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You looked shocked, Caitlin had done a car accident, even though you haven’t met her before but you did feel bad about it… “oh no is she ok?”… “no she isn’t, scooter just told me that she’s in hospital in a horrible state and I’m meant to go see her at least pay a visit, you know she’s still a close friend of mine”…. “yes justin of course you can go and I’ll come with you”…. “mm but Jess it’s better if you stay here, I dunno if she’ll really be happy by seeing you”… you got pissed off, why wouldn’t she be happy, because I’m paying her a visit and making sure it’s ok, why didn’t Justin want you to go, you thought to yourself… “Justin why won’t she be happy? She’s not into you anymore is she?”… “I don’t know, just in case Jess, I don’t want any trouble”…. You didn’t want to start an argument so you just agreed… “ok fine then you can go, I’ll stay here.” You said with a half hearted smile… “thanks for understanding baby, I won’t take long!” he said as he put his jacket on and  gave you a quick kiss and left.

At the hospital ~

Justin arrived at the hospital and immediately he spotted Caitlin’s mum and Christian, He was so happy to see them after about a year of not contacting them…Justin stopped for like 5 minutes scared of how they would meet him… Christian turned his head around… “Justin?” he said in surprise…. Justin paced over to Christian… “heey, I missed you guys so much, sorry I’ve been so busy lately” he said as he gave Christian a brotherly hug… “oh so busy that you can’t even come and visit us at least once, justin you forgot all about us”… Christian said with tears in his eyes…. Justin felt bad, he didn’t have an excuse, he could have at least called them but he didn’t even do that… “Christian im really sorry, do you know the amount of problems I’ve been though?”…. “lets just forget about it Justin, you can’t go back in time and change anything, I thought you were my brother”… Caitlin’s mum interrupted you and asked if you would go inside to see Caitlin because all she had on her tongue was Justin’s name, He didn’t want to tell you that because he knew you’d get upset and that was the reason he didn’t want you to come with him.

Justin crept from behind the door and saw Caitlin laying on the bed with her legs and arms casted, His memories with her immediately came back to him… “Caitlin are you awake” he whispered… “Justin? You came? I was afraid you won’t come”… “how can I not come, you know I’ll always be here for you, we’re still friends”…. “I thought I was gonna die and wont see you”… “well I’m here now” he smiled and held her hands… “Justin why did you leave me, I still love you” she said as tears trailed down her cheeks… Justin was shocked he didn’t know Caitlin still loved him… “It wasn’t working out Caitlin remember, and you’re the one who wanted to end it”…. “no it wasn’t me, you’re the one who went after this Selena Gomez”…. “Caitlin, here isn’t the right place to talk about this, and don’t forget I have a girlfriend who I really love and respect, Its time to move on”….you were disturbed by a knock on the door…. “come in” Justin yelled…. “sorry Mr bieber but, we have to change her cast now, so if it’s possible you can come at another time”…. “yes sure Doctor that’s fine” Justin replied… “Caitlin, I hope you get better soon, I’ll come visit you again” he said as he kissed her forehead.

Christian was still waiting outside for Justin, He took him to the hospital café and they started to chat for about an hour to catch up. Justin felt so bad that he forgot all about them, they were the closest people he’s ever had. He promised Christian that he will make time for them and visit them more often. Meanwhile you were waiting for Justin at the hotel, you wondered what took him so long, suddenly the door opened… “you’re back, I was just wondering why you took so long”…. “I was catching up with Christian, he got so upset that I didn’t ask about them for the past year, and to be honest I hate myself for that, he’s like my brother”…. “awww, well yeah that was pretty mean of you, but I don’t blame you, we’ve gone through a lot those past few month and you were on tour as well, but how is Caitlin?” you asked… “she’s in a terrible state, I didn’t even spend much time with her”… “oh okay, I hope she gets better.” You said with a half hearted smile…. “anyways, come on Jess lets go home, I’m getting bored of hotels”…. “I already packed our stuff, we can leave at any time”… you said as you put your earrings on… “you ninja, I thought I’d still have to pack up” he laughed… “nope you don’t I even sent all the bags down stairs”…. “wow babe I love you, come on then let’s go then” he said as he grabbed you by the waist and you rapped your hands around his waist”…. You checked out and got into the car to head home… “that was the best night we’ve ever had” Justin winked and kissed your hands as he drove off… “oh I forgot to ask you, are we going to LA in 2 weeks?” you said…. “yes Jess, I already booked the tickets remember, and I wanna spend time with mum, so yeah we’re definitely going.”

A week has passed and you haven’t been feeling well. That morning you were having breakfast with Justin and you felt your stomach was upside down, you didn’t eat anything and you had your hands on your heads… “Jess honey, are you ok? You haven’t ate anything since yesterday and you look so pale”….. “I-I don’t know, I feel like I want to throw-..” you didn’t even finish the sentence and you ran to the bathroom, you started throwing up and coughing, Justin ran after you… “omg baby what’s wrong, did you eat anything bad?” he said as he held you up and washed your face… you sat on the floor feeling so weak, you bent over and held your stomach, “I don’t know, I don’t think I’ve eaten anything bad, I eat everything you’ve eaten” you said as you coughed…. “come, I have to get a doctor to see you”… he said as he picked you up and placed you on the bed, he moved your hair from over your face, and held your face with both hands… “omg your temperature is so high, hold on I’m gonna call the doctor” he said as he went to get his phone…

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now