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“STOP THE CAR JUSTIN… ITS JESS” Ryan screamed with relief. Justin pulled the brakes immediately and they both jumped out of the car. “OMG JESSS… wake up please, don’t do this to me, I love you Jess” Justin said while he cried hoping you’ll wake up. “she’s breathing, but she’s so cold… Ryan call the ambulance quick”… The ambulance where here in no time after Ryan had called them… “what’s the situation sir?” asked one of the ambulance crew… “what do you think the fuckin situation is, can’t you see she’s unconscious, and she’s freezing to death”  Justin yelled.

The ambulance rushed you to the hospital. It was chaotic, Justin was standing there watching them put oxygen masks on your mouth and tubes up your nose. “Prepare the operation room quick”…. “get the oxygen pump, she’s not breathing”… “get the defibrillator her heart is not beating” … Justin can hear a number of doctors and nurses shouting and panicking, his head was going to explode, he thought that’s it he lost you and it was all his fault, his head started spinning around, he can see flashes everywhere and he suddenly dropped to the ground.

5 hours later Justin woke up with the worst headache. He had those 2 minutes of confusion after waking up… “Justin? Are you ok?” Ryan asked… “where am i?” … “wtf dude did u lose your mind? We’re in the hosp-”… “shit where’s Jess, is she ok, please don’t say she’s gone” Justin cut off Ryan as he clocked on what happened… “Justin calm down, she’s under intensive care right now, she’s fine, she had taken like 20 of the pregnancy tablets, but she’s in a coma at the moment” Ryan replied … “no you’re lying to me, I need to go see her for myself” Justin jumped out of bed and went out to find the doctor. As he slammed the door behind him, the Doctor was standing outside… “Oh Justin, how are you feeling now”… “not so good, where is Jess? She’s fine right? Please don’t say she-“ … “Justin Justin, calm down she’s fine she’s in intensive care and supposed to wake up in a couple of hours, you should go rest right now”…. Justin was relieved and took a deep breath… “can I see her?” Justin asked … “yes of course but just for 10 minutes, I also have bad news, s-she lost the baby due to the amount of tablets she took” The Doctor replied looking quite upset, even though for Justin this was good news.

Justin followed the doctor to the room where you laid there like an angel. Justin dropped on his knees burying his head in his hands… “It’s all my fault, she could have died” he started crying at the state you were in. Ryan came lifting Justin up from the ground. “Justin she’ll be ok, you both will be together in no time” he comforted him. 3 hours have passed and You started to open your eyes… “J-Justin is that you?” … “omg Jess you’re awake, don’t ever fuckin do that to me again”… “do what to you, you’re the one who kicked me out” tears started to form in your eyes… “yes im an idiot for doing that, you know I love you, you know I was angry at that time Jess”… he held your hands so tight and kissed them.

Ryan felt awkward in the room so he got up and headed towards the door… “Ryan wait!” Justin said as Ryan turned around thinking Justin is still angry at him… “Ryan im sorry about the baby, I know it was yours and I forgive you and Jess, I know I wasn’t there for Jess at the time she needed me most, and I wanned to thank you for taking care of her” …. “Justin no need to be sorry, I didn’t want the baby, and you and Jess mean so much to me, I would never want to hurt any of you” he said while tears trailed down his cheeks. Justin got up and hugged Ryan…It was very emotional, you felt relieved no-one was angry at each other anymore, you were back with Justin and the baby was gone.

It was time for you to go home, you spent more time at the hospital more than you spent at home, you were getting sick of it, you hoped that you will never wanna see a hospital again. Justin went to get you a change of clothes and supported you while you made your way to the car. “So what do you wanna do tonight” he asked… “nothing really Just get some rest”… but Justin had other plans “are you serious Jess, I thought we’d have some FUN, It’s been 5 months gorgeous”… “omg Justin you never stop do you, you’re like a machine” you laughed. “you know me too well beautiful” he winked.

It was good to be back home in Justin’s arms, the past few weeks have been hectic and you just wanted to go back to your normal life with Justin, well it wasn’t so normal. Justin picked you up and carried you up stairs… “shawty I’m gonna go have a shower, wanna come join me” … “hmmm let me see, how about no?” you laughed … “whaaaat how can you say no to ME” he pulled on a puppy face… “you know what Justin you’re so arrogant” you laughed, you of course couldn’t say no so you got undressed and got into the shower with him.

Later that night you were reading “the last song” while Justin was finishing of some work. As you got to the last chapter of the book you found a note that said “why are you reading this beautiful, you know our love story is so much better” you couldn’t help but smile then you turned the page and there was 2 tickets to Hawaii… you were confused the tickets had your name and Justin’s name on written on them … Hawaii? could Justin be taking me to HAWAII..

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now