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Chapter 43

Things were getting really intense between you, Caitlin and Justin…. Justin held your hands and squeezed them, to let you know he’s here for you…. You both turned around to go to the car and end this conversation…. “Justin… wait man” Ryan called…. “wait for what? To hear more bullshit? Ryan I’ll see you guys some other time” he said and carried on walking avoiding to look at Caitlin…. “oh man, we wanted to spend some quality time together, what happened to you guys” Ryan slammed his hands on the side of his legs, looking frustrated, he felt that their friendship is breaking up…. “well Ryan, you know why our friendship is breaking up? All because of this bitch called Jess, she came and ruined EVERYTHING” Caitlin said attempting to yell so Justin can hear her, by that time you wanted to break into tears, she hurt you more than once and you tried to keep it calm and not show any emotions but you just couldn’t take it anymore.

You let out a tear and Justin can feel your breath trapped in, he knew you wanted to cry, he looked up at you and you tried to hide your face…. “you’re crying? …. Jess I won’t let those tears be because of her” he held your face from your jaw line and looked right into your eyes…. “no it’s fine Justin, you know how sensitive I am, please can we just leave”…. “look at me Jess, look into my eyes, you’re not fine, I know its bothering you” he hugged you so tight attempting to make you feel better….. “oh look now, she’s crying like a fuckin baby, oh please get a grip, I know this is all an act to get him to feel sorry for her, and sadly he’s falling for it” Caitlin yelled AGAIN hurting your feelings even more… “Caitlin will you get a grip…. Shut up please, your making it worse” Chaz said with gritted teeth…. Justin stopped and turned back…. “Caitlin you’ve fuckin taken it to far, you know your messed up seriously, would you leave us ALONE, do I have to tell you that I don’t want you anymore? And by what your doing your breaking the friendship between us, your breaking all the remaining strings that are connected between us, I’ve reached a point where I just don’t wanna know you anymore. Don’t think I’ll ever get back with you, and I swear if you hurt her feelings one more time, I will show you the other side of me, GET IT?” Justin was like a bomb that exploded….. “oh yeah sure you’ll show me the other side of you…I’m so scared oooo…..P-LEASE get a grip Justin, I know you’ll realise that you were happy with no-one except me, you’ll come to me one day”….. “yeah sure I will, you’re the last person I would dream to be with, Jess is a billion times better than you” Justin screwed her and walked back to you…..you can see her from behind him, she had her arms crossed and giving him the bitchiest look you’ve ever seen…. You immediately knew that she was hurt by what he said but she just didn’t want to show it. This eased your pain a little… “aye, Jessica or whatever ur name is, he’s gonna leave you, I know him more than you do, he’s done the same with Selena, and you know how it ended up, one day you will say Caitlin told me so”… she shouted to you…you tried to block your ears out from hearing what she’s saying, you were afraid that she was right.

“c’mon baby lets go home” he grabbed your hands and went over to the car….silence filled the car, all you can hear was the engine… until you decided to break the silence “Justin, you were happier with her… right? I know you love me more, but I’m talking about happiness! Please don’t lie to me”…. “Justin looked at you and shook his head, trying to say wtf are you saying, then looked back at the road… “oh don’t shake your head like that, you were happy with her”…. “Jess, no I wasn’t maybe at first yes I was happier, but trust me what she did made me dislike every moment I spent with her, but you said you didn’t want me to tell you anything about my past girlfriends”… “well I guess I’m tempted to know now”….Justin paused for a minute and parked the car by the side of the pavement and decided to tell you his story with Caitlin…. “she cheated on me… on purpose with 2 of my ‘friends’, it was no accident and she wasn’t forced to, she decided to do that with her own will, on top of that she lied to me and told me that she was pregnant from me, just to get me back from Selena, turned out there was no baby, that’s how stupid she is”…. “omg, then why do you still talk to her?” you asked looking confused, because if that was you, you’d never want to even look in the guy’s face…. “Jess I told you, Christian is like my brother and her mum is best friends with mine, I can’t just cut of my relationship with them, so I simply just broke up with her… anyways I just don’t want you to be upset, cheer up….  so where’s that smile from heaven? C’mon smile, I hate seeing you upset” he lifted your chin up. It was unbelievable how he can make you smile in the worst moments… “can I have a kiss now?” he leaned over and pressed his lips against yours, it felt so good, so warm and fervent. You both stopped to take a breath, you looked into his eyes and he moved your your hair from over your eyes admiring your face…he smoothly ran his hands over your cheeks… “Jess, I love you, and anything else you hear from anyone else is wrong ok? …. Just trust me and know that I love you so much”… you gave a half hearted smile and a hug… “I know and I trust you. I love you with all my heart Justin, my love to you is like handing you a gun. Having you to point it at my heart, and trusting you to never pull the trigger.” you whispered in his ears…. “and I will not pull that trigger Jess, EVER. And that’s all I want you to know.”

You arrived home, and something wasn’t right, you felt your heart race but you didn’t know why…. “urm babe are you ok? You look patronised, what are you staring at?” he asked you looking worried…. “urm Justin when we left we closed the gates right?”… “yees, ur point is…?” he asked looking even more confused, so you decided to get to the point…. “they’re opened, do you think someone could be inside? Omg what if it’s a burglar”…. Justin looked at the gates and noticed they were opened… “oh stop being silly, maybe Kenny’s in there” he tried to reassure you….. “no it can’t be, he never comes when we’re not home.”….. Panic started to fill your chest…. “oh c’mon Jess maybe we didn’t close it properly, stop being so paranoid” he said as he got out of the car and opened the door for you…. You both went in and you tried to get that idea out of your head, you thought you were really paranoid…. “See there’s no-one here, just me and you” he said as he took his jacket off and placed it on the hanger…. “yes you’re right, what was a I thinking, gosh I need to stop being paranoid”…. “yes you do, c’mon lets go get something to eat, I’m starving”…. “Ok, just 10 minutes, I’m gonna go get dressed and have a shower, I feel so sticky from the beach”….. “ok gorgeous, btw do you have your phone, I need it to make a call and my phone is dead” he asked… “oh yeah I left it on the bed, I’ll bring it for you when I come down”….

You went upstairs, took your clothes off and got ready to have a warm shower… you heard something happen outside as if something fell in your room…. “Justin are you out there?… Justinnn?” you yelled but no-one answered. You immediately got out and wrapped yourself in a towel…. You opened the door but no-one was there, except the lamp was on the floor, maybe that’s what fell. You felt a cold breeze come through the window, but you didn’t remember opening it. You ran to shut it closed, you rubbed your head looking so confused as your eyes suddenly came across you phone on the bed… “wtf, I could swear it wasn’t there before I went to have a shower” you thought to yourself…. You went to see if you got any calls or messages…. You slowly picked it up and clicked on the home button…. “look behind you” a message read.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now