head into your chest.

Your phone beeped, “who can that be” you asked yourself… “hello who is this?”… “Jess Its Jaden, you didn’t reply me last time, your all over the news, are you ok Jess? Im worried about you”… “oh Jaden heyy, yes I’m perfectly fine” you answered him as you can see Justin doing loads of weird faces from behind you, “hold on jaden just one second” you said as you turned around to look at Justin and buried the phone In ur lap… “justin wtf is wrong with you”… “don’t speak to him, I don’t like that guy, he sounds suspicious”…. “err justin, he’s an old friend and im not gonna shut the phone ok”… “Jess he’s so in to you and if You don’t close now then… then im not talking to you for the rest of the day”… “justin stop being childish”… “ME CHILDISH, fine do whatever u want but know that if you speak to him again im not talking to you.”… You ignored Justin and went back to talking to Jaden… “hey Jaden sorry about that, there was just something bugging me and won’t stop” you said emphasising on bugging me and Stop, while you looked at Justin… “It’s ok babe, I wanna see you, which hospital are you at?” Jaden asked… “the hospital I’m at? Urmm are you sure u wanna come here?” you asked…. “yes just tell me” Jaden replied, eager to come and see you… you can see Justin going crazy from behind you… “no no no, he isn’t coming, tell him nooo”… Justin angrily whispered. You looked at Justin then turned around again…. “urm you know what Jaden, you can come, im at the central parks Hospital, room 202”… “ok I’ll be there in 30”…. “can’t wait.”

You knew Justin was gonna be mad, but he can’t tell you what to do especially that Jaden is just a friend, you don’t say anything about his friends that you don’t like. You turned around, he had his arms half crossed… “Justin what’s that fuss all about?”… “whats the fuss about? Ur talking to this friggin boy who’s all over you and im laying here in a hospital bed”… “Justin calm down im onl-” he cuts you off. “dont tell me to calm down!” he snaps. Pattie walks in after her long trip to get Justin a drink. “woahh, whats going on?” she asks as she sat down. “.. shes now texting boys whilst im in a friggin hospital!” Justin shouts. . “oh was it that boy you told me you bumped into the mall and he was ur old friend?” Pattie says turning to you. You know it’s no big deal but you know Justin is gunna make it into one…. “yes mum it’s that guy, she went to meet him behind my back”… “Justin I cant take it anymore, i didnt intentionally go to meet him, I BUMPED into him, ur making a big fuss about something stupid” you yelled… “okaaay guys I’ll go buy some stuff while I leave you to it” Pattie said as she tried to escape. You were interrupted by a text… “hey Jess, I’m 5 minutes away, can you tell me what room is it again?”….“who was it it was him right? I knew it, don’t you realise he’s so into you? Why? Doesn’t he know ur already mine?” Justin yelled… “do you know what Justin, your actually such a fuckin idiot. i dont know what ive done for you to be moody with me” you yell. “im the idiot!? Saysyou. arent you even gunna text him back then!?” he says sarcastically. “oh just shut u-” your interrupted by a knock at the door.

“come in” Justin shouts with an attitude. It was the doctor and she wanted to have a word with you… “hey Jess can I just have a word with you please, I want you to fill in some forms”… “yes sure, you actually came in the right time” you replied with an attitude. You went out for about 15 minutes. When you came back the room fills with silence as you nor Justin wanna carry on the argument you were having before you left. Your phone beeps again. “is that Jaden wondering why you didn’t text him back.” Justin says in an immature tone… “no actually its one of my friends”… you lied even though it was Jaden asking again for the room number, so you texted him “202.” You wanna stop arguing cos you’re just fed up. “i hate fighting with you Justin, can we please just forget everything.” you ask in a whiney voice, but he doesn’t answer. You sit in the chair next to the bed and turn the tv back on. This hospital is annoying you, you spend more time here then you do at home and you wonder when Justin will able to leave. Your thoughts are interrupted by someone knocking at the door. “come in” Justin shouts and in walks Jaden

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now