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Next thing you know, you’re laying in a hospital bed wired up to a machine and a blood pressure monitor hanging from your arm… you looked next to you and Justin was looking at the floor with his fingers intertwined holding his forehead. “Where am I?” you said in confusion. Clearly you can see you’re in a hospital but you were really confused, was there something wrong with you? Justin lifted his head up and quickly jumped out of his seat and came and sat beside you… “Thank god you’re awake, how are you feeling” he said in relief… “Good I guess, I just have a small headache, but why did I just black out” you replied. You were both interrupted by a knock on the door… “Mr Bieber, can I Just have a word with you please” asked the doctor, looking quite worried… “Sure! Just one minute Jess, I’ll be back in a bit” he said reassuring you.

While Justin went out to speak with the doctor, you sat there wondering what just happened to you in the past 8 hours, you couldn’t believe yourself, the events just passed in your head like a fast forwarded video tape. You let out a small laugh at the fact that Justin Bieber was the one who saved you out of everyone in the world, you were eager to know what Justin and the doctor were talking about…. “Mr Bieber, I’m afraid that Jess seems to have minor damage in the frontal lobe of the brain, did she get hit with anything on her head?” … “Well she did tell me that her mum’s boyfriend hit her with a vase, like a couple of hours ago” replied Justin … “well, I’m guessing that this must have caused the damage, if we don’t do a surgery now, this damage might have long term effects, the surgery is a little expensive, about $40K” explained the doctor … “I’m ready to pay every cost for the surgery, but please do it as soon as possible” Justin pleaded the doctor. The doctor calls a nurse to get the operation room ready as soon as possible.

You sat there in the room impatient, so eager to just jump out of bed and go hear what they’re saying. While you waited, you looked towards the window, and stared into space, wondering why Justin BIEBER cares about you so much, he doesn’t even know you, you just thought he’s generally caring and he would have done that with anyone else, he’s an amazing guy you think to yourself. Justin suddenly opens the door with a half smile on his face… “Jess, Jess, JESS”… “Oh sorry, I was just day dreaming” you laughed… “Justin what did he say? Please tell me, I’m so so worried, and tell me the truth”…he comes sits next to you and holds your hands tight… “you know when that Jake guy hit you on the head, it caused some brain damage an-”… “omg am I gonna die?” you cut him off. Justin couldn’t help but laugh. “urm no gorgeous, they are gonna do a surgery now, its not late” he smiled “and hey, I swear you already wanted to kill yourself a couple of hours ago, so why don’t you wanna die now” he giggled. “urm I don’t know, I was stupid, I didn’t know what I was thinking, I didn’t think of the consequences, the people I will hurt” you said ashamed of yourself… “You got that right, if I watched you just get ripped into pieces by that truck in front of me, yeah that would have hurt me” he said looking in to your eyes. You and Justin had a chat for about 2 hours, while they were getting the operation room ready and testing the equipment. It was time for the surgery, you got dressed in this some sort of scrubs, and the doctors took you to the operation room on a wheel chair. Justin was holding your hands so tight all the way to the operation room; he was assuring you everything will be ok.

5 hours have passed and Justin was getting extremely worried. The operation was only meant to be 2-3 hours, why did it take this long? He started asking himself. He was waking from side to side punching one hand into another, “why is it taking that long?” “what if she died in there” he started talking to himself like a crazy hooligan. His head was flooding with questions and thoughts. The door opened and Justin saw the doctor come out, “Doctor is she ok?

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now