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Justin didn’t want to believe his eyes. Could what he was thinking about last night be true? Could she leave you for another guy? Weren’t you there for her? Who is that Jaden guy? Then why is she still with me if she doesn’t want me? Is it because of the fame? Justin’s thoughts were going too far, he started gathering questions in his head which didn’t have an end. He didn’t know whether to get angry or cry or ask you to leave him if you don’t wanna be with him anymore.

Suddenly you came down stairs to get your phone… “I think I forgot my phone… Justin is it on the table?” you asked not knowing he had seen the message…. “urmm yeah it’s here… who’s Jaden?” Justin blurted out… “J-jaden?.. he he’s a friend who went to my school I bumped into him today… why?” …. “oh just a friend? Well he sent you a text it was nice meeting you today and asking you to save his number, and why didn’t you tell me anything about him”… “oh yeah he took my number so we can catch up sometime, he’s just a friend Justin and I didn’t feel it was necessary to bring him up”…. Justin decided to let it go, he believed you, he had faith in you… “sorry for being a dick head it’s just I never knew who he was and like seeing a text like that was worrying”…. “omg Justin I would never cheat on you, he’s nothing important just a regular friend I knew in school, it would be rude if I ignored him”… “It’s ok baby I believe you, come here I got some good news for you” Justin said as he turned his frown upside down…. “Justin I can’t take any more surprises, you’re killing me with surprises” you said as you ran down the stairs… “I have 2 tickets to LA next week, you’ll finally meet my awesome mum and we can have some fun there too since I’ve been so busy these days, we gotta spend time together”… you put your hands over your mouth looking surprised …. “omg im so hyped up already, I can’t wait to meet her, thanks so much Justin” you said as you gave him a kiss on the cheeks.

Ryan and Chaz came and visited you and Justin that night and you all went to the club, since Justin missed them and he also wanted to take you out because you both haven’t spent a lot of time together lately.  The door bell rang and you ran to open while justin was putting his supras on… “ryan, chaz how are you guys, missed you so much” you gave them a hug and let them in… “We miss you too Jess, did you have fun in Hawaii?” Ryan aked… “hmm im sure you heard about the chaos that happened but yeah part of the trip was fun” you answered as you let them in…. “yeah we were so surprised about what happened, where the hell is Justin” Chaz asked… “oh he’s probably fixing his hair and putting his supras on” you said. Finally justin came downstairs and ran and hugged Chaz and Ryan, they looked so adorable, they were more than friends they were brothers and when you were around them you felt that you were living a normal life and forgot that Justin is a super star…. “ok guys enough with the hugging and let’s get going or we’ll be late” you said…

You arrived at the Club, thank God it wasn’t packed with people, Justin had reserved a table for 4. It was quite dark and everyone was dancing in their own worlds and nearly all of them were drunk so no-one realised that Justin was in da house. You and Justin went on the dance floor and danced until you were out of breath while Chaz and Ryan were getting drunk as hell, you never saw them get drunk so much, but it was just one night for fun, so you and Justin decided to get drunk too just for the fun of it, even though it was illegal and no-one was taking photos so why not?… you got so hot and felt dizzy so you told Justin that you’ll go sit over at the table. You drank too much and felt like throwing up, so you ran to the toilet and Justin came after you…. “oh gosh Jess you drank too much”…. You started to cough up and Justin washed your face to cool you down.

He ran the water across your face and mouth, his fingers touched your mouth so smoothly and you licked them, you got up and gazed into his eyes he picked up your hand, and pulled you forward. You felt this warm breath on your skin. He leaned in, you felt his warm lips press agaisnt yours. He had the strengh to take over you anywhere. Whenever your felt those lips, it felt like you were in a different world. He gently pushed you against the door and locked it and bit his lips as his face closed up on yours. He took his and your shirt off and you undone his belt and zipper. You ran your hands across his abs and he slid his hands down your skirt and lifted you against the door. You can feel his chest pressing against yours, his breath tickling your skin. He ran his hands down your back and started to make out with you. He ran his mouth on your neck and kissed it so gently as you bit his ears. He was getting more rough “uh Justin slow down, slow down, let’s go, Ryan and Chaz are probably wondering where we are.” Justin put you down and at the end of your little make out session, you were both out of breath. ‘’Man we should do that more often ey’’. He said whilst putting his shirt back on.

You and Justin came out laughing and he was doing up his zipper… “hmmm some people were having fun” Chaz laughed… “urm what fun are you talking about? In fact jess was throwing up Chaz now that’s not called fun?” Justin replied… you couldn’t help but laugh, they were too clever to figure out. “yeah ok whatever, that’s why you were doing your zipper aye? Anyways let’s get going, its 3 am already”… “yeah ok I’m gonna go pay the bill and catch up with you guys” Justin said as he went to the till. You, Chaz and Ryan were heading out side while Justin went to pay, suddenly you were stopped by some muscular huge guys … “look what we have here, I think she should be ours” they said as they pulled you away from Ryan and Chaz.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now