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Chapter 52:

A week has passed since you were in LA with Justin, you’ve spent an amazing time there with Justin’s family, but now it was time to go back to Canada and start school. You were excited that Justin was going to start high school with you even though that sounded practically impossible but he wanted to be next to you every minute of his life…. “Justin are you sure you want to go to HIGH SCHOOL with me? like everyone is gonna be around you, it will get quite annoying for you”…. “babe don’t worry, im sure I want to after all I’ve always wanted to go to high school, it’s a different experience for me, plus they’ll  get used to me being around after a while” he said and kissed your head as you both sat on the coach and you laid your head on to his chest while you both watched 90210, your, favourite TV series.

It was morning and you woke up to your alarm clock beeping like crazy, you swung your hands over not knowing where the hell your hands were going and attempted to close the alarm. You felt the sun shining on your  face, you slowly opened your eyes and squinted at the brightness of the sun. You glanced over at the clock, It read “2.00pm”. You’ve never slept that much, you slowly woke Justin up since he had to go to a photo shoot and after that you had to go apply for this semester in high school… “Justin baby wake up, it’s 2 pm” you tapped him….. he slowly turned around and lifted his head up.. “2 pm? Omg Jess we’re gonna be late for the photo shoot” he said as he slowly got up and rubbed his eyes… “sorry Justin, I was so sleepy I kept putting the alarm on snooze and I overslept, but don’t worry we still have an hour and a half, we can make it”….. “don’t worry about it, I know you were so tired last night” he cupped your face in his hands and gave you a kiss.

You both got ready to go to the photo shoot for teen vogue magazine and Kenny came around to pick you up. It took you about half an hour to get to the studio. They immediately grabbed Justin to get him ready for the photo shoot and you sat on a bench on the side of the studio behind the cameras to watch… “Jess how do I look?”…. “Justin you’re seriously asking me that question? You look amazing as always baby”….. “I hope you’re not ju-”…. “Justin c’mon c’mon, we don’t have all day” the photographer cut him off and grabbed him to take the shoots…  Flash. Flash. Flash. 

“That’s great Justin hold it there!” Justin did as he was told, standing with his hands held in front of his face as the photographer got closer and clicked the shutter 4, 5, 6 times before he told him to relax. He began posing in random positions again as the photographer had told him to before, flashes bouncing of the walls of the sterile studio and hitting him at every angle. As he began asking him to look serious, which turned you on, you loved it when he looked serious, it made him look too hot. He couldn’t help but let his mind slip back to you as he turned his head and winked at you… “Bieber concentrate with me” The photographer said in a firm voice and pointed at his eyes…Justin giggled and went back to doing all the weird poses…Suddely Justin’s phone beeped, you looked at the screen and it said “new text Caitlin (1)” It was a new message from Caitlin, you hesitated whether to open it or not, after all it wasn’t your business but you were eager to open it, what if there was something going on between them…. You took 5 seconds to decide and you ended up clicking on the message…. “Justin baby, call me back when you see this, I have to meet up with you tonight. Love Caitlin x” …. The anger arose in you, you marked it as unread so that you can see Justin’s reaction when he reads it.

 “Thats a wrap!” The photographer boomed, his voice filled with elation and Justin could tell that the shoot must have gone well despite his distraction…. “finally that was over, couldn’t stop looking at you Jess, you’re such a distraction” he laughed, but you had quite a strict face on… “Justin I’ll wait in the car while you get ready, we still have to go apply for this semester at school” …. “oh yeah I nearly forgot about that, lets just hope the head master doesn’t get a heart attack when he knows I’ll be applying this year” he laughed. You headed to the door, but you didn’t go to the car, you peeped from behind to see his reaction when he reads the message, you saw him go through his phone, he must have read the message it was the first thing on the screen then you saw him dial a number and your heart beat faster, he was talking to her and you couldn’t believe it, you tried hard to listen but you couldn’t make out what they were saying…. “Hey Caitlin I just got your text, I can’t meet you tonight, is there anything wrong?” you heard him say but of course you couldn’t hear what Caitlin was saying….. “ok ok don’t cry, I’ll see you for just an hour tonight at the club, ok?” You couldn’t believe your ears, he was gonna meet her, you wondered if he’s gonna lie to you or tell you the truth about this phone call, so you listened a bit more… “No Cailtin I can’t stay longer, you know Jess can’t know about this and she will wonder where I am, plus you should thank god I’m even giving you an hour of my time”…. You’ve already heard enough so you headed back to the car not believing what you just heard.

About 15 minutes later you saw Justin coming towards the car, you tried to act normal so he won’t notice anything on you and you waited until you see what will happen tonight. Kenny dropped you off at the school and you both walked in hoping no-one will jump at you. You went in the head master’s office who nearly had a panic attack once he saw Justin come in, turned out the guy had bieber fever which wasn’t a good start…. “Hi sir remember me from Last year, Jessica Stevens? I said I was leaving school, but I want to apply for this semester…. A-and Justin Bieber, I’m sure you know him, he wants to apply as well”…. You shook hands with him and he was shaking, you and Justin wanted to laugh but you held your laugh in… “yes yes Jessica I remember you, and is this a joke, Justin wants to apply here at our school? Milford High School?”… “Yes if It wouldn’t cause any problems” Justin answered…. “no no it’s fine, but you know how many fans you have and they would go crazy”…. “yes I understand but they will get used to it after a while” Justin replied with confidence. The head master agreed and you both filled in your application forms and headed back home.

It was already 7 pm and you were waiting to see when he was gonna tell you his excuse to go off and meet Caitlin. You both had dinner and you cleared the table as his phone rang… you didn’t ask him who it was but you saw him slowly take himself outside in the garden, you immediately knew he was speaking to her and it hurt you from inside. He came in with a worried face on his look…. “What’s wrong Justin? Who was on the phone” you asked in a firm voice….. “Jess, remember how I promised you that I will tell you everything?” he asked… “yes I remember, and I promised you the same thing”……. “well that was Cailtin, she called me today at the studio and she asked to meet me, and she called again now, but I refused to”…. You knew you can trust him, your smile spread across your face… “Justin I knew she called you, I heard the conversation but I wanted to see what you were gonna do, and I knew I can trust you” you wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss… “Jess you know I can never do anything behind your back” he smiled…You were relieved that happened because you knew things wouldn’t have gone well if he had went behind your back.

You went upstairs to get dressed in you PJs while Justin went to have a quick shower. Justin walks into the room smiling at you, you’re undressing into your pyjama bottoms, he comes up behind you and hugs you from behind, he whispers “you won’t need them tonight”…. he tug at the strings on your pants and you turn around and kiss his cheek teasing him, you try to walk away but he grabs you by the waist and picks you up and places you on the bed. He intertwines his fingers between yours and repeats “none of those silly clothes tonight beautiful” and winks at you, you giggle as he starts to unbutton his jeans, you start to untie your pyjama bottom chord and he smirks. He pulls down his pants and takes off his shirt to show his toned body. You smile and put your hand on the back of his and pull him into a passionate kiss his tongue begs to enter and he moves his hand down to the bottom of your tank to and tugs it up over your head and you get back to kissing. You are stood in lacy underwear and he pushes you back onto the bed, you feel him inside his pants and you stroke across his boxers. He whispers in your ear “don’t be a tease” and he sucks on your neck you moan slightly… all of a sudden the phone rings interrupting your moment in heaven, Justin still on top of you reaches for the phone… “hello? who’s speaking?” Justin asks… “Hello, Mr Bieber this is the police department, we’ve been calling for the past week, but we were told you were out of town so I  just wanted to let you know that Jaden Earles will be released from Jail tomorrow and we need you to come to sign a couple of documents”… Justin gulped and your eyes widened.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now