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“erm Jake what the fuck are you doing here, please get out I need to change” you said in an angry voice… “oh why baby, no need to change, we’re gonna have some fun, while your mum’s not here” he said while having an evil smile on his face. Shit, what am I going to do you thought to yourself. You started to panic, you knew he wanted to rape you, so you ran to the door handle and as you grabbed it, you felt his hands grab on to your hips and pulled you away from the door, he threw you on the bed and tied your hands and legs, you felt helpless, no-one was in the house and he was much stronger than you, all you could do is scream and attempt to push him away.

He took your towel off, and ran his hands down your body, he started to rape you constantly and all you did is scream so loud hoping that someone will hear you. He grabbed the vase next to the bed and smacked you on the head. You blacked out. You woke up at about 10 PM, you had this 1 minute of confusion after waking up, you had the most terrible headache ever, you realised you were naked in bed and someone was in your shower; you can hear that arsehole Jake singing in YOUR shower. Then all of a sudden you remember the raping, the screaming, your heart sank again and you started to cry, you wanted to die, you wanted to disappear, you looked at yourself in the mirror and threw your hairbrush at it that it broke. You put on some jeans and a jumper; you ran downstairs and slammed the door behind you. You walked in the streets like a lost puppy. you didn’t know where to go at 10 pm. You wanted to get rid of yourself and your life, “what’s the point of living if my life is gonna be like hell, might as well die” you thought to yourself.

You walked and walked for about an hour, you didn’t even know where you were, you just wanted to go as far away as possible, away from everyone. Suddenly you saw a huge truck heading your way. Something told you to cross the road, “shall I cross and just end my life, it wont be as painful as living it” you spent 5 seconds of deciding whether to cross or not. You decided to cross in front of the truck, you stood there covering your hears while the tuck was heading your way. You saw a huge flash from the truck, and the sound of the Horn was so loud. “This is it, that’s the end of my life” you thought to yourself. You closed your eyes ready to end this pain…. All of a sudden someone grabs you from in front of the Truck and you hear swearing from the truck driver. The Horn of the truck fades away… “omgoosh what were you thinking, you were about to get yourself killed” said a beautiful voice behind you” your still in shock, you tuned around looking patronized and you see a guy with hot blond hair, beautiful eyes. It took you like 2 minutes to recognise who it was, it finally registered to your mind that it was Justin Bieber. You didn’t even say a word, you couldn’t speak from the shock you just had… “come with me, I think you need to calm a little” he said holding you around the waist and taking you into his car” You were still too shocked from what happened, words weren’t coming out of your mouth, even though you were talking to yourself in your mind…“what am I doing in Justin Bieber’s car, did he just save my life? Am I dead?” you thought to yourself, you sounded like an idiot. “So what’s your story? Why did you just throw yourself in front of a truck?” he asked so confused. You started to form some sentences… “I-I don’t know, its complicated, you can say my life is like hell, I might as well die” you said as you turned your head around to look at him… “Justin what were you even doing there?” you said so surprised that out of everyone in the world, Justin Bieber is the one who saves you…. “I was going back home from a friend’s house, and I saw you in front of the truck, you scared the hell out of me, how can a gorgeous girl like you want to commit suicide” he replied. You blushed a little when he said your gorgeous, you decided to tell him everything about you, from your break up with Dann, to moving to Canada, and he told you everything about him and Selena breaking up. It’s been 1 hour you and Justin speaking and you felt really dizzy and leaned your head on the window… “Jess you don’t look very well, we need to take you to a hospital for a check up” he held your and so tight to comfort you as he turned on the car and drove to the nearest hospital. It was about 12 am now, your mum was probably worried sick about you, but you didn’t care, you didn’t want to go back home.

In the Hospital ~

You couldn’t stand up properly, you were really dizzy. Justin was holding you around the waist supporting you as you both made your way in to the hospital. “Can I help you” said a nurse coming from behind, “Jess here is feeling really dizzy and we just wanted to see the doctor for a check up,” said Justin impatiently, “omg you’re Justin Bieber” said the nurse with a surprised look on her face… “Yes I think I’m 99.5% sure that I’m Justin Bieber, now can you take us to see a doctor please, she’s nearly gonna collapse” he replied in an angry sarcastic tone… “Sorry Mr Bieber, come right this way” you both followed the nurse who lead you to the doctor’s room. The nurse explained to the doctor why you and Justin are here. As soon the nurse left the room, you fell to the ground and blacked out.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now