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Doctor Swift hesitated… “Sorry Justin but to tell you who the father is, isn’t my thing to say, I think you and Jess should sit down and try work things out”… “yeah we’ll fuckin work things out, wait until she sees me.” Justin got up and slammed the door behind him … “JUSTIN WAIT” yelled doctor Swift, but it was too late Justin had already gotten into his car and sped off while slamming his fists against the driving wheel…. “how can she do this, I leave her for 5 months and she’s pregnant, but why?” Justin started to form questions in his head while his eyes welled up with tears, even though he was as angry as ever, he knew he couldn’t hurt you.

On the other side, you didn’t know what the hell to do, seeing Justin in front of you so hurt made you die inside, you loved him more than ever, and what happened with Ryan was a big mistake, you didn’t have any feelings towards Ryan at all. It was a moment of weakness to both of you. As soon as you arrived home knowing Justin will arrive sooner or later, you called Ryan to tell him about what happened hoping he’ll think of something to save the situation… “pick up, pick up ryan” you said while walking back and forth… “Ryan what took you so long to answer”… “sorry I was in the shower, and I jus-…” …. “ok I don’t need to know your life story, im in huge trouble, today when I went to the clinic Justin came uninvited and overheard EVERYTHING” you blurted out as you weakly sat down on the chair… “whaaaaat, nooo omg, he knew about the baby?” …”what do you fuckin think EVERYTHING means, of course about the baby” you said so furiously… “wait I’m coming over, I can’t leave you face this situation on your own” Ryan shut the phone and you were sat there so afraid of Justin’s reaction as he comes through that door. You sat there crying your eyes out, you wanted to get rid of the thing inside you, you didn’t want it. You hear keys as they turn in the door lock, you immediately got up and stood in front of the table gripping on it with your hands thinking please God just take me now… There Justin stood looking hurt more than ever… “j-j-justin I wanted to tell you bu-…”…. “you wanted to tell me? Tell me what? That you cheated on me, you fuckin cheated on me Jess, wasn’t I good enough for you? After all I’ve FUCKIN DONE FOR YOU”, this is what I get in return… you’re nothing but a slut, please just get out”… “b-but Justin, plea-…” … “I SAID GET OUT”… you straight away took your things and went out, you had this horrible feeling of killing yourself again. You didn’t know where to go… Justin on the other hand was sat there crying, He didn’t want you to go, he loved you more than ever, but he was so hurt and angry that he let his anger take over.

Meanwhile Ryan came and knocked hoping that you and Justin would have sorted things out… Justin opened “Ryan? What are you doing here”… “urm Justin you’re not mad at me?” …. “why would I be?” Justin answered looking confused… “for Jess cheating on you with meee, didn’t she tell you that this baby was mine?”…. Justin looked like he’s seen a ghost, he was speechless, he nearly collapsed as he held the door handle to support him… Ryan immediately knew that you hadn’t told him yet and supported Justin to sit on the couch so he could explain everything… “Justin I am so ashamed of myself, I d-didn’t know how it happened, she was drunk and didn’t know what she was doing, w-we were weak, but I swear to God there’s nothing between us, it was an acc-…”… “an accident? Im sick of hearing it was an accident, I asked you to take care of her, not to have sex with her, and now look what you’ve done? There’s a thing inside her”… Justin had calmed down a little and started to listen to Ryan. He gathered his thoughts and it made sense, he knew it was partially his fault he hasn’t been there for you for a while and Ryan was there for you instead…. “Justin I just want you to know that Jess loves you, I swear she does, on that night she asked me to take her out because she was depressed that she was away from you. It was a fuckin mistake, I regret it so much”… “she was depressed?” Justin asked feeling a little guilty… “yes Justin depressed, she needed you with her, now where is she? She’s probably crying upstairs right?”…. “oh shit no, I told her to get out”… “YOU DID WHAT? Justin did you forget she tried committing suicide, she can do that again” … Justin gathered his thoughts and regretted telling you to get out, He let his anger take over his reactions…. “shit we gotta go find her”… He grabbed the car keys and jumped in the car with Ryan following him … “pick up jess, pick uuup…. She’s not picking up, what if…she…”

While Justin and Ryan were on a quest to find you, you walked about 10 miles not knowing where to go, talking to yourself. You looked in your bag and found the tablets you took for the pregnancy, you thought taking the whole bottle would destroy the baby and maybe even you as well, which you thought would make everyone happier, since you thought Justin hated you now… “I don’t belong in this world, and neither does this thing inside me, everyone hates me now” you thought to yourself as you took a handful of the tablets and tossed them in to your mouth… in about 10 minutes you felt so weak, you fell to the ground unconscious, you can feel the world spinning as you lay there on the side of the road……. “JUSTIN STOP HERE, THERE’S SOMEONE THERE ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD….ITS JESS”

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now