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Justin looked up at you in shock…. “Jess honey are you ok? What did the text say”…. You were speechless you just stared at the ground looking patronized as you dropped yourself on the bed… “jess you’re scaring me” justin said as he went over to pick the phone from the ground he looked at the text and he was patronized too…. “omg Jess I’m so sorry” he said with tears in his eyes, he felt how hurt you were… It was an anonymous text which said that you’re mum was killed and they needed you to come back to Canada…

Justin sat next to you and put his arms around your shoulders, he didn’t know what to say or how to make you feel better. He just wanted to let you feel that he’s there for you. You put you face in your hands and cried… “I never even got to say goodbye, I hate myself for leaving her, even though she didn’t care about me, she was still my mum and I loved her” you cried your eyes out… All Justin can do was comfort you. “Im fuckin gonna kill him… why would this fuckin arsehole kill her, I know it was him. Justin we need to go back to Canada please” you said as you cried even more… “ok baby, I’ll tell Kenny to get everything ready for tomorrow morning” he said as he hugged you tighter… “but this was an anonymous text you don’t even know who sent it, It might not be true Jess… they would have called you”… Justin did have a point but maybe they couldn’t reach you so they sent a text instead you thought to yourself.

You tried calling your mum’s phone hoping your mum would pick up but a rather strange voice answered, It sounded like a deep old man’s voice…. “hello who is this?” … the man asked… “I’m vivian’s daughter, who are you?”… “oh you must be Jess, we’ve been trying to reach you for so long, I’m officer Taylor… Jess we have some bad news for you, your mum passed away 2 days ago, she was found murdered at her house, we would like you to come to Canada as soon as possible so we can ask you some questions”… you couldn’t speak hearing your mum passed away was the worst thing in the world, Justin can see you struggling to speak so he took the phone from you… “hello, I’m Justin Bieber her boy friend, she can’t speak right now, but can you speak to me on behalf of her”…. “oh hi Mr Bieber, I know this is a shock for her, but I just wanted to ask her some questions, so if she can come to Canada as soon as possible”… “yes we were actually leaving tomorrow, so we will be there”…. “ok thank you Mr Bieber, I appreciate your co-operation.” Justin shut the phone and saw you sitting there still crying. You were upset at the fact you haven’t seen her for 5 months and you didn’t even get to say goodbye to her. “babe don’t worry we’re going Canada tomorrow, and that Jake guy will go to jail and get a life sentence”… “Justin I feel so bad, I will never forgive myself” you said as you put your head on his shoulders…

You fell asleep from crying and Justin was still awake worried about you, he just watched you sleep like an angel, “I never want to let her go, I never want to see her hurt” he said to himself. He went downstairs to see if Kenny was still awake… surprisingly he was… “Kenny good you’re awake”… “yes I am, why are you up so late, its 3 am dude”… “yeah, we got some bad news, jess’ mum passed away and we gotta go to Canada today, so can you arrange the plane to take off at like 12 pm”… “omg are you serious man, ok I’ll arrange it for 10 am. How is she now?”… “she’s sleeping after crying her eyes out for 2 hours straight”… “omgosh she doesn’t deserve this” Kenny said looking upset and shocked… “I know, I don’t know why this is all happening to her… well I’m gonna get some sleep now”… justin said as he turned around to go upstairs.

He went in taking his shirt off and went to brush his teeth. He came in and laid next to you as he took you in his arms and played with your hair. You were asleep like a baby, “Jess you’re so beautiful, I never wanna see you get hurt. I love you” he whispered. Eventually Justin went to sleep after having so much on his mind. It was morning but you were both still asleep, since you slept late last night, so Kenny came and knocked on the door to remind you that you were meant to be leaving at 11 am. Justin was startled by the knock on the door, so he got up put his pants on and slightly opened the door… “morning Kenny”…. “morning, dude its 9 am the plane is departing in 2 hours, where’s Jess?”… “oh damn I over slept, Jess is still sleeping, I’ll wake her up now”… Justin said as he wiped his eye…. “ok Im gonna get my stuff ready and wait for you downstairs”… “K cool, we’ll be down in an hour”…. Justin said as he closed the door.

He went to the bathroom to have a shower and then quietly woke you up… “Jess… Jess wake up baby, we don’t wanna be late for the flight”… he whispered… you opened your eyes still half asleep, your eyes were so red from yesterday… “mmm what time is it?” you said half asleep.. “its 9:30, we gotta get ready by 10:30” he said as he helped you get up…. You slowly walked to the bathroom to have a shower while Justin was getting dressed and blow drying his hair. Justin has never seen you so upset before. He hated seeing you like that, he knew he can never cheer you up right now. It was already 10 am and you were still in the shower and Justin already got ready… what was taking you so long he thought. Kenny called Justin and asked him to hurry up… “have some patience Kenny, Jess is still not ready yet, she’s in the showers, we’ll be down in a minute” Justin informed him… As he was packing the rest of his stuff he was wondering why you were taking forever in the shower… “Jess, are you nearly done?” he said as he knocked on the bathroom door… but you weren’t answering…. “Jess, are you theeere??”… you still weren’t answering. Justin got worried all he can hear was the water hitting the surface of the floor, he tried to open the door but it was locked, so he tried to break through, after slamming the door 5 times he finally managed to break it, finding you laying on the floor unconscious…. “OMG JESS”  

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now