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Chapter 46

You jolted up, your eyes filled with terror. “Jess Jess, it’s ok baby I’m here I’m right next to you, it’s just a nightmare.” Justin reassured you… You touched your face to be assured it was only a dream. You had broken out in a cold sweat and were now shaking in fear…. Your throat was dry and you can barely speak, you gulped as you tried to take you breath and broke down into tears… “what’s wrong baby, I’m right here next to you, im perfectly fine, what was that all about?” Justin said as he grabbed you into his chest, cuddled you so tight and rubbed your arms to comfort you….”j-justin I h-had the worst nightmare ever, it was so long and so real” you explained as tears trailed down your cheeks… “im guessing its related with me and Jaden…Jess, you have to stop worrying, this really isn’t good for you, calm down stop crying” he said with a worried tone In his voice… you didn’t say anything, you were scared that this nightmare might come true… you just sat in silence crying your eyes out in Justin’s arms… “omg Jess you’re shaking so much and your temperature is high… I’ll get you something to drink” he said as he got out of bed….. “NOO, Justin stay here please, I don’t wanna be alone” you insisted… “ok baby look no-one’s been in the house ok? Its only 8 am, who could possibly be here? Listen, I’ll call the police station and make sure that this Jaden guy who’s making you go crazy is still in jail ok? But if he is will you promise me to stop being worried?”… you nodded your head and he wiped the tears from your eyes as he grabbed the phone from next to him.

 He dialled the number for the police station and your heart kept beating faster… “hello, this is Justin Bieber, and I just wanted to ask if Jaden,  urmm Jaden…” justin paused for a minute and turned to you as he put his hands over the phone… “what’s his last name?” he asked… your mind was already blocked, let alone remembering his surname, but you managed to remember it… “urm Jaden Earles, yeah his surname is Earles” you replied…. Justin returned back to the phone …. “his name is Jaden Earles, can we make sure that he’s still in Jail? Or did his get released?”…. “one minute Mr Bieber, I’ll check for you, bare with me a minute”…. As you waited for the police officer to give Justin the details you had stopped crying and sat there so nervous, the situation you were in every time you remember the message and the opened gates was pretty nerve racking, you kept rubbing your hands together waiting for the reply…. “yes Mr Bieber, Jaden Earls  will be released in 4 weeks time, is there anything else you wanted? And may I ask why you are eager to know? has there been any problems?”….. “no sir, it’s just that we got a couple of threatening  text messages who we thought might be Jaden, but it’s fine now, thank you for your help” Justin hung up …. “see he’s still in Jail, now can we go back to bed cuz im wiped out”…. “my head is gonna burst, what about the text messages? Who sent them?” you asked looking so confused…. “baby we’ll find out tomorrow, the important thing is that we’re safe and Jaden isn’t in the house” Justin said as he got back under the duvet cover and took you in his arms… “so you’re not gonna worry anymore, and know that you’re always safe with me?” …. You hesitantly nod since u promised him you won’t get worried but there’s a feeling in your chest telling you something isn’t right but you try to block it out.

The sun beamed into the room through the gap in the curtains which forced your eyes to open, you move over expecting to feel Justin’s touch, but all you can feel is the cold silky bed sheets. You glanced at the clock which read 11:32 am “good morning gorgeous” you hear a beautiful voice say which puts a stop to your panic straight away. You looked up and smiled as you saw Justin walking out the bathroom, dripping wet with just a towel wrapped around his waist Now there’s something that turns you on you think to yourself. You look at him from head to toe and bite your lips…”you look so damn sexy when you do that babe but stop perving over me” Justin says laughing which makes you laugh too. “have you calmed down now Jess? No more nightmares? You really freaked the hell out of me early this morning” he said as he dried his hair. You remember that you had to calm down and that you promised him you won’t be worried again as long as he’s with you so you nodded even though you had this strange feeling in your heart that there was still something that wasn’t right… “yeah I guess, your warm hug made me sleep like a baby, I feel safe with you Justin, don’t ever leave me”….. “I’m never gonna leave you, thank God you didn’t have any more nightmares, or seriously I would have gone deaf because of your screaming”…. “well it’s not my fault I love you so much that I get worried sick if anything could happen to you.”

Justin got dressed into some grey tracksuits and lays back on the bed. “so..you still wanna go LA next week?” he says breaking the silence. “is that meant to even be a question? Of course I want to at least I’ll feel safer” …. “oh c’moon Jess, you should feel safe anywhere you go as long as you’re with me”….. “yes I feel safe with you anywhere, I just meant we’ll get away from all this suspense and tension which is getting on every single nerve in my body, it’s like I’m friggin living in a horror movie”…. “our life is like a horror movie? Seriously? I thought u’d say it’s like a fairy tale”….. “oh yeah it’s like a fairy tale as well but only the bad parts in a fairy tale, I wonder if we’re ever gonna have a happy ending”…. “awww Jess, we’ll have the best ever fairy tale with the happiest ending, our love is just like no other love that ever existed, I love you so much, and our baby Jason of course, I wonder how he’s feeling” Justin said as he put his ears on your tummy and you put your hands over his head running your fingers through it….”I hope all this trouble just goes away, I wanna live in peace, just me you and Jason, now.. if you don’t mind.. your kinda squashing me. Someone’s had too many sour patch kids and donuts.” you add trying your hardest not to laugh. He’s just about to play fight with you but then you hear a noise outside.

True Love Comes First - Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now