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It was already 6 pm and Pattie comes back from her very long trip of shopping and asks Justin if it’s okay if she leaves Canada to tend to some business trips and her own company. “mum im 17, i dont need you round me all the time.. of course its okay. go!” he says reassuring her… “well I feel guilty I only came yesterday and didn’t get to spend time with you and Jess, but then I have so much work.” … she says kissing his cheek. Clearly he’s embarrassed because he wipes his face and moans at her. You laugh because you think it’s cute. “Mum mum ok we were meant to make it a surprise, but me and Jess are going to LA in 2 weeks, so it won’t be long before we see you again.”… “Aww baby really, omg you were’nt gonna tell me? Well that makes everything better, I’ll have a lot of stuff planned and good you told me now so I can cancel some plans to spend time with you… but I have to go now, the plane is departing in an hour, take care of him Jess, and Justin don’t upset her, she’s an angel”… Pattie said as she kissed you both goodbye.

You lean over and kiss Justin. “what was that for?” he asks all happy. “what.. can i not kiss my boyfriend without a reason?” you say smiling. “well.. i can think of something else we can do if you’re in a good mood” he says laughing and winking. “justin! we are in a hospital! ..does that not bother you?” you say laughing too, typical boy, you think to yourself. Just then the doctor walks in. “do you have any plans tonight?” the doctor asks as she took the wires of Justin. You and Justin laugh like immature school kids at what you were talking about before the doctor walked in. “umm.. well..” Justin says sniggering. “no doctor we dont” you say trying your hardest not to laugh. The doctor looks at you both like you’re weird. “good, because Justin is free to go home later tonight or tomorrow morning” she explains and walks back out.

“later tonight?! what the hell.. why not now? i hate it here.” he moans. “well its better than nothing!” you say intertwining your fingers with his. You lay next to him in silence for about an hour just appreciating the fact that the old Justin is back. He breaks the silence by moaning… “urm jeeeesss, im thirstyyy” surprise surprise, that he is thirsty. “i’ll go get you a drink from the machine because the cafe won’t be open at this time of night” you offer getting up. “i dont want you to leave me though” he whines… “ok I won’t leave, let me just get out my book of wizard spells and find a spell that will magically get you a drink” you said sarcastically… “very funny” he said with a straight face even though he wanted to laugh…”i’ll be back before you know it” you smile and kiss his forehead. “you best be” he demands as the grip on your hands is lost as you walk away. Walking through the corridor of the hospital, you realize it’s empty because visiting times were over and it was fairly late. It’s kinda dark because the lights are faulty making you struggle to find your money for the machine in your bag.

There’s a girl at the machine already when you get there around your age. “omg” she gasps. “You’re Jess… Jessica Stevens.. Justin Bieber’s girlfriend” she stutters. You’re kinda freaked out that she knows who you are but you smile politely and chat until she leaves with her two bottles of coke. You’re still struggling to find your money, so you empty out your bag on the floor looking around to make sure no one can see so you don’t look retarded. It takes you a while because of the crap faulty lights but you finally find the right amount of money for Justin’s drink and a drink for yourself. The loud bang as the drinks drops echoes down the corridor as you pick everything up off the floor and shove it back in your bag. All of a sudden a hand grabs you from behind dragging you up from the floor and pushing you aggressively against the wall. It all happened so quickly you didn’t have time to scream. A person grabs your mouth and starts to kiss you with a lot of force as you struggle to get out of their grip….

You struggle more and more trying to hit whoever is kissing you. You get that same feeling in your chest when Jake was kissing and rapping you and you couldn’t do anything about it. When they finally pull away because you’re hitting them too much, you slide down the wall crying and holding your neck thinking that the worse is yet to come. “OUCHHHH, why’d you do that for?” the person said. “and why are you crying? it was a harmless kiss Jess” he added. Your heart sank as you remembered whose voice it was, but you still couldn’t see him properly because of the faulty lights.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now