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Did you just hear what he just said … there was someone else? Or were you just hearing your thoughts out load. You can see Justin coming towards you. Your heart was pounding. Could that someone be you? … you lifted your head up to look at him and had your hands slightly covering your eyes as the sun beat down on you…“Finally its over between us, hopefully she won’t be bothering me again” he said while he looked down on you looking relieved… “how? You’ve been telling her how you felt for like weeks and she won’t give up, why this time? What did you tell her?” you said looking quite confused … “I told her there was someone else… and… this someone … is… you Jess” he sat beside you on the grass, held your hands in your laps and your eyes met. You were speechless, but you can both see how you felt in each others eyes. “Jess I would be the happiest guy on earth to have you” he says while giving you a passionate kiss.  Its felt like you were in another world, you felt like you were swept of your feet, this moment was so special. You erased your entire past in just 5 minutes; you were born into a new life.

It was getting late and you both headed home. “OMG This is your house? Justin it’s huge, for just one person? You gasped. It was like a mansion, 8 bedrooms, a game room, 3 living rooms… “urm Jess it’s me and you now and maybe there will be little Mes and Yous” he smiled and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You blushed. He took you on a house tour and showed you your bedroom. As you entered so slowly you looked around so amazed, he grabbed your hand and jumped on the bed… “so you like it?” he asked with this startling smile of his… “you mean LOVE it? Yes of course” he took your top off slowly and you unbuttoned his shirt and reached down to his trousers, while you ran your hands along his abs you undone his belt and took his trousers off while he slid his hands down your skirt, he started kissing your neck and going up to your mouth. You started to make out….. “Woooaah” he says falling back down on his pillow trying to catch his breath. “I don’t know how you do it” he says and winks… “I guess my skills are superior” you say while popping your imaginary collar. You both laugh and you cuddle up and lean on his chest, you can hear his heart beat as you draw shapes on his chest.

Next morning you woke up before Justin and took a shower, went downstairs to make breakfast. You turned on the TV and you and Justin were all over the news “Justin Leaves Selena for another girl” and suddenly your picture comes up when you were shopping with him. You wondered if this will bother Justin. You didn’t want your face to be all over the news; you wanted to have a normal private life with Justin, but you knew that would be impossible. You decided to ignore anything said on the news and you grabbed the remote and changed the channel. While you were making scrambled eggs, you felt soft hands wrap around your hips and lush lips lowered toward your neck. You leaned your head to the right and you can feel Justin brush his lips over your face.  He pursed his lips on your neck and you turned around “hey there beautiful” he smiled. “You don’t look too happy, didn’t you enjoy last night? he said as he realized you didn’t respond to his kiss. “no no Justin, of course I did, its just-… ok look..” then you turned on the news “I’m causing you trouble aren’t I?” you asked … “no your not, I don’t listen to this crap they can say anything they want. Don’t worry about it, plus it true I left Selena for you, I love you Jess and I want everyone to know” he said while hugging you.

Justin’s phone started to ring. You just wanted to magically make his phone disappear; it was always ringing in the wrong times. He picked up and it was scooter. Justin went outside to speak to him since the signal was weak inside the house. You can see him arguing with scooter through the glass door but you didn’t want to go outside incase he didn’t want you to hear. “Scooter I can’t just leave her, I know I have to go on tour in a week but I can’t leave her” you vaguely heard. You dropped on the chair. This was the most thing you never wanted to hear, How would you live without Justin? You didn’t have anyone else except Justin. As you gathered your thoughts he came in, he saw you looked upset “you heard what we said?” he asked ….. you looked up “y-yes” you hesitated. “Justin are you going to leave me” … “Jess I don’t want to but it’s a difficult choice, I have to go on tour and you have school here and It would be hard if you came with me” he explained… You knew it was hard for both of you, but you had to sacrifice this for his fans and you knew you can’t go with him. You used your brain instead of your heart on this decision and you had no option but to leave Justin go on tour for those 5 months. But you felt insecure you were afraid to lose him. “When are you going?” you said with tears in your eyes… “next week” he said while lifting his head towards you. You sat on the chair and looked on the ground and started to cry. He came sat next to you “Jess please don’t cry, time will pass so fast and I’ll be back as soon as you know it” he smiled trying to comfort you. “Besides you won’t be alone, tomorrow I’m gonna take you to meet Ryan and Chaz, they will always be here for you while I’m away.” He lifted your chin up and hugged you. You smiled trying to wipe your tears from your eyes.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now