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You laid there in pain, It hurt so much, not because of the surgery but because of the state Justin was in. They took a large amount of blood from you, but you didn’t care as long as Justin would be ok, he can even take all your blood if he had to. After 3 hours in the operation room, they removed the tube from your arm and took you to a separate room. You felt so weak and the doctor said you needed to rest and sleep, but there was no way you were going to sleep until you were sure Justin was 100% fine… “doctor when will Justin come out of the operation room” you asked with a weak and tired voice… “we finished the operation and took the bullet out but we are just trying to get his blood pressure back to normal thats all, don’t worry he will be fine” … the doctor reassured you.

While you waited for Justin to come out, Kenny, Ryan and Chaz came in with 2 police officers who wanted to question you. It was a fat one who had a box of donuts in his hands and eating one after the other, and another skinny officer… “hello mam, we’re here to just ask you a couple of questions, we won’t take a lot of your time” the fat officer said as he munched on the donuts, he didn’t even offer you any… “sure” you replied as you sat up, Kenny came and sat next to you and they sat down on the chair beside your bed… “so can you in details explain to us what happed from the point you got kidnapped”… You explained everything, and Kenny told them about what Justin told him on the phone…. “Thank you mam, we will be contacting you soon with the latest news and we hope you get well soon”… the skinny officer said as he got up, the fat one was too lazy, you looked awkwardly at him as he made an attempt to get up and pulled his trousers up.

Kenny urged you to get some sleep, but you refused, he got you some fruit to restore your energy that you’ve lost…. “Jess im so proud of you, you stayed strong” he said as he gave you a warm hug and you gave a half hearted smile… Chaz and Ryan were trying to cheer you up, you had to admit they were funny but you weren’t in the mood to laugh, but you attempted to laugh so that you won’t make them feel bad….”omg you guys seriously make my day” …. “seriously Jess, me and Chaz were pissin our selves when you got kidnapped, we knew justin would kill us and you should have seen his face it was like he came out of a roller coaster ride”… Suddenly doctor Swift came in with good news… “Hey Jess how are you feeling now? You were really strong out there, I’m proud of you. Justin is perfectly fine now, he should be awake in a bit”…“omg where is he can I go to his room?”… you asked excitedly… “yes of course you can go but after you feel better”… “I’m perfectly fine” you said as you got up from the bed… “ok if you insist” doctor swift said as she held your arm to take you to his room.”

His room was on the second floor, you slowly opened the door and he was already awake… “omg JUSTIIIIIN” you ran and gave him the biggest hug and he hugged you tighter… “do you know how much I was dying inside?” you said as tears fell from your eyes… “Jess baby look at me, just look at me?” …. It was hard for you to look into his eyes and see him in this state, but you did anyways because he asked. He lifted your chin … “baby I would never leave you, and I want you to know that, this is forever and nothing can come between us, not even death”…. He said as he grabbed your neck and hugged you as you buried your head on his shoulders and tears drowned from your eyes…. “don’t ever do this to me again, I would have gave my own life for you to live” you said as you pulled yourself backwards and looked into his eyes… “I can’t believe you jumped on the guys arms, were you crazy, he could have shot you Jess”… “Justin I didn’t know what I was doing, if I didn’t do that you would be dead by now, I just knew I had to get this gun away from you in any way, I couldn’t bear seeing you get killed”…. “awww baby, I can’t believe you did this for me, you are crazy”…. “well Justin you did the same for me, so you shouldn’t be talking” you laughed … “oh so you just waned me to watch you fight him like a ninja? Of course I wasn’t just gonna stand there.”

Suddenly you were disturbed by someone running in through the door…. “Justin baby are you ok? Omg what happened?” a woman said as she ran to sit next to him…You looked awkwardly at her, who the hell was SHE! You asked yourself… “I’m fine mum, im really ok, I missed you so much, do I have to get hurt so I can see you more often?”…. “of course not Justin, you know how busy I was”….“HIS MUM?” you said to yourself, you didn’t realise it was Pattie, you never knew how she looked like, you just heard about her, and you weren’t a huge bieber fan in the first place so you didn’t follow any of his news or anything at all… Pattie turned around to look at you… “you must be Jess, who Justin is crazy about. Thank you for saving his life, doctor Swift told me everything, you’re amazing” she said as she gave you a hug… you were kind off worried whether she will accept you or not, but it seemed that she liked you… “omg Pattie, I’ve been waiting to meet you ever since Justin told me about you” you were disturbed by a knock on the door…. The doctor came in and took Justin for a check up while you told everything to Pattie from the point you met Justin, and by the time you finished the conversation Pattie looked like she’s seen a ghost.


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