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The sun beamed through the window, and you woke up in Justin’s arms, you looked up struggling to open your eyes because the sun half blinded you. You slowly got up and the pain was even worse in your back, you felt broken and weak. You rubbed your eyes as you got up and put your slippers on to go to the toilet. You washed your face, brushed your hair and packed your things to get ready to leave later on today. Justin was still asleep like a baby, you didn’t want him to wake up, so you slowly went outside to get some breakfast from the café… while you walked down the corridor you saw Dr. Swift…“Jess how are you feeling today?”…. “my back is aching, but other than that I feel relieved that last night was over”…. “I will give you some cream and pain killers for your back that will ease the pain, and stay strong” she smiled and left to finish off her work, you carried on and waited for the elevator to take you to the 1st floor. You were still paranoid that Jaden can jump from behind you, as you walked you kept looking behind you like some kind of retard…. “mam you dropped this” a lady from behind you said, you turned around as you looked at her hand… “oh thanks so much”… you went as you took your phone from her.

How can you drop your phone and not realise, you knew its because you had so much in your mind. You looked at the screen and it said a text from Jaden… you didn’t even want to say his name… “wtf does he want now, urghgh he’s meant to be in jail, what if he came out” you started getting paranoid again. You opened the text… “hey baby, don’t think that’s the end, I will come out of jail and I will get you. Love Jaden x”… you shut your phone and thought that this is a night mare that will never end. You just wanted to live happily in peace with Justin, but it didn’t look like it was gonna happen soon. You tried to enjoy every single moment with him but something has to come in the way.

You sat at the table in the café and ordered scrambled egg and coffee, while you waited, you sat at the table at the café and thought really hard and the decisions you have to make. Would Justin be happier without you? Will he finally have some peace without you? You knew Jaden would cause more trouble, maybe you had to sacrifice your love to Justin, for him to live in peace without all that trouble. Maybe you should go back to your old life, but your mum’s dead now, where and who were you gonna go to. The waiter got you your breakfast but by that time, you didn’t want to eat and asked him to take it back…. “thanks, but I don’t want it anymore” you said as you got up and pushed the chair back under the table. You asked the receptionist for a paper and pen… you wrote a letter and went back to Justin’s room, he was still sleeping like an angel… you left the letter on the table next to him and wrote “to my one and only love”… you packed your stuff and kissed him on his cheek as a tear left your eyes and fell on his cheeks you left and slowly closed the door behind you as you gave him a last look. It was raining and you didn’t know where you were going, all you knew was you had to go far away and take your bad luck with you, Justin deserves someone better, and staying with him was just torturing him, you sat under the bus shelter and waited for the bus, tears were stuck in your eyes. You had this hurt feeling in your heart. You were known for making the most stupid mistakes, was this decision stupid too?

At the hospital ~

Justin woke up not finding you in his arms, he slowly got up and rubbed his eyes and his eyes met with the letter, he got up and picked up the letter… “to my one and only love” it read on the front, he was scared to open it, he had a bad feeling about this…he slowly opened it, fearing what was going to be written inside… “Justin, I made so many stupid mistakes in my life, being with you was probably the only right decision I made, but seeing you suffer like this hurts me more and more every day, I can’t handle it anymore, your life would be so much better without me, you deserve someone else, I’ve never been the right girl for any guy, I guess this is my life and I have to deal with it on my own. I had to sacrifice a lot of things in the past and I guess I have to sacrifice my treasure this time, and that’s my love to you. I want you to be happy, I don’t want you to suffer because of me……. I love you Justin with all my heart, and I will love you until the day I die”  by the time Justin finished reading the letter, tears dropped from his eyes on to the paper smudging the ink.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now