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It was about 9 am and Justin didn’t get any sleep at all. “She will be ok and awake in about 2 hours” said the doctor. “oh thank God” Justin said in relief taking his breath. “will she be able to go home as soon as she wakes up” Justin asked. “I recommend that she stays at the hospital for a week to recover from the operation, it will be best” suggested the doctor. “can I see her?” … “yes sure she’s under intensive care right now, but u can see her from outside” replied the doctor. Justin followed the doctor to the room you were in, he looked from the glass window and stared at you, placed both of his hands on the window wanting to reach for you. His eyes welled up with tears as he can see you wired up to several machines with an oxygen tube attached to your nose. He didn’t know why he cared so much about you, but there was this force he felt bonded to you and him. He had this feeling that he didn’t want to leave you. “she looks like an angel, she doesn’t deserve this, she deserves better than this” he thought to himself.

The nurse came to Justin from behind him… “ermm Mr Bieber?” she tapped him on his shoulder… “yes? Just call me Justin” he replied… “Justin she will be ok don’t worry” the nurse reassured him. He gave her a half smile… “do you mind if I can just get an autograph for my daughter?” the nurse asked. Even though Justin went through all this and he wasn’t in the mood, he still gave her an autograph, “yes sure, what’s her name?” he asked. He gave her the autograph and turned back to look at you. The doctor came to check up on you and suggested that Justin goes to the guest room to get some rest. Justin was so tired he couldn’t keep his eyes opened, so he headed over to the guest room and fell asleep as soon as he laid on the bed.

3 hours later you woke up with a really bad headache, but the doctor said that it was normal after an operation on the brain. “Did Justin leave?” you asked, hoping the answer was no. “No he didn’t, he’s just sleeping in the guest room” replied the doctor. You smiled and the doctor made a quick check up on your blood pressure. The nurse came in and got you breakfast, and asked if you wanted anything else. “no thanks” you replied. “your boyfriend was worried sick about you yesterday” she said. “my boyfriend?” you asked looking surprised. “yes Justin?” the nurse replied, thinking you lost your mind after the operation. You laughed and said “he’s not my boyfriend” then you told them the whole story about how you and Justin met. Suddenly you saw Justin come in, “how’s my gorgeous girl feeling” he said with the sweetest most amazing smile you had ever seen on his face. He called you MY gorgeous girl, you thought to yourself, no-one said anything like that to you before, you felt so special, you smiled and said “I’m feeling a lot better now, just a slight headache” you replied, even though you just wanted to jump up and hug him.

The doctor and the nurse felt awkward being in the room, so they left you both alone. “hey shawty, I’m glad you’re ok” Justin said holding your hands tight … you blushed and looked in to his eyes, it’s like you went into another world. “you’ll be staying here for a week to recover, you know that right?” he said. “yes I know, the doctor told me, but Justin please don’t call my mum, I don’t wanna go back there anymore, I want to forget them”… “aww babe, don’t worry I wont tell her, but why don’t you wanna go back, she’s probably so worried? You know you can tell your mum that he hit you with a vase, he’ll go to court for that” he said. All you can think of is he called you gorgeous, shawty, and now babe, you felt like you were in heaven, then you remembered you didn’t tell him about Jake raping you. You just didn’t want to tell anyone, you wanted it to be erased from your life. But you decided to tell Justin since you trusted him… “err Justin, my mum never cared about me anyway and there’s one thing I didn’t tell you” you said hesitating to speak… “What is it?” he asked a bit confused… “Another reason for why I wanted to end my life was because I was r-r-raped by Jake” It felt repulsive just saying his name, then you remembered what happened and put your hands over your face and started to cry. Justin looked in shock… “omgaaash, that fucking arsehole, if I can just lay my fuckin hands on him” he said in an angry tone. He took you in to his arms and said “you don’t deserve this, don’t worry about it, forget it ever happened and move on” he comforted you. He lifted your head up and said “look in to my eyes, I’m here for you ok, I won’t let anyone hurt you what so ever” you both looked into each other’s eyes, he moved his head closer to you, and tilted it to the right, his lips were less than a centimetre away from yours, you can feel his breath; as you both were about to kiss, you were disturbed by Justin’s iphone ringing.

“This is not the right time for this, urgh” he said in gritted teeth… “sorry Jess, I have to take this call” he said while getting up and going outside. “Its fine, I’ll wait here” you replied. You were a bit pissed off at the fact that his phone had to go off when you were about to kiss. You can slightly hear him talk on the phone, in fact he wasn’t even talking, you can hear him shouting … “NO SELENA I FUCKIN TOLD YOU IT’S OVER OK…. I can’t meet you now, are you forgetting I’m in CANADA…” you straight away knew he’s talking to Selena Gomez, you continued to listen to the conversation… “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, YOU CAME ALL THE WAY TO CANADA?” as soon as you heard this, your heart sank, why is she coming to ruin everything? Did she have to come NOW? Where am I gonna go now? I can’t go back home, and I thought I’d stay with Justin! Your head started to flood with questions and thoughts again. Your mind was like an exam paper, full of questions with no answers

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now