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It was about 6 pm and Justin’s smile grew across his face, he kept staring at you and you felt a little awkward but your heart was melting from inside. “I never want to lose you Jess”… this was an exception for Justin to say never. He held your hands tight and didn’t want to let go. You both went to sit in Starbucks at the airport so that he can explain exactly what happened. You sat on a table for 3 while Kenny went to order some drinks… “where shall I start” he asked himself as he took his breath… “Justin all I wanna know is how you ended up in her hotel room and kissing her, I mean she couldn’t have kidnapped you or something”… Justin was still holding your hands… “no she didn’t kidnap me” he laughed… “she called me and asked me to come get my guitar and clothes which I left with her before we broke up, so I went just to get my stuff and she’s the one who seduced me and kissed me but I pushed her off I swear”… “ok I believe you but you could have sent someone to get them for you” …. “well Jess that would have been kinda mean, she waned to at least see me I felt sorry for her, what can I do… girls are crazy about me” he shrugged… “gosh you’re so arrogant” you said as you slightly punched his arm… “well I wouldn’t have been angry if you would have told me you were going to get your stuff, its better than lying to me”… “babe I didn’t wanna upset you, and I admit that it was a stupid mistake, I will never lie to you again” he said as he grabbed you forward to give you a hug.

Kenny came with the drinks… “everything finally sorted?” he said as he placed the drinks down… “yep, we’re all good” Justin replied. Your eyes came on the news paper that was left on the table next to you. It had a photo of Justin pushing Selena off him… “well look at that, some paparazzi are life savers after all” you laughed… Justin grabbed the news paper from your hand and his smile grew on his face even though he knew more people will be talking about him now… “you believe me now?” he said with an innocent face… “Justin I think the whole world believes you now, I’m sorry I acted this way, but put yourself in my place, you would have done the same.”

While you drank your drinks and had a chat before going back home, Justin got a call from Pattie, his mum… “mum? I miss you SO much”… “baby I miss you even more, what have you been up to? You’re all over the news and who’s Jess?” she asked not knowing what has been happening the past few months… Justin explained everything to Pattie on the phone. You had never met her before, she was busy with some business she had in LA. You really wanted to meet her and hoped Justin would make that happen soon. He closed with Pattie… “that was mum, she really wants to meet you” he said… “so do I Justin, I can’t believe you haven’t introduced us, its been 6 months since we’ve been together”… “yes I know, but I was busy with the tour then we came to Hawaii, there wasn’t a suitable time, but how about we go to LA next week, we have nothing else to do” he said. “omg that would be amazing Justin, I really wanna meet Pattie, I hope she likes me” you said kinda worried… “If I love you then I’m sure she will too” Justin said as he smiled… “he gently squeezed your hand and asked if you would go home now… “c’moon lets go home now, you need some rest.” Your wishes were coming true one after the other, and 2 summer vacations that’s just beyond amazing. It was so sweet how he was sparing his time for you in his really busy schedule; it showed that he cared.

You went to collect your luggage and headed back home with Justin hand in hand. “Its good to be home” you said as you let yourself fall on the couch and took your breath. Justin came sat next to you and took you under his arms… “I can’t believe what has happened to us the past few months. It should be made in to a movie” he laughed. “lets forget about what happened and start an entire new page, just me and you”… you said as you looked up at him and gave him a kiss… “I need a long bath, im so hot and sweaty”… you said as you got up… “yes you got that right, you’re beyond Hot” Justin winked… you smiled and kissed his cheek. “I’ll be waiting for you… outside… in the Jacuzzi” he winked again… you giggled… “omg Justin you never give it a break do you”… “of course I don’t ima a beast.”

You went upstairs to have a long hot bath. After you’ve finished you got out blow dried your hair and wore your turquoise bikini since Justin was waiting for you in the Jacuzzi. You wore a short mini beach dress on top and headed downstairs. “gosh can you get any more beautiful?…. what took you so long” Justin said as he came from behind you… “I warned you, I said a LONG hot bath” you said as you raised your eyes brows… “and why are you even dressed? You’re gonna take that off anyway” he bit his lips as he looked at you from head to toe. You loved it when he does that you thought he looked so sexy… “whaat? you know Kenny is here right?” you asked …. “no he’s not he went out with some friends he knows in Hawaii, so we have the entire place to our selves”… he ran after you to take your dress off and you ran in the opposite direction around the couch to tease him like two little kids. Suddenly the door bell rang… “oh no why is he back early, I thought we would have some fun” Justin said looking disappointed… he ran to open the door while you went after him as he opened the door assuming it was Kenny… “argh Kenny why ar-….. SELENA?”  

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now