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You and Justin looked up at the door, as the door handle moved clockwise… panic attacked your heart, it must be Jaden, no he’s gonna get into a fight with Justin, shit you thought to yourself, “who is it!” You yelled, Justin got up as he had a feeling it was him, “I bet its him, this fuckin asshole” justin said as he pulled the door open. “NOOOO, justin don’t” you screamed, but you were already too late, Justin had opened the door and there stood Jaden with an evil look on his face… “well look who it is, if it isn’t teen sensation Justin Bieber, on his feet, opening the door for me”…. “you say one more word, and I swear it will be your last day on this earth!” Justin threatened him as you sat on the bed about to piss yourself…. “is that a threat now? Now you wouldn’t want to threaten me Justin” Jaden said as he walked towards you …. “I’m here to take Jess back and leave, who told you we broke up, she’s the one who escaped but she’s still mine and no-one can take her away, not even you, you piece of shit”…. Jaden said as he held and squeezed your jaw… “Get the fuck off her” Justin grabbed him from the back and threw him against the wall, you can see the anger on Justin’s face, this was not going to be good. He held his throat against the wall, while Jaden was struggling to take Justin’s hands of him, you panicked even more, If Justin kills him then he’ll go to jail and you’ll never see him again you got up from the bed even though you were in so much pain and you ran to attempt to get Justin off him … “Justin Justin, stop, you’re gonna kill him” you screamed as you tried to get Justin’s hands of but he was so much stronger… “JUSTIN, JUSTIN, STOP IT, UR KILLING HIM, PLEASE STOP”… “STOOOOOOOOOP” you yelled, he finally let go of him, and Jaden tried to catch his breath on the floor…. “u were gonna kill him Justin, wtf”… “Jess look what he’s done to you, you just want me to sit here and just let it go”

As you two were busy arguing, Jaden got up and punched Justin on the arm that he had a surgery on… “how do you like it now mother fucker, feels good isn’t it”…. Justin dropped to the floor and Jaden kept kicking Justin in the side…. “JADEN, STOP IT, PLEASE STOP” you pleaded… “im begging you please leave him, what happened to you? You’re not the Jaden I know” you said as you grabbed his arms from the back… Jaden stopped and turned to you… “What’s wrong with me? Im crazy in love with you Jess, is that a bad thing? Ok, I’ll stop just because I love you, but on one condition”…. “what condition” you asked knowing the worse is still to come… “You sleep with me, just this night”…. “WHAAAT, no way”…. You yelled…. “ok then I’ll just carry on torturing him” he said as he turned around to Justin who laid there in pain that you started to cry at the state he was in…. “NO NO, ok let me think about it, its not an easy decision Jaden, just fuckin stop it”… you replied as tears trailed down your cheeks…”no Jess don’t sleep with that piece of shit”… justin said as he struggled to speak from under his breath…. “why am I even asking, I can sleep with you where ever I want and whenever I want” he said as he reached for your hair, you straight away ran to the door, to call for help, but he was too fast, he grabbed your hair and pushed you on the bed… “NOOOOO…. GET OF MEEE, YOU PSYCHO” you yelled so someone can here you, but all doctors and nurses were probably asleep by now…. Justin couldn’t bear seeing what is happening to you, he tried to get up but he couldn’t from the pain he was in, He didn’t know what to do.

Jaden opened your legs and started touching them up, he slid his hands up your top, and you were about to scream, but he covered your mouth so no-one can here you, you struggled to get him of you as he licked your neck… suddenly you heard a BANG, you see blood draining from his head, and you pushed him off you and you trembled… and all you can see was Justin holding a vase from the other side of the bed, he didn’t have enough energy to stand up for long and he soon dropped to the floor. You were shaking “JUSTIN” you ran to him and helped him up to sit on the bed… you got him some water.. “Justin baby, stay here, while I go get a doctor and the security”… Justin nodded slowly as he tried to catch his breath…

You ran to get help, the hospital was empty, you couldn’t find anyone, what kind of hospital is this you thought to yourself. You ran down to the ground floor to the reception and finally you found the receptionist… “hi, urm, there’s a situation upstairs, a guy attacked me and my boyfriend Justin Bieber, and now Justin is unconscious, and I don’t know what to do, please find me some help, where’s the security?” you said as you tried to catch your breath…. “mam calm down, I will call the security now, what’s your room?”… “202, please be quick”… In about 5 minutes a doctor and the security went up to Justin’s room… they found Jaden laying on the ground and Justin unconscious on the bed. The security took Jaden to the police station, while the doctor made a check up on Justin… “doctor how is he?”… you said as water filled your eyes… “not so good, he’ll have to stay for at least another day” she answered… you sighed… “well is there anything wrong?”… “the cut in his arms opened again, so we have to stitch it up again but that’s not a big deal, what’s serious is that one of his ribs is slightly broken”… you put your hands to your mouth and gasped… “broken? Omg” you sat on the bed and started crying into his hands… “is he gonna be ok?” you asked as you looked up at the doctor… “yes by tomorrow he’ll be fine, don’t worry he’ll be able to go home, but he needs to be taken care off really well, until his arms and ribs heal”… “yes of course I’ll take care of him”

The doctor smiled as she took him to the operation room to stitch his arms again and his ribs… After about an hour, you were half sleeping on the chair waiting for Justin to come out. You were still shaking from what happened, that wasn’t the Jaden you knew, what happened to him, you thought to yourself. Your thoughts were disturbed by the doctor coming in with Justin on a wheel chair; you jumped out of your seat and helped her place him on the bed… “ok he should be fine by tomorrow” the doctor smiled as she left the room… “urm doctor, thanks and can I know where Jaden was taken?”… “They took him to the police station and they should come tomorrow to take your statements”… “ok thank you so much Dr Swift”… you gave her a half hearted smile… “no problem Jess, sleep well, and don’t worry we put security on your room, so no-one can bother you two”…she said as she closed the door behind her.

Silence filled the room, you just wanted to get up and hug Justin so much, but you felt that this was your entire fault again. But then again you didn’t want Justin to kill him cuz that would ruin his life… you had your head in your knees and your hand on your forehead…. Justin suddenly broke the silence… “you probably think it’s your fault aye?… well just to let you know it’s not, it’s not anyone’s fault” you looked up at him and then again, the state he was in was terrible and you started to cry… “baby come here” Justin said as he opened his arm for you to come sit next to him… you got up and went and sat next to him as he took you under his arms… “This happened for a reason baby, now he won’t bother us again”… he smiled as he reassured you… “do you think so?” …. “yes im sure in fact” Justin replied… “can I ask you something”… “you just did” he laughed… “Justin im serious” you laughed as you gave him a slight punch… “how the hell did you manage to get up and break a vase on his head with a broken rib? That’s impossible”… “awww baby, love can make anything possible, I was not going to make him touch even a hair from you, let alone rape you, I would never let this happen, especially if it was happening in front of my eyes”… you looked up into his eyes and he leaned over to give you a passionate kiss. “I love you” he whispered in your ear. You learned something else today, that true Love can make anything possible, and that’s how you knew that what’s between you and Justin was true love.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now