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It was nearly sunset, you both nearly forgot that Ryan was even there…. Ryan tried to clear his throat, to make you guys notice he’s still around…. “okay guys looks like everything’s good now, I’m gonna go and leave you guys to it” …. “Ryan thanks so much man, I don’t know what I would do without you and chaz.” justin said as he gave Ryan a brotherly hug….. ” it’s ok man, I didn’t do anything really, well I’m gonna go, I’ll see u guys tomorrow”….Ryan left and Justin grabbed your hands and asked you if you’d come home with him…. “let’s go home baby, I miss being home, just me and you”….. “well Justin I reserved a hotel room for tonight , so we might as well go stay there” you suggested…. “hmm even though i’de rather go home, but I don’t mind as long as I’m with you” Justin said as he kissed your lips. He took your hands and you both walked towards the car, he sped of to the hotel that you reserved a room at. During the journey there, he held ur hands so tight for the whole time as if he Never wanted to let go of you, “ouch Justin you’re squeezing my hands” you laughed ….”I’m sorry baby, it’s just I’m happy I have you back, i can’t believe you were just gonna go and not be in my life anymore”…. “again I’m an idiot, all i was thinking about was ur happiness” you said in shame…. “then u weren’t thinking right, because YOU are my happiness” he said as he picked your hands and kissed them and you leaned over to kiss his cheeks…. “let’s just forget about what happened, and start over” you smiled.  You both arrived at the hotel and one of the workers at the hotel came and opened the door for you, Justin gave him the keys so he can park the car.

As you headed inside, everyone was staring at you and Justin , you saw a small group of fans rush over to get his autograph and take pictures, you didn’t mind as long as you saw that beautiful smile of his… you both went in as the security blocked the fans from coming after Justin.. “hi how can I help” the receptionist asked …..“hello, I reserved a room here for tonight!” you told the receptionist… “what’s your name mam”… “Jessica Stevens” you replied… “room 323” she said as she gave you the key to your room… “urm hold on, is this a normal room?” Justin asked looking unsatisfied… “yes mr Bieber, would you like another room” the receptionist asked… “actually can we take your biggest suite” he smiled… “yes sure, urm let me just check if we have any available” she said as she checked on her computer… “yes there is one available, that would room 369, enjoy your stay”… she said as she gave him the key

Justin grabbed your waist and you both headed over to your room… “oooh 369” Justin said as he emphasised on the 69 and winked. “oh my god Justin seriously I need to clean your mind up”… “what, It just came into my head, its not my fault she gave us that room number” he laughed… you opened the room… it was huge with a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom… “woaah, omg lets stay here for the rest of the week” you insisted… “anything you want shawty” he said as he got closer to you and held you around the waist… he got more closer and looked down at your face with your foreheads nearlly touching not even a centimeter away from each other… he slid his hands up yourshirt and slowly undone the buttons, finally he took it off, while you done the same for his, he lowered his lips on to yours and softley pressed them against your lips, he passionately kissed you… you both started to make out, It felt so good, a moment with him felt like you were in heaven, his breath as it hit your face felt so warm. You cut him off and said.. “Justin are you sure about this? Like you were just in hospital and ur arm didn’t completely heal yet?”… “babe, im perfectly fine, unless you don’t wanna do it?”…. “no no, im just making sure ur fine”…. “yes I am” he said as he leaned over and went back to kissing you, you undone the belt of his trousers which easily came off since he already had it halfway down… by the time you both got to the bed you had your clothes of which trailed across the floor, he slowly pushed you on the bed and stretched your hands on to the pillow, you felt his abs press on to your chest, his breath gently under your skin so smooth, he ran his lips across your arms until he got to your jaw line and started kissing it so gently, you can feel his lips, his tongue fervently touch your skin. He smoothly kissed your neck and ran his hands up your legs as he pulled your underwear off and threw it to the side and you swiftly ran your hands through his hair feeling every touch…it was the only time he didn’t care that you messed up his hair… Anything he done wrong is completely erased from your mind, all you could think about was how much you wanted him right now. Things got pretty hot as you continued to get your bieber on.

You never felt so close to him for a long time… he breathlessly threw himself next to you on the pillow as he tried to take his breath… “wow Justin you were so loud”… you laughed… “that was possibly one of the best nights ive ever had, baby you have skill” he winked… you agreed that this was one of the best nights of your life you were both still undressed but just rapped up in the bed sheets….“i can’t believe you wanted to do it in Hawaii and Kenny’s room was like next to ours, oh gosh he would have heard everything” you giggled… “oh who cares, as long as we’re having fun”… he laughed and tickled you… you curled up in his arms, and put your head on his chest, you can hear his heart beat which was beating so fast, you started making shapes with your fingers on his chest… you were both silent for a while admiring each other… suddenly he looked down at you and whispered… “Jess do you promise me you’ll never leave me ever again”…. “Justin I will never leave you, I’m an idiot for doing it in the first place, but I explained why” you said as you got up and gave him a kiss… he smiled and ran his fingers through the curls in your hair… “Jess I love you” he whispered in your ear.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now