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He tried to help you up but you pushed his hands away and told him not to touch you. “just leave me alone” you say scrambling to your feet and grabbing your bag. “no Jess wait” he says grabbing your arm. “get off me Jaden i need to get back to Justin” you shout through gritted teeth. The look on his face got more serious and full of anger at the mention of Justin’s name. He pulls you back with so much force and lets you go so you smash into the handle of the snack machine, you drop to the floor. “i didn’t wanna do that, but you left me with no choice, just listen to me that’s all i ask” he says calmly kneeling down next to you as you try fight back tears from the sharp pains in your back.

You were too scared to move or even speak so you just let him talk while you felt the pain run down your back. “when i saw you at the mall, it all came back. all those feeling and memories Jess, they all flooded back. Remember our first kiss? You told me we’ll be forever, you told me I made you forget all your problems… did u feel it?” he asks you. You don’t answer, you knew that you felt that when you first saw him, but you never wanted to give him hope that you’ll get back with him. You just wanna go back to Justin who is probably wondering where you are by now. “justin will be wondering where i am, I really have to go Jaden” you say calmly. “i dont give a fuck about Justin, i dont wanna hear about him” he snaps. “well i dont wanna listen to you, just let me go and i won’t say anythi-” Jaden punches you out of anger on your lip. You can taste the blood and feel his breath on you as his face is centimetres away from yours. “im sorry, i didn’t mean to do that. its just i can’t stand the thought of him with you. hes such an asshole and you deserve better, like me. He cheated on you, it was all over the news, but I didn’t cheat on you, I respected you Jess” he explains stroking your face. You get angry because he insulted Justin and the fact he keeps touching you so you spit in his face. “ohh, you didn’t wanna do that you stupid bitch” he shouts raising his arms about to slap you, you shut your eyes as tight as you can expecting to feel the pain flood your face at any second and put your hands over your head as your heart is pounding. “STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT JADEN, where were you when I got rapped by Jake? You didn’t care, and I told you I was gonna kill myself, no-one knew except for you, and all you told me was I don’t care? You weren’t there for me but Justin was, you’re the one who’s a dick not him”… All of a sudden, you hear footsteps; you look to your left and see a doctor coming down the corridor. Jaden gets up and disappears in a flash, like he was never even there. “omg, young lady.. are you okay?” what happened?” the doctor asks seeing you curled up by the wall, as he went to get a drink from the machine. “yeah, im fine” you say pulling a wired face because you could taste the blood as you spoke. “you don’t look fine.. here let me help.” he offers as he helps you up, getting your drinks and your bag for you. “do you want me to get a nurse?” he asks. “no thank you, but umm.. could you walk me back to my room? In case he comes back?” you ask shyly. “who comes back?” the doctor says as he places the money in the machine”… “I’ll tell you everything but please walk me back to the room”… He agrees and you explain what happened as you slowly walk back to Justin’s room. “we shall be on the lookout for him and remove him from the hospital, don’t worry” the doctor says arriving at Justin’s room. “thank you” you say giving a half hearted smile as the doctor walks away. You sigh, before walking into the room because you know your gonna have to explain all this to Justin who is gonna go mad and probably want to kill him. You knew you had to tell him because you promised that you’d tell him about everything from now. Finally, you gather up the strength to just walk in trying not to show any signs of being in pain.

“about time, im dying of thirst here, what took you so l-” he immediately stops talking when he sees you. “omgaaaash, what happend? Your lips? who did that to your lip? who am i gonna kill?” he blurts out in a rush and panicking and he got out of bed “here’s your drink” you say giving it to him as you washed the blood out of your mouth. “jess” he says sternly giving you that ‘just tell me what happened’ face. You wiped your mouth and sat right beside him and explained everything trying not to cry, you should be used to bad things happening to you by now you think to yourself. The only good luck you had was meeting and being with Justin, other than that you’re life was bad luck. He holds you tight and kisses you. “woah, easy on the lip action.. it hurts” you laugh through tears. He doesn’t laugh at all, in fact he’s angry and puts on his supras in a rage. “where are you going?” you ask worried. “to find that fucking idiot who did that to you, I swear it will be the last day of his life” he says through gritted teeth………… Panic makes your heart beat fast as you realise that if Justin does find him then all hell will break loose. “no justin.. you can’t!” you scream so scared you start to shake. “why not? he can’t do this to you and expect to get away with it.” he snaps. You try to get off the bed to stop Justin from walking out but struggle as the pain from your shoulder blades shoots down to the back of your spine. The strength you’re using to hold yourself up disappears and you fall to the floor. “Jesss” Justin shouts running over to you and lifting you back on the bed. “it’s my back it hurts so much” you cry out in pain. Justin lifts the back of your top up and gasps. A purple, blue and green bruise the size of Justin’s penis covers the top half of your back from where Jaden smashed you so hard against the wall. “im gonna fucking kill him, but first we gotta get a doctor to see your back” Justin shouts walking towards the door. “nooo don’t leave me” you cry. He turns back and see’s the pain in your eyes and you can tell that for a second, he’s debating in his head whether to go and find Jaden or stay with you.

He walks back to the bed, sits next to you and holds you as tight as he can. It kills you but you don’t tell him to let go because you needed him to hold you so he’d calm down. “he’s not worth it Justin, please don’t do anything stupid, i don’t wanna lose you because of him” you plead. He clenches his fist and sighs. “why did you have to date a bunch of psychos, why didn’t u date anyone normal? A beautiful girl like you could of had anyone but look who you choose!” he yells. You know he’s just saying it because he’s angry about what’s happened but you still can’t help but to feel a bit mad…. “WHAT? Oh so it was a mistake choosing you too? I guess if I date psychos, then you’re a psycho too?… “don’t even get me started Jess!”….. “you’re blaming me for everything, you know its not only me who gets us in to trouble” you yelled…. “oh actually it is, you’re the centre of our problems”… “oh really? Ok then I’m sorry… happy now?”…. you said sarcastically. He looks at you giving you a glare to quit the sarcasm but you carry on anyway. “im sorry for getting raped, im sorry that you left me for 5 months, I’m sorry that I tried to kill myself, I’m sorry for accidently cheating on you with ryan, I’m sorry you and i have weirdo past relationships, im sorry for bumping into Jaden at the mall, I’m sorry I got kidnapped and they wanted YOUR money and im sorry that Selena framed you. You said bursting into tears and you turned around to sit on the other side of the bed.

“Jess I’m so sorry, you know how angry I get, nothing is your fault… I just wish we can have a simple normal relationship like girl loves boy and boy loves girl and they live happily ever after, our life has been nonstop drama”… he said as he turned around to sit next to you and took you into his arms… you just didn’t say anything and attempted to stop crying… “we can do this Jess, we can get through this, we survived every other thing life threw at us. And remember we are forever, I love you and don’t forget that”…. he whispers the last part in your ear and intertwines his fingers with yours and he hugged you tighter… you were both disturbed by someone trying to open the door…

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