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After Caitlin had ruined your fun, you all tried to enjoy the 15 minutes you had together before she came, but it wasn’t working, Justin was day dreaming looking at the ocean and tracing his hands on the sand, while you had your head leaning on his shoulder and Ryan and Chaz went to get some ice cream…. “Justin what are u day dreaming about” you said as you lifted your head up close to his face…. “nothing baby, just thinking”…. “Justin please forget about it, she aint gonna do anything, lets not ruin our fun, come let’s get up” you said as you lifted yourself up and pulled his hands…. “whaaat, oh c’mon Jesss, now isn’t the time”…. “just come” you laughed… you took him to the shore and you both started messing about in the water, it was nearly sunset so the shore was empty, In those 10 minutes you made him forget about everything, all you wanted was some fun with your boy friend and no-one was gonna stop you from having this fun… “ah, Justin that came in my eye”….. “awww I’m sorry babe, let me see…” he came towards you to see if your eye was ok, but you were more cheeky than that, you immediately splashed him with water…. “omgaash, you’re so cheeky” he said as he ran and grabbed you, he lifted you up and twirled you around, you can feel the warm breeze rush through your hair, his smile was like heaven on earth, you wanted this moment to last forever. You both dropped on the sand, soaking wet, he laid on top of you and gave you a warm gentle passionate kiss… “I will keep loving you until forever, even after I die Jess, you’re everything to me” he said as he looked into your eyes and ran his fingers through your hair…. “I love you so much Justin, I can’t imagine my life without you, my life will be impossible, I would need a miracle to live without you”… you were both interrupted by Chaz and Ryan with a person who you did not want to see their face….. Caitlin of course…. “there you guys are, gosh we’ve been looking for you love birds” Chaz said.

You looked up as you laid on the sand, and all you can see was Caitlin giving you that bitch look of hers, you knew she was pissed off seeing you and Justin together, then why the hell did she come you thought… probably to ruin you and Justin’s fun… “hey Justin aren’t you gonna get up and say hi? Or are you gonna lay next to…. Next to HER all day”…. “hey Caitlin, firstly she’s got a name and that’s Jess, secondly what are you doing here? And it really isn’t you business if I lay next to Jess all day.” Justin got up and gave her a hug, and then let go of her just so he doesn’t embarrass her…. You tried to stay calm and not let her achieve what she wants to, which is to ruin your fun…. So you just sat on the sand and ignored everything…. “is it a crime to come over and spend time with my favourite guys?” Caitlin said as she turned to look at you… “if only certain People weren’t here” she indicated at you…. “no its not but clearly now isn’t the right time or place, I thought Christian was coming too”….“No, He’s got basketball practice this afternoon” she said as she got closer to Justin “I missed you baby” she whispered in his ears and gave him a kiss on the cheeks, right in front of you, Justin slowly pushed her off him…. “urm Caitlin please can you get off me,” by that time you wanted to pull off a ninja and pick her up and throw her in the Ocean, you had a little image in your head of doing that and gave off a small giggle….Justin looked at you awkwardly, like wtf where you giggling about he thought…. “*cough* ANYWAYS guys, can we like get going and find a place where we can all sit down and chill, like actual FRIENDS not ENEMIES.” Ryan said looking so frustrated…. “yes, lets get going then” Justin said as he went over to you and leaned his hand over to get you up… “c’mon babe, lets go” he said as he gave you a kiss… Caitlin was about to blow, but that’s exactly what you wanted.

You and Justin walked hand in hand, while Caitlin walked on the other side of Justin, didn’t she friggin feel awkward, like wtf was her problem…. You both didn’t care that she was even there, well you can tell Justin did a little, and after all she’s one of his closest friends…. “what were u giggling about?” he whispered in your ears… “oh just imagining me as a ninja and throwing the bitch in to the ocean”…. Justin laughed and all you can see was Caitlin’s face going red like a tomato that was about to explode.

You all arrived at the cliff that you were at this morning… Justin sat next to you and held your hands tight. You looked in his eyes, and he looked into yours. He leaned to your ear and whispered ”You’re my favourite girl” and then gave you a kiss. Caitlin looked at both of you, you can see the jealousy in her eyes, she might even have heard what he whispered in your ear, since you can tell from the reaction she had wasn’t normal…She got up and sat next to Justin, like not even 2 inches away. It didn’t bother you very much, but Justin was getting frustrated. You started to talk with Chaz and Ryan. Suddenly you see Caitlin putting her arm around Justin, then giving him a kiss on his cheek AGAIN. You’ve had enough, not because you were jealous, in fact jealousy was the last thing on your mind, but the fact that you can feel how frustrated Justin is and how much he’s not enjoying himself really got on your nerves.

You stood up and you were getting really mad. ”Justin, I’m sorry but I CANT take this, seriously” you yell…. “awww poor jess can’t handle seeing me and Justin together” she said in the most annoying voice ever….. “I think you’ve got it the wrong way round, you mean YOU can’t handle seeing me with justin, if you don’t stop talking bullshit, I will do the honours and kick this fuckin ass of yours” you yelled at her…… “bitch please, he’s lying to you, Justin can never stop loving me and he knows that, the reason he had problems with that bitch Selena was because he still loved me, but at that time he couldn’t get back with me because of personal things that YOU don’t need to know about, all u need to know is that he’s using you to get his mind off me the same as he did with Selena” ….. “fuck off Caitli-”…. “GIRLS, PLEASE JUST STOP, and Caitlin seriously stop talking bullshit” Justin yelled…. “C’mon Jess you wanna leave right?” Justin said as he grabbed your hands and pulled you up… You looked at Caitlin who gave you the biggest grin ever. ”YEAH, like right away!” you say quickly.

 Caitlin stands up and crosses her arms, ”I know you won’t be as happy with her as you could be with me Justin you’ll see, clearly you’re not already, all you’ve been though is trouble, tell me the last time you’ve actually had a nice time with her? But remember when you were with me? There was no trouble, we were the happiest couple Justin, and everyone envied us! Did you forget the amazing nights we had? Remember what you told me? I made you the happie-” ….. “Caitin THATS ENOUGH” Justin cut her off.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now