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Chapter 48

You were finally there. Justin stopped the car in front of the beach. “Justin that’s your surprise?… the beach? We were here like 2 days ago.” You didn’t care where you were as long as you’re with Justin but you thought the surprise would be something more than that…. “no silly, there’s something I wanna show you” he smiled as he grabbed your hands… now you were really confused, you ended up in front of a yacht parking… “Justin, when are you planning to tell me what the surprise is? Im so confused” … “this is the surprise, what do you think? You see this yacht over there?” he said as he pointed at the biggest one … “urm yess” you replied…. “I bought it for you, I was meant to tell you on a special night, but I guess today is this special night” he smiled as he held your hands tight and looked into your eyes… “you’re kidding me right? Justin stop joking please, this really isn’t funny” you said in a firm voice since you couldn’t believe that could actually be true… “no Jess, I really did buy it for you, you’ve always told me  you want us to be alone and together away from everything so I bought this for us and only us” he laughed…. “o-oh my God! Justiiiiin I can’t believe this, I love you so much, you’d actually buy this for me? like its huge, how much did it even cost? like 3 friggin million dollars” you gasped not believing your eyes…. “Jess I swear I’d buy this entire world for you if I had to” he hugged you so tight and you can feel the warmth… “ok don’t you wanna see it from the inside?”…. “was that even supposed to be a question, of course I want to, or actually wait am I gonna get a heart attack? Justin I still can’t believe you did this for me!”…. “omg  Jess come with me” he said as he grabbed you and walked over to the yacht, it was huge with lights everywhere, it looked so luxurious.

Justin picked you up and stepped on to the lower deck, you slowly went inside and the living room with the opened kitchen was the first thing you saw, you felt you were dreaming It was so much more than you expected, there were three couches and the upper deck was opened on to the living room and the view of the sea was absolutely astonishing….this place was only for you and Justin no-one ever had to know about it… “so what do you think?” Justin asked as he wrapped his arms around your waist….. “what do I think? I think this is just… I dunno im speechless” you said as you put your hands over your mouth and a tear fell down…. “Jess are you crying?” Justin asked as he looked up at your eyes”….. “no no, I’m just so happy” you wiped your tears off…. “awwww baby, come let me show you the exciting part”…. He said as he took you downstairs! …. “there’s MORE?” you said in surprise as you went down the stairs, there was 3 bedrooms and a game room even though you and Justin won’t be playing games… “omg this is our bedroom….Justin can we like live here and forget everything, just me and you” you said even though you knew it would be impossible….. “I wish we can”…. “me too, I wish we can like just be on our own without trouble for at least a while ….. urm what’s the game room for? You’re gonna play NBA2K11 and end up leaving me now?”….. “no babe, this room is just there it came with yacht, plus it can be for mini me …. You hear that Jason I got you a games room me and you are gonna be playing NBA2K11 24/7” Justin laughed, and you playfully hit his arms… “heey, whaat was that for, don’t worry I didn’t leave you out, we have a game room as well…..our one  is this room over there” and pointed at the bedroom…. “well have so much fun babe” he winked and you blushed.

You both went on the upper deck to get some fresh air, it was full moon and stars filled the sky… “Justin this is so beautiful, I wanna stay here forever”…. “baby it’s beautiful because you’re here, without you it would be so gloomy and dull” he turned around and looked straight into your eyes; He reached for your hand brushing the strand of hair off your cheek as it slides ever so lightly past your ear and his thumb rubbs softly caressing your earlobe. His fingers supported the back of your head as he leaned in and firmly yet seductively placed your lips together you can feel him quickly inhale pulling the air from your own lungs with desire, he grabbed on to your waist and slowly pulled your body closer and embraced you holding you tightly against him feeling the race of your hearts as one… your ragged breathing and dancing tongues bring a fiery heat to the cold ocean air. With just the two of you there, the rest of the world disappears. You felt that you were transported into a different world. You kissed until you had to pull away for a breath and a gentle breeze quivers over you. Your breathing comes out in short, desperate gasps and you shiver… “Jess you look cold” Justin said as he took of his leather jacket and put it over you…. “baby lets go inside, its warmer”  you felt this heart melting feeling from inside every time he called you baby or when he says ‘I love you’ you just couldn’t get enough of him.  You both went inside and he put the heating on as you cuddled up in his chest on the couch…. “Justin I love you soo soo much, please don’t ever think of leaving me, I really don’t know what I’d do without you” you said as you lifted your head up from his chest and looked into his eyes…. “I will never ever leave you, no matter what happens I will always be next to you Jess, I will never be able to breathe without you or feel complete without you. My skin hums when I am around you. The rest of the world seems so much duller when you’re not around. The things I love to do are so much better when you do them with me. I love to share your joys and your pain, because it makes you smile more, and your smile is like heaven on earth. When I’m at my darkest, you make me light up. I would sacrifice anything to keep you with me always jess. So how can I possibly ever leave you? You know you mean the world to me. I love you more than anything in this world” he said as he bent his head down and kissed you…… your eyes were welling up with tears, God gave you this amazing guy, he chose you out of millions, you thought back to your entire life, you thought you were unlucky and your life was a disaster when actually you were the luckiest girl on the planet. 

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