True Love Comes First - Justin Bieber

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True Love comes first

Chapter 1:

You’ve only been a month in Florida and you’re already moving to Canada. This was the 6th time you move countries. You hated your mum for that. “Why does she only care about herself, she never asks what I want. It’s always been about HER” you thought to yourself. You didn’t want to lose your friends again. You loved the friends you made in Florida and what about Dann, you’ve been dating for a couple of weeks and you couldn’t imagine yourself without him. You just sat on your bed, with your hands over your forehead and started to cry. You hear footsteps on the stairs, “fuck sake what does she want now” u say in a low angry voice. Your mum slowly opens the door, “jess sweetie you know we’re moving next week so can you come and help me pack up.” You were already angry and upset, you just coldn’t take this anymore. “mum, who told u I even wanna fuckin go to Canada, all you care about is yourself and ur fuckin boyfriend. Think about me for a change, what about my friends what about my boyfriend. Its always been about y-“ ur mum cut you off “Jess that’s it we’re moving, there is no choice, now pack your things” she slammed the door behind her. You started to cry even more.

You got up Forgetting about what just happened & looked out the window at the rain outside. Suddenly you hear your phone go off, it was a text from Sophie “I need to speak to you right now, can’t be on the phone. I’m coming now” you just couldn’t speak to anyone right now, you wanted to be alone for a while. “Sophie sorry I can’t talk right now, I’m not in the best mood, I’ll talk to you tomorrow” u replied her text.

It was morning, you woke up to a beautiful sunny day, but you had a feeling it won’t be that beautiful for long, you knew something will happen that will ruin your day. You took the duvet cover off you, u got up went to have a quick shower before you went downstairs for breakfast. You’re mum was still sleeping, so you went quietly downstairs got some cereal and put the TV on, as usual Justin Bieber all over the news. Headlines “Could it be the end of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber?” you weren’t in the mood to watch anything so you just closed the TV and went to get dressed for school. You brushed your long wavy brown hair, it was the most thing you liked about yourself and the fact that you had light blue eyes. You then put on some skinny jeans and a white hoodie, you grabbed your bag and headed downstairs. As you put your converse on, you remembered what Sophie texted you yesterday. You wondered what she wanted to tell you so urgently.

You made your way to the bus stop. As you waited for the bus, you saw a car pass by from far away, it looked like Dann was driving, you couldn’t really make out who it was exactly and there seemed to be a girl in the passenger seat. It looked like they were flirting. You didn’t want to believe it was Dann, “it’s impossible that its Dann, he will never do this to me, I know he loves me” you thought to yourself. The bus came; you got on trying to forget the idea that this might have been Dann and just stared out of the window until you nearly arrived to school.

You were 10 minutes late to school; you went straight to your first class. “Jessica explain why you’re 10 minutes late to class” said you’re maths teacher in an angry tone; You didn’t want to start an argument. “Sorry sir, the bus came quite late” you replied. You took a seat next to Sophie, she looked quite worried not her normal self. You didn’t wanna ask her anything now since you knew you’d get kicked out of class if you spoke, so you just waited until after the lesson.

Class finished and it was already break time. You were curious to ask Sophie what was wrong, so you grabbed her hand and went outside. “Sophie can you explain to me what’s wrong, your text message worried me yesterday, but I honestly wasn’t in the mood to talk” you said in a worried voice. “err, ermm, hmm-“ you cut Sophie off “will you fuckin speak Sophie I’m really getting worried now, and I don’t have all day” you said in an angry voice. “Jess I don’t know how to say this, you’re my best friend and you have to know that Dann is cheating on you, with Camilla.” You stared at her for a while, you felt so weak as if you wanted to just go die, you knew Sophie used to have a crush on Dann, but you didn’t think she’d lie to you like that. You just didn’t want to believe her. “Sophie why are you lying, I know Dann won’t do this, just because u used to have a crush on him, your just jealous, please just fuck off I don’t need this atm” you couldn’t carry on the day like this. You grabbed your stuff and left. You didn’t wanna go home, so you just headed over to the park, you sat on the bench thinking to yourself what if Sophie was right, what if Dann is cheating on me with that bitch Camilla, you gotta admit she is gorgeous and she is the most popular girl in school. Then u remembered what you saw this morning. Your brain was about to explode from all the thoughts. It has been 3 hours sitting in the park; it was getting late, so you decided to go home.

Your laptop was still opened on your desk, you forgot to close it before you left this morning. You saw an email notification “one message from Anonymous” you wondered WTF is this. You opened the email and saw a video attachment. You wondered what the hell it could be, you thought it’s probably those spam emails, but you opened it anyway…… you couldn’t believe your eyes.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now