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Justin was sitting at the computer who you thought was finishing of some work. You came from behind him and gave him a warm hug as you wrapped your arms around him… “hey I thought you were doing work, but as usual you’re on twitter”…. “babe I can’t just ignore my fans” he smiled as he gave you a kiss… this was one of the things you loved about Justin, he never forgets anyone, and he’s down to earth… “Justin, 2 travel tickets to Hawaii appeared in my novel out of no where, I wonder how they ended up there” you asked acting as if you don’t know that it was him who put them there… “jeee I have no idea Jess, me maybe?…. SURPRIIISE”…. “Are we seriously going to HAWAII?” you asked excitedly …. “no I just bought the tickets for fun!” he replied sarcastically … you punched him in the arm …”Justin stop it are you foreal? Omg do you know how much I wanted to go to Hawaii”…  “yes and that’s the reason why I got the tickets gorgeous. I thought I needed a break after the tour and you needed a vacation” he got up from his seat and wrapped his arms around you, and gave you a passionate kiss… “I’m gonna make a few phone calls to cancel some plans for our trip next week, I’ll be right back” … he got up gave you a kiss on the cheeks and went out of the room. You sat on the computer and went on his twitter for a while you saw that he tweeted … “I Just surprised the most beautiful girl in the world… I love you Jess”… you couldn’t help but smile, your heart melted and you got that insecure feeling that you never wanted to lose him ever. He really loved you and he wasn’t afraid to show that to the world.

A week has passed, and you were extremely excited to go to Hawaii, finally you’ll be with Justin alone and no-one to bother you for 3 weeks. The car which came to pick you and Justin was waiting outside, you haven’t had a vacation for a long time and you were more pumped than ever. “hurry up Jess, the car is waiting outside, we don’t wanna be late for the flight”… “ok hold on let me just get my bag and the camera” you replied… you rushed upstairs to gather all your stuff and headed back downstairs… “hey there man,  ya’ll ready?” said Kenny as he helped Justin place the bags in the trunk of the car. You loved Kenny he wasn’t only Justin’s bodyguard but he was also like a big brother to him. “Jess, It’s been a while since I last saw you, how’s Justin been treating you, you know Just tell me if he upsets you, I’ll rearrange his face” … “no so far he’s been amazing, but you’ll be the first person I’ll complain to if he upsets me” you laughed… “You won’t dare to rearrange my face Kenny”… “oh yeah, well I can do this…” he messed up Justin’s hair and all you could do was laugh, you knew Justin was so obsessed with his hair, he will never let anyone touch it…. “nooooo no no, Kenny you just messed up my hair” he ran to the side mirrors of the car to fix it up.

You arrived at the air port hand in hand with Justin. He had rented a private jet plane just for both of you. Kenny sat next to the pilot at the front to leave you both have some privacy. “Justin I can’t believe you did this for me, you’re Just amazing”… “What can I say… you mean the world to me” he said while picking you up and heading to the bedroom… “omg there’s a bedroom too” … “of course there is where do you think we would have fun, otherwise the trip would be boring” he laughed. He dropped you on the bed and laid next to, you put your head on his chest, you can hear his heart beat as you traced your hand on his chest and he ran his fingers through your hair… “Jess you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me, I want us to be forever. Nothing will break us apart”… “You lifted your head up and smiled as you closed your eyes and laid your lips on his.

You were finally in Hawaii. As soon as you landed all you can see is paparazzi everywhere waiting for you and Justin. “whaaat how did they know we came here… Kenny I thought scooter gave them false information and told them I’m in LA!” said Justin so confused… “yes he did, but I think someone else found out that you’re here” Kenny replied… “oh fuck sake, I thought no-one will bother us here”… you felt kinda upset but you were determined that this will not stop you and Justin from having the time of your life… “don’t worry Justin, who said they’ll bother us, we can still have fun” you smiled as you put your arms in his and leaned on his shoulder”… “Jess are you sure you’re not annoyed? I mean I really waned it to Just be me and you and we wouldn’t have to worry about no lifers and cameras always in our face”…. “Yes, I’m sure, I’m ok with it, someone would have probably found out anyways”

As you walked out of the airport arm in arm with Justin, you can see all the camera flashes in your eyes, and people calling your name and asking questions… “Jess how did you and Justin meet?”… “Justin is it true you punched Selena in the face?”…. “Justin aren’t you meant to be in LA?”…. “Jess is it true you tried to commit suicide”… you can hear all those questions coming from everywhere, you just wanted to scream STFU, Justin pulled you through the crowd and Kenny was there to protect both of you. You finally made it to the car which was waiting a couple of metres away…. “omg what the hell was that” you said overwhelmed … “babe you’ll soon get used to that”… “Justin they were asking the most stupid questions ever. How did they know I tried to commit suicide?”… “I have no Idea but they seem to get the news from insiders… its complicated, anyways let’s just forget that they’re here” he smiled as he took you under his arms … “Where we going now? Did you rent a house? Or are we going to a hotel? We’re going to the beach right? Justin c’mon tell meee”… “hey slow down gorgeous, you’ll see where we’re going, it won’t be a surprise If I tell you” …. “oh fine then, I’ll wait” you were so eager to know what was going on inside his head.

After about 30 minutes you arrived at a villa in front of the beach. “we’re  heeere” Justin said as he got out of the car… “We’re here? Wait is this the place we’re staying at? Justin I think im gonna faint” as you leaned on the car overwhelmed. The villa was huge, it even had a swimming pool and it was directly in front of the beach, It was so romantic and it was all for you and Justin. You made your way through the gates and Kenny helped take the luggage inside. The view was amazing, It was like you’re in heaven. As you took a while to tour the Villa, Justin got a phone call from an unknown number. He went to pick up while he left you have a look around. “hello who is this?” Justin answered the phone… “Hey Justin Its Selena… please don’t close, I just wanned to say that I heard you’re in Hawaii and I’m here too, You left some of your clothes and your guitar over at my place and If you could please come and take them today or tomorrow because I’m leaving on Thursday.” This was the only voice Justin didn’t wanna hear when he picked up… “S-selena? what are you doing in Hawaii? Are you stalking me? I thought you said you won’t bother me”… “of course I’m not Justin I’m here to film my new music video, I’m over you now”…. “Urmm fine I’ll send Kenny to get them…” …. “no no, I want YOU to come, at least come say hi even though we left each other, we’re still friends right?” … Justin hesitated he didn’t know whether it was right or wrong to go, after all she didn’t do anything bad to him, he agreed to go get his belongings and just say hi to her. He shut the phone and went back in to the house… “Jess I gotta go somewhere quick and I’ll be back in 30 minutes”… “Where you going?” you asked… “urmmm, Just gonna buy some stuff, you know for the beach”… “Oh ok, btw get me some sun lotion while you’re at it” you smiled and gave him a kiss.

Justin knew It was wrong to lie to you, but he didn’t wanna upset you and ruin your fun. He went out to the hotel Selena was staying at. He went hoping there were no paparazzi there, he had his hoodie on and shades so that no-one will notice its him, even though Justin can be recognized anywhere. He went in and asked for selena’s room number… “its 647” the receptionist answered … “may I take your name sir?”… “urmm Jackson Rauhl” he hesitantly replied “Ok thank you sir, just turn to the right and take the first stairs on your left” … “wtf Jackson Rauhl, am I serious that’s the name I can think of” he laughed to himself as he made his way upstairs. He found the room 647 right in front of him. It’s been a while since he last saw Selena, he slowly knocked on the door and Selena opened, she was dressed in a short dress and had her hair wavy…

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