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Justin came in looking pissed off. “omg why is she here? What the fuck does she want urgghhh” he said talking to himself at the door. “is everything ok Justin? You asked stupidly even though you heard the whole conversation. “I don’t wanna cause you any more trouble” you sighed. “no no its not you, its Selena, she doesn’t understand that its over between us, and now she came here to CANADA to talk.”… “well Justin why don’t you go talk to her and explain that you don’t wanna be with her anymore” you suggested looking a bit upset… “I’ve already done that so many times, how does she expect that I would wanna see her face after she went and told the media that she’s pregnant from me? even though she’s not, all she wants is attention.”… You didn’t know what to really say to him, did he still love her? Or was he just angry at the fact that she did this to him? You asked yourself. “I don’t know what to do Jess” he said while he came and sat next to you and held your hands. Both your eyes met, he noticed that you looked upset. “Your upset aren’t you?” he said while looking into your eyes… “no of course I’m not” even though you clearly were. “its just that selena is here now and you’ll have to leave, so I’ll have to go back to my shit life” you said with tears in your eyes. “aww Jess forget about her now, I’m not leaving you. I remember we were gonna do something before she rudely interrupted” he giggled … “oh yeah hmm what was it?” you asked stupidly … “I think it was…” before he finished the sentence he grabbed your neck so smoothly and ran his fingers up your hair, he pulled you forward and tilted his head towards you, you can feel his breath, his lips were so lush, you couldn’t resist it, he passionately laid his lips on yours. His mouth was so warm, the touch of his lips softer than you could have imagined. He tasted hesitantly with his tongue.

It’s been a week since the incident and Justin has been taking care of you ever since. You both became really close to each other. He’s been ignoring Selena’s calls for the whole week. It was time for you to leave, you’ve recovered from the incident and Justin offered that you stay at his house.  Before you got ready to leave, the Doctor requested to take some information for database collection. Justin waited for you outside the office while you finished. You didn’t have any clothes with you, except the ones you came with, but u wanted to throw them away since they reminded you of the worst moments of your life. So Justin took you shopping after you came out of the hospital. It was a long day and you were both finally heading home to get some rest. While sitting in the car beside Justin, you decided to open your phone, even though you would be patronized by the number of missed calls you know you would have from your mum… “OMG 90 missed calls from mum” you gasped. “Jess I think you should at least tell her that you’re fine” he suggested. So you took Justin’s advice and called her. Before you even said a word all you can hear is your mum shouting “Jess where the hell have you been, I’m worried sick about you? Why did you just run away? Where are you? Are yo-” you cut her off “mum, mum slow down, I’m fine ok, I don’t like living with you and Jake anymore, so I decided to go live my own life. You never cared about me mum” you started to cry, and Justin held your hands tight to remind you he’s still here for you. You didn’t want to tell her about Jake raping you because you knew that she loved him and you didn’t want to ruin her life. “but Jess honey why don’t you wanna live with us. I know you’re old enough to make your own decisions now but at least tell me, not just leave me like this for a week” … “I’m so sorry mum, but I just wanted to tell you that I’m with an amazing guy right now, and that I’m fine, you don’t need to worry about me, I’ll come and visit from time to time” you shut your phone and didn’t give a chance for your mum to say anything. You still loved her and it hurt you saying goodbye to her but you had no choice after what Jake did to you.

You and Justin were silent for about 10 minutes after the phone call. He knew you were hurt inside and he wanted to make it up for you so he decided to take you to a nearby empty park to take things off your mind. “Justin where are we going now” you finally spoke… “You’ll see!” he smiled. In about 20 minutes you arrived at a beautiful place. It was a park with a huge beautiful lake and waterfalls, it was nearly sunset and Justin grabbed your hand and held them so tight “so you like my surprise” … “omg like it? You mean LOVE it? Justin this is amazing” he took you in his arms and hugged you. “this should get things off your mind, I always come here when I’m pressured by work to get things off my mind” … “then this must be your second home” you laughed knowing that he’s always under pressure… “Yeah you can say that” he laughed.

The hot sun beat down on both of you, reflecting off the sparkling water and half blinding you. Justin grabbed you by the hand and sprinted for a clump of palm trees near the cliffs, about ten yards away. You and Justin were both panting once you reached the trees. You fell down together on the grass, grasping on to each other, laughing and messing about like two kids. Once your eyes had adjusted to the shade, and you could see once again, you pushed yourself up on one elbow and noticed that Justin had gone quiet and was staring at you. It made you self-conscious, but you were unable to look away once your eyes had met. You let your gaze slip lower, to the rest of his body. Justin had his shirt half unbuttoned; you noticed how his abs rippled down into the waistband of his trousers. You reached down to run your hand along his impressive six-pack. Then he lifted your head up and came closer to you, he laid his lips on yours, pushing you slowly on the grass, he started to kiss you so passionately and run his fingers through your hair while you ran your hands along his abs.

Suddenly his phone started to ring. “oh my GOD, fuck sake what does she want now” he yelled… “Selena again?” you sighed. He nodded “YESS, doesn’t she ever give up?”… “well Justin you’re the one who says never say never” you laughed, even though it wasn’t the perfect time to laugh. “I think you should call her and just tell her how you feel towards her” you said giving a half smile. “you’re right I will tell her for the last time how I honestly feel. I’ll be back in 5 minutes” he got up and walked away to the car. You wondered what he was telling her, could they get back together? You knew you loved him and you were scared that he might be using you just like Dann did. Justin didn’t tell you that he loved you yet, you were still waiting, but all he showed was love to you, so you assumed he was just waiting for the right time to tell you. You looked at the ground and started to fiddle with the grass. You couldn’t clearly make out what Justin was saying to her. You can just see him walking from side to side and moving his hands around… “Selena there’s someone else ok” he yelled.  

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now