Chapter 30: The Past...

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Flame's P.O.V.
Jeff's shaking me. "What..." I whine and sit up. "Can you tell me about your past now?" he asks, his eyes gleaming. "Why do you even wanna know?" I ask him. "I'm curious," he says. "Curiosity killed the cat," I retort. "Just tell me." he urges. "Fine." I mumble.

I was wandering around in the dark,on a cold rainy night. I was traumatized yet intrigued at the same time. I had just watched my parents die before my own eyes in an alley- a bullet to the head. I was 8 when that happened and I still haven't forgotten it to this day.

"Why does this remind me of Batman?" Jeff interrupts. I ignore him. I chased/stalked the guy who killed them. He didn't notice me and climbed into a cliche abandoned building. I watched him for weeks without him noticing. I silently plotted and planned what I was going to do to him. "Aren't they the same thing?" "I don't know anymore."

It was a dark and stormy night- much like the one when he killed my parents. "That's totally not cliche" he says sarcastically. I dropped directly in front of him. "What the-" is all the came out of his mouth. "Hi" I say brightly. I slowly bring my katana over his throat. His blood curdling scream fills the air.

I laugh and start to stab him hard then quickly pull out. He dies quickly after that. I start laughing hard. I pick up my bloodied katanas and head out towards the forest. Life was pretty good in that forest. I had food,water,and got to use my survival skills for a change. I had just finished fighting a boblikin when a girl and two boys appeared in front of me. "Her, Jack, and Fred?" Jeff asks. I nod.

"What" I ask and leaned against my katana. "We noticed how you fought,you were good" the boys say in unison. "Also we're your long lost brothers" quiff says. "Okay" I say with a shrug. "So I guess we're a team" the girl says. "Whoa, whoa, whoa" I say. "I didn't agree to anything," I say defensively.

I walk off in a huff scoffing the entire way. "I don't need a team" I muttered under my breath. I wander around the forest before finding a cave. I shrug and walk in. I'm running from the cops again- this time they've got guns. I hear a whirring of blades above my head.

Helicopters I think. I run towards the bushes and dive inside of them. I grin when I see a lion and a wolf growling at the cops. I shrug and stab the cops in the head with my katanas. That was the day I met Aslan and Ryan. "Nooo" a sarcastic voice chimes in. "I will stick that knife up your ass." He kept quiet. Let's do a little skip to age ten. I hadn't seen the terrible trio for 2 years. I didn't care really, I just wanted to live my life. "You have a life?" My eye twitched.

I decided to start skipping around the forest like a white girl in a horror movie,going towards the dark part of the forest in the middle of the night. He laughs. "Specific." is all he says. A loud roar shakes the quiet atmosphere of the forest. A giant hurdles itself through the trees, swinging a spiked club. I pull out my katanas just as a pair of sais come sailing at the giant.

They hit it's stomach and I hear someone yelling a "Yes". I roll my eyes and stab the giant's foot. He roars louder as snow and frost start freezing him. I wince at the sound as bones,shadows,and vines and start attacking. I lean against a tree trunk and start watching the show. The giant falls with a deafening boom and dust swirls everywhere. Once the dust clears I glance around me and see eight kids standing there.

Good eight's symmetrical I think with relief. Jeff facepalms. "Well if isn't you three" I say with my trademark eye roll. They sneer at me and I turn to the other five. "Who are you guys" I ask. "Matt,Lily,Lacy,Johnny,Maria, and Joe" they say in unison. "Terrible trio" I ask and turn to them.

"Kendra." Jeff makes a face and I laugh. "Fred and Jack" is my reply. "Flame" I say a bit flatly. "One hell of a child" I add with a laugh. I groan as I hear police sirens in the distance. "Well boys and girls,here we go again" I say as we dash off towards the trees.

Jeff's mouth is wide open. "Close your mouth you'll catch flies" I say with a smirk. "Shut up" he says shoving me into a wall. "Assault" I yell and we laugh. "I will never understand you" he says and ruffles my hair. I duck out of his way and hop out the window. He follows me. God I sound like Kendra. "Where too" Jeff asks. "Back home I guess" I say as we start walking towards the treehouse.

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