Chapter 13: I'm Back

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Flame POV
"S'up" I yell as I walk into my house. "What are you doing here" Jack asks. "I live here and I told you I'd come back all the time so here I am". "Wow" Jack says smiling as she shakes his head. "W-where's Kendra" Lily asks. "Unpacking" I say matter-of-factually. "Oh". "I'm hungry" I say as walk into the kitchen.

Fred facepalms. "So it's a crime to be hungry" I ask. He nods. "Well consider that another law broken"I say shrugging. "Let's watch a movie" Johnny says brightly. "You sound like Lac" I remark. "Shut up" Lacy says shoving me playfully. "Assault" I yell. She shoves me again. "What is this shove Flame day" I ask.

"Yup" they all say in unison. "Be prepared" Jack says smugly. "You too" I say and dash upstairs. I grab Jack and I's fencing swords. I put on my uniform and grab Jack's. "En Garde" I yell as I toss him his stuff. He runs to the bathroom and comes back out in high uniform,sword in hand. "Allez" he yells and thrusts his sword forward.

I block it with a parry and thrust my sword forward. We start backing towards the door and the doorbell rings. "I got it" Matt yells. "Too late" Maria yells and opens the door. "Hey Kendra". "Hi. "Don't mess up" she yells towards me and Jack. "Shut up"I yell back. She laughs. Jack growls and the doorbell rings. "Oh it's you" Kendra says flatly as she sees Jeff at the door.

"I'm gonna beat you this time" he says. "Good luck with that" I say,smirking a bit. "What are you doing" Jeff asks. "Fencing" Johnny answers. Jack turns around and I hit him in the back. "No fair" he whines. "All's fair in love and war" I say. "Besides you let to guard down" I add. "Let's watch The Hunger Games" Joe says,grinning. I shrug "why not".

Jack gets up and grabs the movie. He tosses it to me and I put it in the DVD player. Fred starts it.

TIME SKIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The movie's almost over. Everyone's almost asleep. Even Fred looks tired. "So you guys are gonna go to bed" he says standing up. "But I'm not tired" I protest. "You're half asleep" he says. "That doesn't mean I'm tired" I state. "Yes it does" "No it doesn't". "You guys sound like 5 year olds" Maria remarks.

"A disgrace to 5 year old kind" Matt says laughing. "Just go to sleep" he tells us. I groan and start walking upstairs. "Thought you weren't tired" Kendra yells upstairs. "I'm not" I yell back. "Just go" Fred yells. "Bi-polar much" I yell back. I walk into my room and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

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