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Chaz and Ryan panicked… “WTF do you think you’re doing” Ryan said as he pulled you back behind him… You can tell those guys have been drunk like hell and no doubt that they’ve been taking drugs too… “You just didn’t do that, you think you can fuckin get away with that?” the guy said as he punched Ryan on to the wall so hard that he was lifted off the ground… “NOOOOOOOOO” you screamed as Chaz punched the guy back, but there were three off them, Chaz couldn’t take them all down. You didn’t know what to do. Ryan was lying on the ground looking seriously injured and Chaz was trying to fight them. You didn’t want Justin to come, you knew he would get hurt too, you ran to Ryan to see if he was ok, he couldn’t move his back and he looked unconscious. He was trying to say or point out something but you couldn’t exactly make out what he was saying.  You ran to find the security and suddenly you felt hands cover your mouth that dragged you from behind. No one saw anything it was near the entrance and everyone was in their own world inside.

Justin came out and found Ryan on the floor with a first aid kit and Chaz was standing next to him while the security was trying to investigate what happened with him… “W-what happened?” Justin said looking patronized …. “Ryan what the hell happened to you, and Chaz what’s up with your face? Looks like someone rearranged it for you…. And where’s Jess?” Justin had a horrible feeling that something awful happened… “clearly Justin we got beaten up by a bunch of drunken hooligans, a-and Jess…. They took her, I swear we tried to protect her, but there were three of them a-”… “THEY TOOK HER? AND WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?”… he said as he turned around to the security…. “ARE YOU CALLED SECURITY FOR NO REASON?” Justin Yelled… “Why didn’t you call me”… “Justin I think we were too fuckin busy trying to defend her and us, sorry I didn’t find the time to come and call you from whatever shit you were doing, what the hell took you that long” Chaz said sarcastically. It wasn’t the time to argue and Justin had to find you as soon as possible… he left Ryan and Chaz to be taken to hospital and he sped off with his car.

“pick up pick up Kenny” Justin said nervously as he dialled Kenny’s number but he wasn’t answering … “SHIT” Justin yelled as he slammed his hands against the driving wheel… he tried to call you but your phone was out of service… Justin’s phone went off, It was Kenny… “Kenny man, Jess got kidnapped and I’m on my way to the police station, meet me there, I don’t know what to do? I’m so worried” …. “Justin calm down, don’t panic and take care while driving while I come to you ok”… “ok hold on I have another call”… “hello, who is this?” Justin said as he picked the other call …. “If it isn’t Justin Bieber… we have your girlfriend” the voice said, justin automatically knew it was them… “WHAT DO YOU WANT? YOU BETTER NOT LAY YOUR HANDS ON HER, YO-”… “tut tut tut, now you wouldn’t wanna get angry with us cuz we can do the same to her and even more just like we did to your friends”… “ok please Just tell me what do you want so you can leave her, please don’t hurt her” Justin pleaded, he didn’t want to risk anything…. “10 million dollars by the end of this week, no money then no Jess for you and we’ll just get rid of her”… “10 MILLION DOLLARS” Justin gasped on the phone…. “Surely you have this much, Your movie itself made 20 million so don’t play games with me and bring me the money, oh one more thing, you call the police then this knife I’m holding right now goes across her throat”… “ok ok, I’ll get you the money but let me talk to her”… “you got 1 minute”… the guy said as he put the phone on your ears…. “Justin? Don’t give them the money, It’s not worth it Justin”… the guy pulled your hair and smacked you, you screamed from the pain you’re going through and the pain you know Justin is going through… “nooooooo JESSS” Justin yelled with tears in his eyes… “there you heard her, now bring me the money” … “NO, WAIT…” Justin was cut off as the line was dead.

He called Kenny back, to tell him what just happened… “Justin where are you? I’m already at the station, you said you’ll wait outside”… “No Kenny go back meet me at the park in front of the station, I’m 5 minutes away…” Kenny didn’t know why you didn’t want to go to the police but he was clever enough to assume that those thugs wanted money and that they threatened you. It was 1 am by now, and Justin waited for Kenny at the park. “They threatened you didn’t they?” a voice said from behind Justin… “yeah, they want 10 million dollars, that’s so much, but she’s worth more, I can’t lose her”… “we have to tell the police Justin, we can’t just leave them take the money”… “but they said they’ll kill her if they knew we told the police, they probably know you’re with me now too!” … “listen, I will call the police they have no way of finding that out, and I’ll get 10 million dollars ready for you so that you can go give it to them but at that exact point the police will come”… “Kenny you think its that simple?”…. “yes, text me the place they arranged to meet as soon as you find out”… Justin and Kenny sat in the park for about an hour figuring out a plan, they decided to tell the police and give them the money, but get back the money after they have been arrested.

Two days have passed and Justin was worried sick about you, it wasn’t that easy to get the 10 million dollars, he called scooter to get them arranged for him by tomorrow. He couldn’t imagine what they could be doing to you, he waited day and night for a call from them, but they never called. That night Justin was sat in the living room thinking about tomorrow it was the final day for him to give the money and Kenny had told the police which teamed up with them to arrest those thugs. Justin’s phone troubled his thoughts, it was a call from an anonymous number, he assumed it was them, he answered the phone… “Did you get the money?” … “yes tomorrow it will be ready, I swear if I saw a scrat-” Justin was cut off by him… “shhhh now what did we say about getting angry, not good for poor Jess, so STFU and listen”…. tomorrow meet me at the alley next to the club, make sure you have the money”… Justin didn’t even get a chance to say anything and the guy shut in his face, he was scared of tomorrow but at the same time he couldn’t wait to get you back.

He hasn’t slept the entire night. It was finally morning and Scooter has forwarded the 10 million dollars on to his bank account, Kenny went with him to get the money and Justin headed over to the club. He was so nervous and shaking, he waited in the alley way, while Kenny went to the police station since he wasn’t allowed to bring anyone with him…. “Got the money?” a voice said from behind him…. “where’s Jess?” Justin asked so worried this whole plan would go wrong…”go get her from the car” the guy ordered one of his boys… Justin saw him dragging you with duck tape on your mouth, he thanked God they haven’t done anything to you…. “ok now give me the money and I’ll hand her over”… Justin threw the bag of money on the ground under his feet and demanded that he hands you over… He pushed you on to Justin and you fell on your knees, “what the hell is wrong with you, you got your money, you didn’t have to push her” Justin yelled as he picked you up, “omg Jess did they do anything to you?”… You were speechless, all you did was put your face in his chest and cry while he wrapped his hands around you … “you think it’s that easy Bieber, It’s not that simple man, the world would be better without you brain washing those poor girls” he said as he took a gun out of his pants and pulled the trigger.

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