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Chapter 51:

The show is finally over. Justin came in looking knocked out as water dripped from his face and hair, he wipes off the excess liquid off his face and finds you sitting alone on the couch. He walks over to you and sits beside you. You look up and smile sweetly and he sighs. “How are you feeling babe?” he asks. You purse your lips. “I’m feeling good, proud of you. Your show was amazing.” You smile. He nods and takes your hands in his. You stare at it while he stares at your face. All of a sudden you look up at him. “Do you regret it?” you ask and he gives you  a confused look. “What?” you roll your eyes. “Don’t act like you don’t regret it. Us. Dating. Do you regret it?” You frown a little. All you can see was Justin’s mouth dropping a little, “did she just ask that?” He thought to himself. He lifts your chin with his fingers and leans it, and kisses you slightly on your top lip. You both synchronize and drift away as you just look up at me. You intertwine your fingers with his. He still didn’t answer you so you repeated yourself again “Justin do you regret this? I know how much you love me but do you regret this love to me, do u regret ever meeting me and falling in love with me?” a little tear streamed down your cheek. You knew that you didn’t regret anything, you didn’t regret the first time you looked into his eyes, the tenderness of his touch. The smoothness in his glide....but did he? He looked up into your eyes and finally answered …. “Jessica Stevens, I shall never regret the time I first looked at this beautiful face. Never ever doubt that I don’t like the fact we’re dating. Dating isn’t even the right word, Jess we’re ONE. We’re forever remember? My fans may be a little crazy at times, but they mean well. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and nothing’s going to change that.” He kisses your bottom lip and you softly hug him tightly. He kisses your neck, which makes the chills go down your spine. You look into his glistening eyes and sometimes wonder. Are you living in a dream?  

It was getting late, so you and Justin went home but you left from the back door of the Arena to avoid everyone outside. Your mood was messed up but Justin as always didn’t fail to cheer you up. You arrived at Pattie’s and surprisingly you found Jeremy and Jazzy there as well. “BIEBERRR” Jazzy ran into Justin’s arms…. “hey there sweetheart, how’s my angel doing?” he said as he picked her up and gave her a kiss… Justin introduced you to Jeremy who seemed to like you a lot. You were relieved that his family accepted you … “Bieber who’s that” Jazzy said in that adorable squeaky voice as she pointed at you… “she’s my girlfriend Jess, say hi to her Jazz”… “hi” she said looking a bit shy since she wasn’t used to yet… “hi Jazzy, Justin told me a lot about you, come with me I wanna show you something” you said as you took her from Justin’s arm and went to give her the present you got her”…

“Dinner is ready” Pattie called from inside so you all headed over to the dining room, you seated down and it felt a little awkward since everyone was silent for about 10 minutes… Justin suddenly held your hands tight and leaned over into your ear… “shall I tell them now?” he whispered. You were about to choke on the piece of meat you were swallowing… “what? Now?”… “yess” he whispered back… They were gonna know anyways so you nodded your head nervously frightened from the outcome of their reactions… Justin cleared his throat as he prepared to tell them about the baby… “mum… dad… I have something me and Jess have to tell you” he hesitated a little… “Justin we have something to tell you as well, but go on what do you wanna say?” Pattie asked… “well… urmm please don’t get shocked but Jess is… she’s… she’s pregnant” he finally blurted out. There was like 5 seconds silence as Pattie looked kinda patronized, and the sound of the spoon hitting the plate broke the silence… You gulped. She remembered that she was in your position once and all she wanted was support and confidence and she didn’t need anyone to put her down… “omg that was major news, I don’t know what to say… I’m really happy for you both” she got up and gave you a warm hug and a kiss…. “but Jess hun are you sure you’ll be able to handle it? you know it will be a huge responsibility and you’re still 17 years old”…. You nodded your head…. “mhm I’m sure I will be able to, I’m just so glad you’re ok with it”…. “awww luv how can I not be? Wait that means I’m gonna be a grandma…. I feel old” she laughed… “no mum you’re always gonna be beautiful and young”  Justin said as he gave her a hug….. “urm dad I didn’t hear you say anything”…. “well your mum said everything I want to say, I’m so proud of you both and I’m sure You’ll be great parents,  Jess you’re a great girl take care of each other” he smiled…. “Jeremy shall we tell them now?”….. “Tell us what?” Justin asked looking a bit confused…. “Me and your dad are going back together”…. Justin dropped his knife and fork and was silent …“whaat? Are you serious? Omg dad is that true are you really gonna get back with mum” Justin’s eyes were filled with joy…. “calm down son, yes we are” Jeremy said as he smiled and held Patties hands…. You remembered how Justin told you he’s always wanted them to get back together, he loved them so much and this made him more happier than ever.  Seeing him happy was just enough to make you happy.

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