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Chapter 57:

Weeks have passed since the incident and you and Justin have been busy with school, but he was becoming busier, almost forgetting about you, but you didn’t blame him. He still had time for you but not as much as before. Thank God Jaden was nowhere to be found. After the text he sent you at the hospital you’ve always been worried but he never returned. It was Wednesday and Justin had a basketball tournament the next day, so you went to wait for him after his basketball practice.

You sat on the bench of the bleachers, waiting for him to finish up his basketball practice. You weren’t in the best mood and he gave you that look showing that he knew something was up. He noticed you had a frown smacked across your  face all day. He pursed his lips down to the corners and stopped the orange ball in the palm of his hands. He looked up at Gary who stopped to savor the last breath he currently had and Justin worked him out. He nodded towards him. “That’s enough for today.” He said. Gary shook his head, but collapsed to the floor of the court. He put his thumb up, signaling that he was okay. Justin chuckled and gathered up his things and walked over to you as you were texting Sophie. You didn’t even notice him standing there until after you looked up from your phone.  He sat on the bench below yours and stared deep into her eyes. You sighed and he lifted his head. “Ready to go?” He finally asked. Your mouth dropped a little. Justin stood up and went down to the bottom of the benches. It was cloudy outside. Real chilly too. He looked up to see you slowly follow behind him. It looked like he wanted to hug you and make you  feel better but he didn’t know what was up with you and you didn’t wanna say anything until you got home.

You both arrived home when it got real dark. You both stood in front of the door, quite an awkward moment because it was silent the whole way through. He looked at you but you avoided eye contact with him and he sighed. “You alright Jess?”  He asked. After a minute you finally looked at him and pursed your lips. “No I’m not ‘alright.’” You crossed your arms looking pissed off. He put his stuff down and moved in closer to you. He laid his hands on your arms but you slapped his hands off ….“What is your problem Jess, since basketball practice you’ve been giving me this attitude?!” …. “Oh shut the hell up Justin, you know exactly what the problem is! You’re forgetting about me, I always say ok maybe he’s just busy, but it got to a point where you don’t give me any of your time. You ignore me for your stupid friends or your basketball games. You never show your affection for me anymore. All you do is talk about yourself.  I have to always come to you when I see you after class. And you’re just….just….” …. He looked at you as if you’re talking non sense and he rolled his eyes. “What? What am I?” he scoffed. “An asshole!” you finally spat out…… “Me? And asshole? I go to my friends because your always with your friends who always talk about me behind my back! Remember when I caught Jenny talking about me? plus  my basketball games are just a hobby. Jess I can’t be with you 24/7. I wish I could” he said…….. “Justin I didn’t ask you to be with me 24/7 but at least give me some of your time, you’ve come to a point where you ignore me, why did you change like that? Did school change you?” you asked confused….. “Jess, I talk about my problems because I trust you to listen and comfort me. But you barely give me the time of day! Instead, you take all of your problems and have me solve every one of them. You don’t let me rest till all your problems are solved. I don’t come to you because you’re always with that guy Kyle.  I didn’t want to interrupt your little talks with him because I knew you had other guy friends to talk to. I’m so sorry my actions are so troublesome to you, but they’re the results of your actions! If I am such an asshole, I might as well act like one right now. I’m breaking up with you. I’m obviously not your image of prince charming and you sure as hell aren’t my princess type. Have a nice life. Hopefully a nice guy will come around and show the world who you truly are. You can go to KYLE maybe he’s ur prince charming, and you know what? He probably sent you that love letter weeks ago.” Justin then took his stuff off the ground, opened the door about to slam it behind him but you stepped your foot in front of it…. “what? Justin you’re seriously gonna leave me? you’re gonna let a stupid fight break us apart?” tears built up in your eyes at the thought of Justin leaving you, that’s not what you wanted, you just wanted him to give you attention a bit more like before. Justin turned around and dropped his bag….. he sighed and stepped back in and gave you a warm hug…. “aww Jess, no I won’t leave you, I just want you to realise that, everything doesn’t revolve around you, I will never leave you, I needed you to think about your actions.”…..

He took you inside and you both sat on the sofa… “I really thought you were leaving me, I thought it was impossible like you told me before, but I just wasn’t feeling you beside me and I thought your basket ball games and your friends were more important” you explained…. “well I thought when I ignore you for a while you’ll notice why and maybe change your actions but you still spend time with your bitchy friends more than me and honestly I’ve noticed you talk with Kyle more than me”……. “Justin I only speak to him because he helps me with my important project I told you about and he’s a nice guy but of course I don’t love him, and ok yes I got carried away with my friends, and I admit it was wrong but I just didn’t realise”……. “ok promise me we’ll spend more time together, and give priority to each other” he said giving you a half hearted smile…. “I promise” you smiled back…. “I just don’t want any of these arguments between us again, ok baby?”  he kissed your cheeks and you nodded your head.

“so you wanna have some fun?” he winked… and you blushed. You both went to the bedroom. Justin quickly shut the door behind him and pressed his lips against yours so passionately making you forget any arguments you had. He slowly slipped his hands around your waist and pulled your body toward his warmth. “Are you sure?” he asks you while running his fingertips slowly up your smooth tan legs. You bite  your  lip and push yourself up as he glides his sweet  tongue all around your lips and you smile “I’m guessing that’s a yes” he says as he positions himself on top of you and start to kiss your candy scented neck. You exhale down his bare back and he turns his head towards your lips as you both intertwine your fingers and he uses his other hand to glide up your skirt and slides it off as you squirm a little bit because it tickles you. You slipped his hands up his shirt and pressed your hands against his bare chest.  He put his hands back on your stomach and slowly slid them to your back making his way to your bra strap. He tried to unbuckle it but had trouble so you did it for him. He made his way down to your chest and up to your lips again, it couldn’t have felt better. You slip off his shirt to reveal his sculpted torso and slip your hands up and down his chest tracing to fine lines of his muscles.  You reached down and felt for his belt buckle and unbuttoned it as you slip the belt through the loop and pulled him onto the bed. He pulled off his pants and left on only his boxers.  You pulled off all of yours until you were completely naked….   “For the last time… are you sure?” he asked even though you both haven’t had sex in a while, nearly 6 month now ….“Yes” you whispered “I love you Justin”…. “I love you more baby” he said as he got his bieber on …… you felt a jolt of pain and tried to hold your  scream.  “Are you ok?” Justin said worriedly and stopped. “Yea” you said and tried to relax and forget about the slight pain. . Slowly he moves, gently he pushes, quietly you moan and harder you breathe as the rhythm goes faster. You grabbed on to the bed sheets about to rip them. Eventually it started to feel good. You moaned and grunted with pleasure as he went faster until you reached your climax.  Both panting, you and Justin looked at each other and he dropped breathlessly next to you on the bed and you were speechless…. “God, I love you Jess” he smiled and took you in his arms as you were both wrapped in the bed sheets. You smiled and pecked him as you fell asleep on his chest, having nothing on your mind but him.

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