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Chapter 50:                                                          

You finally arrived in LA after nearly 3 hours flight. You fell asleep so Justin quietly woke you up… “Jess, wake up honey…” he said as he tapped your shoulders.. you slowly lifted your head up… “are we here?” … “yeah c’mon, get up”… he supported you up and held you around the waist as you both went down from the plane behind Kenny. Paps were already there taking photos like crazy and you were already half asleep but the flashing cameras helped you to wake up. Justin wasn’t in the mood to find the paps straight in his face after a tiring journey, but he couldn’t do anything about it so he just held your hands and walked through to do the regular passport check procedure and Kenny went to collect the luggage. You were all done in about an hour and you went to get in the car. You and Justin were so tired, it’s been a long day and it was 2 am. The excitement of meeting Jazzy, Pattie and Jeremy kept you awake… “Justin where are we going now?” you asked… “to mum’s house and then tomorrow we’ll go see Dad and Jazzy”…. “oh okay, that’s awesome, you never told me.. is your dad separated from his second wife?”… “who? Erin? Yeah they separated about a month ago”…. “oh I see”.

An hour had passed and you were finally at Pattie’s house, who’s been waiting for you both all day… “my two favourite angels are finally here”… she grabbed you both and gave you a warm hug… “Justin I missed you baby. Are you feeling good? Have you been eating well? Sleeping well? And how’s your arm now?” she blurted out a whole lot of questions while she cupped his face in her hands. You can tell he was a little embarrassed, but that’s what all mum’s do and you thought it was so sweet… “mum mum, I’m fine I swear. No need to worry about me” he smiled and gave her a hug… “Jess has he been taking good care of you, if he upsets you just tell me” she said as she turned around to you… “no, he’s been an angel” you smiled… “hey mum that’s not fair u never asked me if she’s good with me?… “gosh Justin you’re so childish, has she been good with you if that makes u feel any better?”… “NO, she’s been horrible” he sarcastically said and you widened your eyes at him… “nah im just kidding she’s been more than an angel, I don’t know what I’d do without her, she makes me happy”…. “awww, well you two need some rest its already 3 am. So go inside and get yourselves some rest, because Justin you have a long day tomorrow. And Jeremy is coming over for dinner tomorrow along with Jazzy”…..You both took the luggage inside and got dressed, but by that time you didn’t really want to go to bed so you just sat in Justin’s arms on the bed and had a chat.

“Justin I think our life is becoming so much better. Don’t you think? It feels so good not to find trouble every second”…. “who said there was trouble in the first place? You know when I’ll be in trouble? If I woke up and never found you by my side” he cuddled you harder in his arms. It felt so warm. You looked up at him and gave him a smile as you leaned your head onto his chest and intertwined your fingers together… “you’re so beautiful Jess” he said as he leaned his head down and kissed Yours… You fell asleep on Justin’s chest but he was still awake.  Justin had a lot on his mind he didn’t want you to feel the pressure that was on him, or the hate that you’ve been getting, since u deleted your twitter and you refused to watch any news, you didn’t know what’s been said about you. He looked at you. What beautiful features he thought; The perfectly sculpted eyes, the perfectly plumped lips, and your perfectly positioned nose. He slowly and gently brushed the back of his hand on your right cheekbone. Not too hard, not too soft. Just enough to feel your soft skin but not enough to awaken you from your deep sleep. He lay there, thinking about how lucky he is that he’s found the love of his life. As he was thinking, he managed to peek over at the alarm clock. And at that moment, reality sat in. “shit its almost 5 am” he whispered to himself and he was scheduled to wake up at 8, so he slowly manoeuvred himself next to you and fell asleep.

You felt the sun shining on your  face as you slowly opened your  eyes and squinted at the brightness of the sun. You glanced over at the clock; it read “7.00am”. You suddenly heard a knock on the door, so you slowly shifted your body towards the side of the bed and attempted to move Justin’s arm which was wrapped around you as you grabbed a pillow and slid it under his arms. You gradually climbed out of bed and put your pajama bottoms on and slowly crept to the door to see who was there… “morning sunshine, is this sleepy head still sleeping” Pattie said as she looked over your shoulder to find Justin sleeping in his deepest sleep… “yes” you giggled… “7 am is too early for him” you replied… “well wake him up and remind him he’s gotta be at the studio at 9 am. Kenny just called me” Pattie said … “ok sure I will doo”… “ok hun, breakfast is ready by the way, so I’ll see you outside in a bit” Pattie said as she headed back outside and you nodded your head and gave her a warm smile… you went back so tempted to go back to sleep in Justin’s arms, but instead you attempted to wake him up… “Justin… Justin baby wake up… justinnn” you tapped his shoulders and rocked him slightly until he woke up…. “what time is it?” he mumbled… “c’mon wake up, it’s 7:20.” Eventually he  woke up and went to have a shower while you got dressed and brushed your hair, suddenly You saw Justin coming out with his hair soaking wet and a towel wrapped around his waist…. Now that was something that turned you on… you looked at him from head to toe and bit your lips… “babe you look so hot when you do that” he winked and gave you a warm hug… “Justin I gotta ask you something” you hesitated… “sure thing, go ahead ask”… “when are you planning to tell Pattie about the baby?”…. “I don’t know, I dunno how to bring it about? U know what I mean? But I have to, so I’m just waiting for the right moment, when dad’s here too”…. You smiled looking a bit nervous, were they gonna change their opinion about you after they know you’re pregnant, or will they be proud and happy… you wondered.

You’ve both gone to the studio in the morning for an interview and then it was time to go to the show at about 7 pm. You’ve never been with Justin to any of his shows before, when he was on tour, you stayed back in Canada, and so the excitement arose in you. You both finally arrived at the arena where he was doing the show for a charity event.  Again there were flashing lights everywhere in your faces as you stepped out of the car, screaming fans reaching out for Justin. “Over here Justin! Justin look over here! Justin! Justin! Justin!” you heard from every side. But something really struck you in the heart… “Jess give Justin a break he doesn’t need you” a voice was hitting you from one side and from the other side another voice attacking your heart… “Justin was so much happier without you, we miss the old Justin, you changed him bitch”… and the most shocking thing was one girl tried to grab your hand and scratch you as she said “you’re nothing but a low life hoe, all you want is fame and Justin’s money” but you managed to escape her and grab on Justin’s arm. You couldn’t do anything but hide your face and walk behind Justin who heard all the mean comments which were thrown right at your heart. He looked pissed off and upset of how some of his fans were acting. It was like every other noise was blocked except those. Why were they doing this? You thought. They don’t even know you. You hated the judging you were getting especially that they know nothing about you, a little tear fell from your eyes but you tried to keep it in so you won’t ruin Justin’s day.  You went back stage and stayed with Kenny until Justin had finished.

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