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You saw the gun, he was pulling the trigger…. Pointing at Justin …“You screamed out “NOOOOO”… As Justin tried to protect you and pushed you behind him… “woah there man, that’s not what we had a deal for”….. “well there was a tiny detail about the deal I didn’t tell you about, and that was killing you”… he said as he pulled the trigger and was about to shoot, you couldn’t bare see Justin get shot, you ran to move his hands out of the way so the shot doesn’t get to Justin, you struggled to move his arm, and you can here Justin screaming out “NOOOO JESSSSS” as he ran to pull you out, and one of the guys pushed you so hard to the floor, you felt your back ache and you suddenly went partially blind, you couldn’t see, you started to panick, what was happening? you heard a gunshot. Your heart sank, sweat rolled down your cheeks, tears made their way out and tricked down. Your sight came back after like 10 seconds, you saw Justin lay there, you saw the colour red so you were sure this was BAD. They ran off, you can hear them… “Come on lets go before anyone sees us.” You ran to justin and fell on your knees, more and more tears fell down like rain-drops, your eyes went bright red. ‘’JUSTIN, JUSTIN DON’T LEAVE ME’’, you screamed whilst crying. You wanted yourself to be in his place, you tried, you weren’t strong enough, “why God, why are you doing this to me” you yelled.

You held his head and gently laid your lips on his, ‘’justin please, please don’t do this too me’’, you couldn’t help but cry more. Your dress was filled with blood that was draining from Justin’s arms. ‘’HELLO? I NEED HELP CAN ANYONE HELP ME’’. You shouted. Two shadows came across and sat infront of you, they were panicking, ‘’omgash that’s justin bieber’’. One of the girls said, and wave of anger hit you, ‘’IS THIS TIME TO BE GUESSING WHO THIS IS? CAN’T YOU SEE HIS DROWNING IN HIS BLOOD”. You cried. ‘’hey, woaah, calm down you okay? We need to get this fella to a hospital now’’. A boy said whilst taking out his phone. ‘’do I fucking look okay?, DO I FUCKING LOOK OKAY’’, you shouted, but then again you buried your head in your hands, just crying and crying. You looked up and the girl and the boy, the girl was just scared and was walking around in circles, and you saw the boy who was talking to someone on the phone. ‘’ermm.. the ambulance are on their way and so are the police, don’t worry everything will be just fine’’, he said with a half-hearted smile…. “I’m sorry for shouting, im never that mean, its just I love him and I don’t wanna lose him” you cried… The girl came and sat next to you and put her arms around you.

You couldn’t wait until the ambulance came, you got up in your half blood stained dress and ran to the road to find any car to take you to the hospital… you were interrupted by your phone ringing, it was Kenny … “Kenny, help me, Justin he got shot”…. “Jess, don’t worry, we were on our way and we caught them, I can see u at the end of the road, look to your right”…. You looked to your right and you found the ambulance and the police car, you got on your knees in relief and thanked God. Justin was rushed to hospital, he was shot in his arms so it wasn’t too serious but he lost a lot of blood. Kenny, Ryan and Chaz came in another car after the ambulance took you and Justin to Hospital. They didn’t have a blood supply of his blood type. You panicked… The doctor said they can transfer some of your blood or Kenny’s or Ryan’s or Chaz’s since they were the ones at the hospital who are closest to him, “I’m ready to do a blood test right now” you urged… “yes mam, but your blood might not match, so we have to take blood samples from all of you” the doctor suggested… It took about 30 minutes to do the blood tests while they were doing a surgery on Justin to take the bullet out. The test results showed that you were the only one who had the same blood type as Justin. Blood type A. They rushed you to the operation room that Justin was in, they put you next to him and attached a tube to you which transferred the blood to him. Tears filled your eyes as you looked to the left, he laid there unconscious looking like an angel. This incident has changed your life, you knew what true love is. You never had that feeling before, to risk your own like to save a loved one. You never thought you’d put your life at risk for someone else, but when you saw the gun pointing at Justin, you just automatically jumped on to the guy’s hand to move his arms away from Justin in any way possible even if that means risking your own life. Was that true love? At this point you knew that what’s between you and Justin is more than just a love relationship, It was a lot more than that.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now