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Is this Justin? you thought to yourself as you picked up the news paper. It wasn’t anything new to see his face on the cover of magazines and news papers, but you didn’t want to believe your eyes at what you saw on this one. You held it up and gasped… “that would be 5 dollars mam, and if you’re buying the news paper it would be $7”… you didn’t even concentrate to what he was saying. You dropped the news paper and forgot about the ice cream. The man thought you were crazy until he realised you were Jess… Justin Bieber’s girl friend… “omg you’re Jess? I’m so sorry you had to hear about what happened like this”… you couldn’t hear anything it’s like your ears blocked all the noise out and all you can hear was your brain talking to itself.

You ran back to the beach… Kenny was sitting on the sand and saw you running; he immediately knew that you found out by the look on your face… “Kenny you knew, everyone knew, why Kenny? why didn’t anyone tell me?” You dropped on the sand on your knees while trails of tears ran down your cheek… “oh my god Jess you found out, I wanted to tell you everything, but Justin didn’t want to hurt y-” … “he didn’t want to hurt me? well guess what, he just did, why would he tell me he loves me when he still loves Selena” you yelled. “Jess listen to me, he loves you, she set him up, don’t le-” suddenly Kenny was cut off by Justin… “I rented the Jet Ski, we can use it in ha-…. wait what’s wrong? Jess are you crying?” Justin said unaware of what happened … “she found out” Kenny blurted out…. Justin looked like he’s seen a ghost, he was speechless knowing exactly what you will do, and this is the one thing he never wanted to happen… “why would you lie to me? If you still love her, why did you pretend to love me, if your plan was to hurt me, then well done it worked. I hate you” you got up and took of the diamond ring and threw it in his face. You left everything and ran off… “JESS WAIT…PLEASE DON’T GO” Justin yelled as he ran after you… you didn’t give him a chance to explain anything, since it was obvious that he was seen in her room kissing her. He didn’t have any reason or excuse for why he would have went to her hotel room in the first place. He grabbed your arm to attempt not to let you go… “Get off me, I don’t want you anymore, Just leave me” you yelled pulling your arm away. You ignored him and went to get a taxi to the nearest hotel. This time committing suicide was the last thing on your mind.

You stopped a taxi and asked him to go to the nearest hotel. “are you ok mam” the driver asked while offering you some tissue… “I’m alright thanks” you said trying to dry your eyes. You arrived at the hotel and asked for the cheapest room, since you didn’t have a lot of money on you. The receptionist took your details and found out that you’re Justin’s girl friend… “room 201, enjoy your stay” she said while handing you the key… “thank you” you replied attempting to give a smile. You headed upstairs and went into the room, you felt alone again, no-one there for you. You buried your head in the pillow and drowned it with your tears… all you can think of is that he came to Hawaii not because of you but because of Selena. He wasn’t over her you thought. It wasn’t a coincidence that they’re here at the same time, making out at her hotel room. But why would he lie and say he loved you? It just didn’t make sense to you.

“I hate you” kept echoing in Justin’s head, I made the love of my life hate me he thought to himself… “Kenny I let it happen, I lost her, I lost the most precious thing in my life, I’m such an idiot” Justin started punching the sand… “don’t worry man, I will talk to her once she calms down, she just didn’t give me a chance to say anything, It was a huge shock for her, just give her some time” Kenny was being positive for once. Justin buried his head in his knees and started to cry, he never felt so weak like this before. Kenny came and sat next to him and took him in his arms. It was already dark and Justin didn’t want to go home if you weren’t there… “we have to go home now, you can’t stay here forever” Kenny tried to convince him, but Justin won’t even say anything, he was silent the entire time… “Kenny! why is this happening to me? what have I ever done wrong?” he finally spoke… “other than going to Selena and you know she might do what she did, you did nothing else wrong, don’t worry I WILL get her back for you, It’s just a matter of misunderstanding that’s all, I’m sure she will believe me, but c’mon lets go home now”… Justin finally listened to Kenny and they packed up and headed to the car. On their way back home, Kenny can hear Justin’s tears trail down his cheeks and he can feel his heavy breathing. Justin was at his most fragile. He put his cap over his face so no one would see him like this and leaned his head on Kenny’s shoulders until he fell asleep. Kenny knows he’s so hurt from inside, but he doesn’t know what to do or say.  The only thing he had on his mind was to get you back with Justin. 

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now